Time magazine called the ex-president’s plans ‘an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world’
Donald Trump has warned that Joe Biden and his family could face multiple criminal prosecutions once he leaves office unless the US supreme court awards Trump immunity in his own legal battles with the criminal justice system.
In a sweeping interview with Time magazine, Trump painted a startling picture of his second term, from how he would wield the justice department to hinting he may let states monitor pregnant women to enforce abortion laws.
Trump made the threat against the Biden family in an interview with Eric Cortellessa of Time, in which he shared the outlines of what the magazine called “an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world”.
Fuck TIME Magazine for giving anyone a platform to make threats against others.
But it’s important that the stuff he says gets documented. If for no other reason than if it all goes downhill, the alien anthropologists can figure out what the hell happened after we exterminate ourselves.
No it’s not. Put this asshole in jail for all his crimes already.
¿Porque no los dos?
Except he can still run for and win the presidency from jail. Clearly still important for anyone who is amazingly still on the fence to know that he ja threatening to do scary shit.
I refuse to believe anyone is still on the fence. There are bigots who support Trump, and there are bigots who support Trump but don’t want to admit they are bigots out loud.
Refusing to believe reality doesn’t make reality go away.
Ironically, refusing to believe reality is something trump supporters are infamous for.
There are the people on the fence about voting for Biden. Given that it’s a two party system, that effectively means that some people are on the fence about whether they want to help Trump win or help him lose.
And I’m saying I think those people are liars. They want Trump to win, but they think admitting that out loud will make them look bad.
I agree, but I don’t think it’s all of them. Some of them genuinely don’t want Trump or Biden to win, and think the right way to be heard democratically is to vote third party or spoil their ballot or something
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It’s the persecution complex that attracts his followers. He must be a danger to the deep state of he’s been accused of breaking so many laws!
And laws don’t mean much to conspiracy nutjobs.
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“If you give me immunity for my crimes, I’ll give you immunity for your crimes. Deal?”
“I haven’t committed any crimes.”
“…”You really just said genocide joe hasn’t committed any crimes? Thats insane
Biden has not committed any crimes. Don’t conflate what Bibi is doing with what Joe is doing. They are not the same person.
Yeah almost like “genocide Joe” is an inane nickname mischaracterizing the situation or something.
Supporting genocide, so I don’t think its a mischaracterization at all.
Sure thing, just like he locked Clinton up. Why does anyone believe the stupid shit this idiot says?
It’s different now though. He didn’t have the power to lock her up. This time around, he’ll have Project 2025 behind him to allow him to do things like that.
He also didn’t have an actual legal case, despite a LOT of digging.
He’s the exact same impotent blowhard. Not even his cronies will change that. He’ll lose interest the minute he’s elected, just like with Clinton.
He might lose interest. His handlers might not. You need to read about Project 2025. It’s what happens if Trump wins.
I know about the boogeyman. Not even Americans are going to sit down and watch this happen.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “Americans won’t let that happen” and then it happens.
These idiots are not going to magically be in the majority over night. How many tough guys write manifestos like that every day? Sorry I’m not scared by some big words by Charlie Kirk.
We have let every step leading up to our current stage happen without meaningful challenge. Why would this momentum stop now?
What momentum? Maga? Didn’t the fat guy lose the election?
Project 2025 is a plan already set in motion. It started when i was a child, and there really has been no real blow against its success.The setback of trump losing the election has not stopped the momentum. You can tell because the loss of rights is happening under the democrats watch. If you response is “well they really could not have stopped it” then the plan is working as intended
He’ll lose interest the minute he’s elected, just like with Clinton.
That’s not what happened. He directly ordered Bill Barr to prosecute Clinton and Bill Barr refused knowing there was no grounds. Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump doesn’t have the power to do this. He literally tried already tried and failed.
Here’s an article where Conway says trump won’t prosecute Clinton from November 2016, few days after the election: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38069585.amp
Bill Barr entered office as trump’s AG in February 2019: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Barr
The guy literally tried to overturn an election he lost. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s just bluster, but at the same time it also wouldn’t surprise me that he is trying to become a tyrant.
Being a tyrant takes energy he just doesn’t have. He’s a tired old man desperately trying to get elected to get out of his legal troubles.
The guy built his entire platform off fooling idiots.
Why would he change now?
