Conservative-dominated court restores books denounced by officials as ‘pornographic filth’ to school libraries
An appellate court has ruled that Texas cannot ban books from libraries simply because they mention “butt and fart” and other content which some state officials may dislike.
The fifth US circuit court of appeals issued its decision on Thursday in a 76-page majority opinion, which was written by Judge Jacques Wiener Jr and opened with a quote from American poet Walt Whitman: “The dirtiest book in all the world is the expurgated book.”
In its decision, the appellate court declared that “government actors may not remove books from a public library with the intent to deprive patrons of access to ideas with which they disagree”.
And these old farts are complaining about how “soft” today’s youth are? They really need to get their heads out of their butts.
And also tout freedom of speech.
They gonna come for your post next.
I think it says something that one of the books they were trying to ban was Called Themselves the K.K.K: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group by Susan Campbell Bartoletti.
If you look at the books that were banned and take out all the humorous ones about butts and farts, you’re left almost exclusively with books about past conservative atrocities and books about current targets of conservative bigotry.
The people who want to ban these books were too bigoted for the 5th Circuit. They’ll probably try to close the whole library next.
Imagine being all worked up about books mentioning raging obscenities like ‘butt’ and ‘fart’, only to get slapped in the face by Judge ‘Wiener’. 😂
Theyre trying to ban him next
Good. Fuck Butt Fart Texas. Books should not be censored for words. I remember a teacher in maybe 7th grade reading a book outloud with the word fuck in it, and he just said it and kept reading, he.knew the book well. I gained a lot of respect for that teacher and listened to him because I felt like he wasn’t going to censor what he taught us.
The desenting opinion called the court the “library police” for refusing to let the state police the library.
All they know is projection
Get fucked fascists. Exactly never are the ones banning/burning books on the right side of history.
Imagine being that offended by Captain Underpants
These are the same people who tried to get Mr Rogers taken off the air and tried to shut down PBS entirely.
I think the average city-American doesn’t fully appreciate how backwards most of our country really is. As someone who grew up in the rural outskirts I can tell stories of the people and communities and attitudes that would probably be shocking to many people, but there are so many people like this that they have significant power over our land. We have to be a lot better about enforcing education in our country, we need to bring the morons back up out of the dark-ages, because there are a fucking LOT of dark-age imbeciles across the US shaping policy for all of us and most of the time they run unchallenged because everyone just fixates on presidential elections every four years and nothing else.
Sadly they slowly dismantle public education at every turn. I’d be curious to see the uptick in the past 40 years of homeschooling, particularly those doing so for religious reasons.
It’s not the last 40 years, it’s been since Civil Rights legislation and the Brown vs Board decision.
Curious to see the numbers for any time range, just suspected a growth in past few decades.
Take that you butt-hurt fart knockers.
And in 5 years they’ll all be wearing “Make Butt Fart Again” hats.
I haven’t farted in like twenty years. You have no idea how much you start to miss it.
Jesus, I am propelled everywhere I go by farts. Makes the kids laugh so I guess I’ll be alright.
I want that hat. It should be brown.
Now I want nothing more than to parade around in front of a bunch of conservatives in a “Make Butt Fart Again” hat
Republicans are NOT Snowflakes!
Btw, I absolutely ADORE that the acronym for the system used by libraries to weed out old books is MUSTIE 😆❤️
What does MUSTIE stand for? You can’t just leave us hanging! 🤓
Llano County applies the “MUSTIE” factors in weeding books, as recommended by experts in the field, under which a book is evaluated for whether it is (1) “Misleading and/or factually inaccurate,” (2) “Ugly (worn out beyond mending or rebinding),” (3) “Superseded by a new edition or a better source,” (4) “Trivial (of no discernable literary or scientific merit),” (5) “Irrelevant to the needs and interests of the community,” or (6) “Elsewhere (the material may be easily borrowed from another source).”
Every child between the ages of 2 and 10 would find a book with nothing but the words ‘butt’ and ‘fart’ endlessly amusing.
Not even close to the most ridiculous things in books Texas had tried to ban.
Butts make funny noises when you pass gas. Babies laugh at it. They have no idea what’s going on at all 95% of the time, but they get that farts are funny.
I have one question why