Remember when the guy who is pushing this said he’d pay a few billion to end world hunger if they could prove it would, but the lost want itemized enough?
Remember when the guy who is pushing this said he’d pay a few billion to end world hunger if they could prove it would, but the lost want itemized enough?
I think these are what Yahtzee’s category of “dad games” is for
This guy is almost at the end of his life and decided to take the life of someone at the beginning because of something on the other side of the world
My old cat years ago lifted up his little paw… To grab my lip with his claw and split it open trying to pull my mouth shut.
Even with other reasons to consider war, pearl harbor would have been enough for the US to join by itself. Get this, when another nation declares war on you… You are in a war. Now you can talk about what led to that moment, but that moment was war.
There are people here who will tell you that they would trust the Russian government more than their neighbor, if their neighbor ever suggested that industry should be regulated.
Oh my God … he chose arms didn’t he?
I mean, could the devil have actually won and handed him the fiddle as a gift, to confuse him into thinking he wouldn’t burn in hell when he died? That way it comes as a fun surprise
And I’ve barely heard about the other three. It took us barely any time to treat plane crashes as we treat mass shootings.
Absolutely. In 2020 I asked the biggest trump supporter I know if he was better off then or four years ago. It’s not the fairest question, but I knew that then. There’s a lot of circumstances that effect it.
In 2020 he had no job (for years), was living with his mother, and swore he was keeping track of his “debt” with her that totalled in the tens of thousands. In 2016 he had a job, and had his own apartment. He said he was doing better in 2020.
In 2024 he had a higher paying job than he ever had before, and had bought a house. I didn’t ask him the question though. I was pretty sure I knew what he would say. He did say he was glad RFK would make us label our food … As he was drinking a soda that had the ingredients labeled, like most of our food.(Oh or is it the “natural and artificial ingredient” secret recipe crap that’s killing us that you still can see on the label and avoid, and not the high fructose corn syrup with 120 percent your daily allotment?)
I’d say that’s detaching from reality when politics get concerned.
I mean, that’s the real trump derangement syndrome. People who are outside of reality because of their support of the man.
If they are going to punish a news organization for a perceived slight, then every other organization would be scared to report, make the press in fact not free
Oh they never emailed them even when they were loud. I did, but I don’t know if they cared.
I think congress is the actual official in charge of funding allocations.
I believe the word for that is kleptocracy.
I completely agree with what you said about Hitler. In fact, even worse. His stealing of the word socialism for his own purposes did major damage to the concept people had of socialism. Calling a system that exploits workers and laborers socialism, when the whole idea was to put the workers in charge, damages the idea in people’s minds.
I mean the target of one’s fascism is not the same fascism. It’s one that is arbitrarily less “correct”. For example the Slovenian fascists turned on the Germans, and the Germans turned on Vichy as soon as it suited them. My point was being “antagonistic” to fascist groups doesn’t mean you “cannot” be one. It is correct they did turn on their leftmost group after they’d served there purpose. They still (wrongly) called themselves socialist afterwards though. I wonder if anyone else could have done that.
Crassus used to buy burning houses.