If his base was capable of critical thinking they wouldn’t be his base. This is exactly the kind of shit they line up for at rallies to hear.
It’s scare tactics by democrats.
Found the the republican. At least I didn’t say found the Nazi, like you do apparently in you comments.
It’s funny cuz Nazis were right wing.
How on earth do you claim it’s a scare tactic bu Democrats, when we’re talking about what trump literally said he is going to do?
Lmao AlL hAiL tReMp!!one!!
Fucking Republicans.
You’re an anti-american traitor
Lol, fuck America.
Prosecute the Bidens on what grounds? The GOP have been investigating them for a few years now and have admitted they can’t find anything, other than Hunter’s tax evasion or whatever it was.
He’s full of shit and just says whatever the fuck no matter how stupid it is because he loves the uneducated and his followers are certainly that. They believe anything from anyone with an R in front of their name.
Just like Hilary it’s all hot air to rile up his base. Thry bad, I can prove. Except I can’t prove it cause there isn’t any evidence and my supposed witness has no credibility or ever been in the same room.
Hilary did do a crime kinda. Based on the advice of a Repub telling her to have a private instead of government mail server. Then she complied with investigations and ultimately the government declined to prosecute because it was such a nothing issue.
In stark fucking contrast is Donald literally stealing classified documents, storing them in a run-down hotel next to a copy machine that anyone can access, refusing to comply with instructions to return them, lying about everything…
Sorry, not disagreeing at all. It is hot air to rile up the base. And it does rile up the base because they are doublethink clowns.
On the grounds of, “he won the election and I didn’t so he definitely cheated.”
Muh Hunter Biden laptop.
Shush, Marge wants excuses to show off Hunter’s monster hog in public.
What are the odds she’s wanked to the pics?
I would be surprised if she didnt
It’s crazy that this is even a political talking point. I support Biden in this election but I very much want him prosecuted if they have clear evidence of a serious crime he committed.
Yeah they don’t have anything beyond straw grasping
Not he says Biden has “committed many crimes” but won’t say what those crimes are.
That will give you an idea of what he’s going to come up with to charge Biden with. And he’ll make it stick too.
That’s a common way of thinking in people with little to no ethics. They think everyone else is the same, and thus if you dig you’re surely going to find something.
That’s a problem with the Republican Party as a whole and why they’re constantly projecting. “We would have done that, so of course they did.”
If Isreal is found guilty of genocide and they will, Bidens roll would be considered aiding in said genocide and would be guilty under international law.
Found guilty of genocide by whom? The ICC? The U.S. is not a signatory.
And if you think Trump, of all people, would try Biden for being complicit in genocide, you need to pick different mushrooms.
So… Trump wants immunity in order NOT to go to Jail, but if he doesn’t and goes to jail, how will he prosecute Biden? Also, if he gets immunity and somehow becomes president, how is he going to prosecute Biden if Biden also has immunity?
The mental gymnastics he sells his followers would almost qualify as an Olympic event.
Rule for thee but not for mee- the conservative mantra
I keep trying to get people to understand that he’s not smart, he’s just loud and rich… possibly not even both, and if not both, definitely just loud.
Funny to imagine how this story gets recorded and retold in history books. What a fool who was elected by fools. An honest low point for America.
If they have their way there won’t be any history books.
Which US president since Kennedy wasn’t a low point?
Don’t you fucking dare disrespect my boy Carter.
Carter, while apparently an amazing human does have a few bad marks in his presidential history, as I think we can all agree, all world leaders have.
Please don’t elect this guy.
Sincerely Europe
Unfortunately, you don’t really need to address all Americans. It really comes down to the entirely rational people of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania
I remember when Florida used to matter.
North Carolina here, I’m praying for our state to go Blue again, we used to be purple leaning blue, then after Obama we leaned more and more red… and the older folks around here made it no secret that it was indeed about his skintone
They will if we have anything to do with it.
Sincerely (Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Trump Owners et al)
He will just keep shouting as long as people are listening to him.
Luckily those people are becoming fewer and fewer
Time shouldn’t have interviewed him tbh
Nobody should even write about him let alone interview him.
Waaahhh Waaaahh!
Somebody get that little guy a binky.
Spoiled 3 yr old. Spank the little shit
For what?
The president would have immunity in that case.
So he’s betting on Biden to pardon himself first so he can justify doing it too?