For me, it is any city/building construction game like City Skylines, Two Point Hospital, Planet Zoo etc.
Anything with a mechanic where every choice matters and will affect the next 50 hours of gameplay, and where it’s possible to choose wrong. That’s a lot of pressure, and I’d rather someone else deal with that.
Also, anything that’s 100 hours of gameplay and 10 hours of story.
I have absolutely no interest in watching someone else play a video game, excluding short clips of gameplay to get a feel for the mechanics.
I was talking to a friend about a parallel topic yesterday, regarding movies/TV shows about video games. I argued that it’s like watching porn when you can be having sex - I’d much rather be in control than watching an idiot fuck it all up.
In porn, don’t you WANT them to fuck it all up???
“oh no baby, I’m cumming so hard I just sharted on the dog” as the dog starts to bite the guys sack, the camera falls over, she’s screaming and he’s losing a heavy amount of blood, the emergency services arrive and the video ends with their OnlyFans link
And I’m like “…and I paid pornhub for THIS?”
You know for a god dang fact that’s someone’s kink.
Competitive games and broken games (in the se se that there are glitches that can be expolited for fun)
I’ll never be on that level, So i prefer to watch them.
imo you don’t have to be good at those games to still enjoy them. I loved playing counter strike, and I never made it out of the lowest possible rank.
Yeah, i agree. I fact i play Rocket League casually with friend. But seeing people playing in another level it’s like seeing another dimension of the game that always surprises me and i never expect what may happen.
that’s fair and understandable
I typically don’t watch playthrough videos, but I would say games that require more time or skill than I can offer. If the video creator can take a long, challenging game, and make a video of the highlights and random silly things they encountered while cutting out the monotony that happens in between, I’ll enjoy the video.
For example, Elden Ring. I played it for an hour and decided it wasn’t for me, but the kids will watch Elden Ring videos, and I’ll watch with them and learn about and experience that game without wasting my time playing something I don’t enjoy.
Jump scare games, definitely. And survival horror, like that Alien game where you walk around and hide. Yeesh. Stuff like that. Also racing sims.
Walking sims/narrative games. I’m a sucker for gameplay, so games with non-complex gameplay bore the hell out of me
Dwarf fortress, I love to see how and what people build and the emergent chaotic stories when a giant or vampire or whatever shows up.
There are a couple of occasions where I watch someone else playing: when deciding if the game is worth buying (gameplay vs cutscenes) and when I’m stuck in a part of a game I can’t really google.
Any of the 4x/grand strategy type games (e.g., Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Civilization). I don’t really enjoy the menu management of some of those games and the density of information and mechanics is anxiety inducing. However the emergent narrative those games provide really interests me so watching someone else play is the best way to access what I enjoy about those games.
for a bit a few years ago i watched a ton of minecraft experts create very advanced things that i never would’ve been able to. eventually i had seen enough.
You know what I did in minecraft? I dug a hole. Then I dug it downwards. It was like 60x60. Just a square hole. And next to it was a tall tower. I’d get that cobblestone from diging, and used it to build a tower. Then at the top of the tower I built a sky highway using cobblestone roads, and track.
I want actual trains in minecraft. Old timey steam trains. But a minecart and redstone is all I have.
I really enjoy a good narrative roleplay, like Neebscraft’s Subnautica.
…also this thread needs links!!!
I love that they added Neebs and Apsro voice lives to the actual game
I didn’t really grow up playing video games. Never built the muscle memory for controllers, and I don’t really have the time or desire to learn now.
But there are many games with intriguing stories that explore fascinating concepts. Some of them, like Disco Elysium for example, don’t require any skill with a controller, and I would rather play those myself.
As technically easy as Detroit Become Human was, some points like the rooftop chase scene pushed the limits of my capability. So anything that demands more controller skill than that is something I would rather watch than waste my time fumbling around with.
Triple A titles with a story. I don’t have the rig or the patience myself, but I stream some video gameplay on another monitor while I work…
Cities Skylines - because ain’t no way am I getting enough memory for the fluid huge city I want to be flying through. Also, it’s fun to watch design nerds make some really pretty cities.
I really like to watch competitive FPS like CS and Valorant but I’d hate to play them since my jam is turn-based games. Heck I’d even watch competitions of games like Lol or Starcraft but the Jargon is too much for me!