As an extra to all that’s being said so far, a food safe material doesn’t mean it has a food safe pigment in it. To be honest, if all you’re going to put into the prints are packaged items (say the tea bags) then meh, not much of a big deal IMO.
As an extra to all that’s being said so far, a food safe material doesn’t mean it has a food safe pigment in it. To be honest, if all you’re going to put into the prints are packaged items (say the tea bags) then meh, not much of a big deal IMO.
You might have some polypropylene there. Really strong material! Won’t stick to shit, temperature resistant, chemical resistant, can bend without breaking… never tried it, personally but it’s interesting stuff.
Yep. No artistic skills here, fun shitposts like this one for me are only fueled by some sort of generative AI. In this instance I tried a few different models (initially I got a woman with a red shirt uniform and a bee logo, then a red shirt with yellow and black highlights, a different model gave me a buff, hairy bee in a red shirt uniform… on top of the enterprise, holding a small enterprise in a hand) but had to give up and use Flux even if it’s the most intensive to run. Hardly perfect, but it’s fun and easy to recognize :)
LIDAR sucks, accuracy wise. If you want accuracy, and hate yourself, then you need an iPhone XR/XS because that was the generation with the most accurate FaceID (for whatever reason). Or go photogrammetry, the LIDAR can help but isn’t the main thing there… this is both free and great. With a Mac you can get the data processed faster, or it can be done (paid) via cloud, or with less accuracy and a bit of patience, on device. It’s not going to be a professional solution, but depending on the task it works and chances are the hardware is already there :)
I have a Sovol SV07 Plus, that is the newer version of the SV06 Plus… or in other words, the mechanically identical, but larger, SV06. It’s easy to assemble, it’s bigger than the A1 Mini. Now, you don’t know how big your printer needs to be, until you find out that it’s too small! I found that the 22cm square offered by my old Ender 3 was enough for most things, but it wasn’t enough for everything. I also had a 12cm square with a Monoprice Select Mini Plus V2(the name was the biggest thing lol) and that was quick to become restrictive. Would I suggest the A1 Mini, that has halfway between the two? I don’t know. But at the same time it comes pre assembled (it might not be a concern for you) and easy to use. In short I would recommend the SV07 as that’s the small and less expensive version of what I have, but the SV06 should be mechanically identical so that gives me hope it’ll perform equally well. The downsides are a less than stellar control unit (the hardware inside the touchscreen), a weird as fuck cooling fan that is super loud, and instructions that trick you into believing that the packets of screws are numbered in a meaningful way. Don’t. That said it prints everything with ease, it’s really fast and that fan might be loud, but at the same time works wonders. I love it. Oh! Also. Once I ever so slightly fucked up the Z offset, making it scrape quite thoroughly the build surface: nothing got damaged, build surface included!
Alternatively: Paris is the fastest lover in the universe.
Ahh, thank you. I’ll have a laugh once I’ll get around to watching it :D
This is really confusing me. Is it one of the new series? I’m not yet up to date on them, otherwise I’m really, really drawing a blank here XD
All I can think is “Do you even lift, bro?” and chuckle.
Seconding this. I had a rock solid Ender 3 since 2018 that got a few upgrades (btt 32 bit silent board, geared extruder, abl, couple of printed add ons) but never really needed any maintenance, recently upgraded to a Sovol SV07 Plus (big SV07, mechanically similar to the SV06) and hot damn! It’s a beast. Not only it goes stupid fast, can reach higher temperatures, heats faster… but it’s great out of the box and it prints TPU like nothing. Really, I tested it without changing anything and it worked fine. Downsides are that I got used to Octoprint and it can’t be used here, but Klipper is a decent replacement. Now, the ugly bit about that: it’s running on a really cheap board and an oddly customized os. You don’t notice any of that normally so that’s a plus, HOWEVER if like me you have a Spaghetti Detective/Obico account things change. There’s some copy paste to do via ssh, then the webcam struggles to hit 15 fps and whatever you do DON’T push any update button! Those wrecked everything. Not a fun few hours when I tried to figure out how to fix it.
Anyway the SV06 mentioned by OP is with Marlin rather than Klipper so none of the warnings apply :D
Netflix, in Italy
Took me a while to remember that one weird episode.
I fully expected this to be about Janeway, but alas.
Master, I beg you to reconsider!
When I got my current printer I considered a Mini… thankfully it was too bulky to replace the MonoPrice Select Mini, and I ended up replacing that and the Ender 3 with a Sovol SV07 Plus. Looks like it was a lucky choice!