Videogames, no they’re not a waste of time they’re a huge cultural entity with a grand future.
After meeting your needs for survival, everything else is entertainment
With just how many are out there, how prevalent they are, and how large of an industry they are, they are definitely a huge cultural entity. As for a grand future, that I’m not so sure of if triple AAA titles are to be continuing the trends they are already going down.
Being gay (despite how many times my dad said it was just a phase)
I always suspected people saying being gay is a “phase” are gay or bi themselves. I don’t understand the thinking otherwise.
Son, your love for cock is just a phase. I got over it you will too. Now excuse me while I get on grindr and harass young men with my faceless empty profile.
Hating the rich. Hated them when I was young; hate them even more as a boomer puke.
Oh shit, I’ve stumbled upon the rare good boomer
I’m not ‘good’. However, I’m not a fool, and it’s nothing short of suicidal folly to ignore or embrace those who consider themselves the owners (and harvesters) of mankind.
#ETROBAAT (eat the rich; one bite at a time)
Emo/pop punk. Idgaf the music is banging. Went to the MCR reunion tour and had the time of my mid 30s life.
I’m nearly 50 but I’ll never stop buying band t-shirts. It’s my absolute favourite thing.
Graphic tees make the kind of first impression I want to make. I wear my special interests emblazoned on my torso because I want to meet and talk with people who vibe with them. If you recognize the Aphex Twin logo or Miskatonic University, we’ve already got something in common. It’s that frickin’ simple!
I agree!!! Also I look like a babe in them lol.
Maybe I need a Misk U shirt or pullover
Ooh, I like it
40 and same
I LOVE going to shows and getting a new shirt every time.
I’m male, in my 50’s, and still waiting for that ‘peek at 17’ to stop…
Right? I wish I could turn off my libido like a switch.
Hating kids. Never liked them when I was their age (it was mutual) and still don’t like them. It took ages to find a partner that feels the same. She kinda likes them, for a short time, but doesn’t want to have them, so that’s close enough.
Also, not caring about clothes. Yeah, you need to wear something, way to cold not to, but what… don’t care to much. Jump in store, get jeans (current favorite is a local farmers store brand, cheapest), next store, shirt and sweater, done. Record shopping time for a set that fitted was 15 min for 3 stores and 2 complete sets. Waste of money to have more then 1 set to wear, 1 in the laundry and one drying. (And 1 spare for emergencies, like missing your mouth with coffee when not awake yet)
Don’t want kids, never wanted kids, never will want kids. Did not grow out of it. Did not - as some idiots claimed was inevitable - marry some woman who then demanded kids out of the blue. In fact, did not marry at all. Never wanted that either.
Them: “Eventually you’ll be miserable like me!”
Me: “Why the fuck would I do that?”
I went to visit one of my friends last week and we were having fun playing video games and going to the beach and getting takeout so we decided I’d stay a few days. Because we’re both single childless adults and we can do whatever the fuck we want. Was a great few days.
I was told that after I got out of school I’d understand why it was necessary. I uh, still completely hate American schools and how they’re structured and have no clue why they work the way they do.
Forcible social interaction & increased immunity via spread of germs.
Also they occasionally teach you stuff.
But there are so many better ways it could be done.
The thing is, once you have kids of your own, you’ll understand the #1 reason for schools: state funded daycare so parents can go to work.
I’m never having kids and one of the items on the list (among many, many other higher priority ones) is how miserable the school system is.
Pushing 50 and still pushing on a skateboard
Video games
Not wanting children
Bare bones utilitarian furniture
Living the dream! I spent 10 years of my life skating. Ended up moving to a place with zero areas for skating without commuting an hour, so unfortunately my boards are going to turn into wall art soon.
Never wanting to be in pictures or being outside/active for long periods of time. I will eternally look like a goblin and I don’t have the social battery to deal with long excursions of “doing stuff”. It tops out at maybe 2-4 hours depending and after that my brain basically turns to goo.
Oh and also: wearing all black. It just makes dressing myself not a hassle.
There are certain types of people - extroverts, morning people, sports fans - who assume that they are the correct way a human should be and everyone else is somehow defective.
Hahaha same. Friend and family called me the vampire. 95% of my clothes are black, including socks.
Hating people.
I was told I would understand being a Conservative and become more right wing when I got older.
Still a left wing personality. Still don’t support death to my friends and loved ones. Glad to be in Canada so I don’t have to worry as much… But still have a lot of worries for their safety.
Oh and definitely my love of Halloween.
I was fairly conservative as a teenager (mostly because I was fairly ignorant and my parents were low key conservatives. I bucked the (apparent) trend by moving left. Happily call myself a socialist now.
Pissing people off by having fun doing something the way I want to.
Being depressed about the nature of life.
I cannot exist without something/someone else dying and I’ve always hated that.
In the words of a long dead king, “Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. What do people gain from all the toil at which they toil under the sun? A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever.”
Being depressed about the nature of life is not new and you are not alone in it.
Wanderlust and not wanting to get married and have kids. People said I’d change my tune when my friends started settling down and having kids but they did and I became even more certain. I don’t dislike the kids at all but some of us are just born to be the rowdy uncles.
As for Wanderlust, I have it worse than ever. I just slowly lose my mind until I travel and refill my sanity jar. (I might have actually lost it during the pandemic. When I got the 2nd dose of the vaccine, it was like a brain fog suddenly cleared because I could leave the U.S. again.)
In my mid 30s and I thought it was a 20s thing. But I also see my friends setting down and worrying about extra-curricular activities and other parent drama. And to me, personally, it seems so petty and depressing.
I got to travel a lot last year and will later this year and that feeling of wanting to explore has not gone away.