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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


    German: Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid aka No Majority For Compassion (No Pity for the Majority)

    American: Kill Mother Fucking Depeche Mode

    Loved them in the 90s through early 2000s when I was in my teens. Including the extended family like PIG, En Esch, and Skold. Last decade and a half have been meh.

    Though I’m pretty sure everybody has fondness for the music they liked from teens through early 20s.

  • This shit pisses me off. Fix our damn healthcare system for fuck sakes.

    We don’t fund the mental health services needed.

    We fuck over chronic pain patients treating them like addicts.

    Many are disabled on both sides. We expect them to fill out paper work with every “I” dotted and “T” crossed. You screw up once? Now you start over. Many places that could offer real help just won’t take state aide because they take forever to pay.

    If you do have a job, even below the poverty line but just enough to have insurance, welcome to ridiculous copays and deductibles.

    It pains me when I’ve seen someone making progress with mental or physical therapy as a path to coping but fall due to one paperwork or appointment mistake withdrawing those services without a safety net.

    They won’t treat the root cause for many by just going single payer and de-privatizing health care. Need something to campaign on to funnel more cash to our military complex.