I hate you for this
I read this quickly and didn’t even realize there were any mistakes until I looked at the comments…
I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. lolJokes on you, even if this was writen normaly I would’ve trouble readng it.
Joke’s on you, I can’t read English anyway.
Pffft, joke’s on you, I read that in less than 1 second
Idk, I read it just fine…
Maybe I have dyslexia 🤔
way, way more than 5 seconds here
I’m semi dyslexic, this is what normal feels like all the time.
Ooooh I’ve been HAD. You got me. This meme stole my ability to read for 5 entire excruciating seconds. Good one.
Isn’t being able to read it the problem? Like, we read it how it was written, so you showed us we can read by writing something incorrectly.
I feel like I was hit with the orb of confusion
MF I read that like 5 times trying to comprehend
That took me too long.
Fool of a Took.
Oh you