What is you purpose right now?
Turning good food into poop.
Thank Mr Skeltal for poop calcium
shitpost of the day
I too function this way! Hello human and/or other animal friend
This image is disturbing… I can’t wait to send it to my kids!
Wim Delvoye for reference. AFAIK it actually works, saw it in a museum once but it wasn’t active at the time.
Thank you, that’s wild!
To seek out the Holy Grail!
Oh, purpose? I thought you meant AAaaaahhhhhh…
To keep my family as happy and healthy as possible, as long as possible.
Have… a good time… all the time…
Trying to figure that out now. Waiting on some epiphany
I’m basically a rainbow colored punching bag waiting to be used by homophobes (and transphobes) who just happened to train for boxing.
My country is filled with these people.
To help defeat aging. Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey.
Shouldn’t we wait just a touch longer for the Boomer phase-out?
Try as much as possible to find a hobby that sticks and brings joy.
Stopin myself from going off the deep end
Trying to beat my brain into submission so I can sleep.
There’s no purpose. Life is a sandbox video game. I play it how I want.
I’m an artist. My only purpose in life is to draw and create
As small of an impact I may have, to make the world a better place. To learn and grow and experience the inevitable pain and hardships along the way. To learn to love and provide for those in need. To serve.