Welp… There goes physical media…
Yep, I’m sure it’ll be gone Verbatim.
Its an old code but it checks out 😅
It’s just one company, it’s not all the Blu-ray production stopping. I think the last time I bought any Sony recordable media was CD-Rs for my MP3 CD player in the mid 00s.
Sony owns the blu-ray format. I’m worried.
They do not own it, they did co-develop it. They’ve never owned it outright.
There’s still the super-DVDs, or whatever they were called.
Why are you worried about Sony owning the blu-ray format?
If they’re decreasing their production, it could mean that physical media is ending. If so, that fucking sucks because you can’t own anything anymore
I always preferred the rips fork Blu rays though. They had the highest quality video and audio and stuff. This sucks so much =(
EDIT: I just read someone else’s comment that although they developed it they don’t own it outright so that makes me feel a little better that hopefully other people can still make them.
How do SSDs and HDDs compare to optical disks in terms of stability in storage? SSD bits can lose charge over time until a lot of 1s read as 0s, right?
SSDs are pretty pricey for video. I use HDDs, mirrored. For some uses I put a SSD caching layer on top to speed up frequent R/W. Using only LVM, no fancy RAID hardware or anything.
After spending all that money and effort to kill HDDVD. 😆
That was 15 years ago.
So here’s how HDDVD can still win…
There is a ton of HD-DVD disc rot today. For a format, it definitely did not hold up to age.
I’ll be sure to buy extras, since it’s clear this is yet another push towards the consumer market not deserving to own their media.
thin laptops and LED Disco Cases killed CD-readers anyways. it’s a shame to loose a cheap way of making media archives, but it is what it is.
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Keep in mind that though this is a blow to the industry, it’s not like optical media is just yet dead. Hell, there are still new releases to DVDs coming out today.
Downgrading from blu-ray to dvd is extremely grim.
Space jam 3! And independent film featuring bugs 🐛 and a 🐇 bunny. The Matrix Housing Crisis… A film featuring Keanu as the one. He doesn’t collect enough retirement money so he’s out there pushing a cart. We saw a preview of him in “the matrix”. That bum in the subway… anyway good movie 😂.
So that they can fully control the fate of digital media for “normal” people. Better not lapse on that subscription or fail to upgrade to the latest Sony TV… “Your” media library might not like that, be a shame if you lost access to those pretty titles you love…
Wow I’m having a hard time believing that Sony of all people would abandon a technology
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Found a small part of the problem.
Physical media is dying because the majority of people think just as short sighted as businesses do. Businesses think in short term thoughts like quarters. They do so because investers want immediate return.
But why would you as a person not want physical media??? I literally bought a George Carlin dvd of one of his HBO specials 2 days ago. It was traded into a local resale shop as “used”. It was brand new, because even though the plastic wrap was gone, the adhesive label at the top was still unbroken. Brand new dvd. $3.
For me, physical media takes up more space. It’s a good thing and a bad thing. It takes up more space which means I need to have more space, but it’s also cool having the boxes and box art etc. Ultimately, as long as I own my media and it’s physically accessible to me (like located on my hard drive), then I am happy with that ownership and don’t have to worry about it being taken away from me. Also, physical media can be damaged which means it’s unusable entirely. With a proper RAID setup and backups, digital media can outlast physical media.
Blu-rays do not actually take up this much space: On a 1TB drive you can store about 10-12 4K movies. You need a backup and you need a second drive for your Raid setup. This takes up quiet a lot of space too.
Besides that: storing the movies on a Raid system is a lot more expensive. If I’d rip all of my blu-rays to a digital copy, I’d need like 12 TB of storage. In a raid setup with backup, that’s quiet expensive!
I meant physical size, not data size. With one computer with multiple 24TB drives, you can store hundreds or thousands of Blu-rays. To have that amount of physical Blu-rays, you would need a massive shelf - or more likely, multiple massive shelves.
True, RAID is more expensive, but it also ensures your data will keep working reliably - and it’s much harder to lose than a small disc. Doubly when you throw backups into the mix.
It’s not that big, the cases are much smaller than DVD cases. Each case is 12-13mm wide, so on a typical shelf, you could fit >60. You can easily make them two or three deep, depending on your shelf.
I just stick them in a box after ripping them to my HDDs.
Sure, but with a full-sized PC tower, you could reasonably fit thousands of Blu-rays. The physical size difference is pretty massive in that comparison.
Sure. I’m just saying storage doesn’t need to be overly burdensome. I just toss mine in a box and stick it in a closet. And if the drives die, you have the disks.
Modern hard drives come in 20 TB or larger. 4K movies don’t need to be anywhere near that big either with modern compression technology.
Which has its own downside, that being the up-front cost.
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It’s very easy to make digital copies of physical media. The resulting copy is likely to be as high quality as you can find, and as portable as any digital copy can be. Pop it in a folder and point Jellyfin at it, and it’s available anywhere.
It’s also the easiest legal way to get a good digital copy.
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You will own nothing and you will be happy.
I’m perfectly fine with storing media on flash drives. Optical disks just adds an unnecessary step between me and enjoying my movies.
Flash loses bits of data without power