I’ll start: a naked guy complaining to his host that there’s less light than advertised.
Video game addiction ironically doesn’t affect the teenager.
This one wins
Captain Picard falls asleep; dreams of some dead people.
You mean: An old starfleet officer needs much time learning the flute.
A boy almost gets murdered for catching a ball.
A collection of poker scenes filmed from different camera angles.
Data ignores a direct order on the advice of his poker hand.
A shit-covered truck floating in space leads to Amelia Earhart.
That’s not even a joke. That’s the actual synopsis.
Picard learns to play the flute.
Crusher plays a flute.
Riker and the boys go to Vegas.
Unironically my favorite TNG episode.
Officers eat Troi cake and Sigmund Freud tells Data to kill everyone.
riker shows a genderqueer person it’s okay to be out and then gets them sent to conversion therapy.
Peple talk past eachother until they don’t.
He said “an” episode, not every episode
The gang visits Sherwood Forest
You mean: An alien really hates a musical instrument.
Han Solo comes on board, and seduces half the female crew members.
Famous warrior bitches about his shitty kid to two naked women in a mud bath.
Abraham Lincoln drops a hard R.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Data listens to a deck of cards.