In a surprise move, an Illinois judge has removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s ballot based on the 14th Amendment’s so-called “insurrectionist ban.”
The decision is paused, giving Trump a short period of time to appeal.
Wednesday’s unexpected decision comes as a similar anti-Trump challenge from Colorado is pending before the US Supreme Court, which is widely expected to reject arguments that Trump is barred from office.
Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter heavily relied on the prior finding by the Colorado Supreme Court, calling Colorado’s “rationale compelling.”
It is still crazy to me, he is responsible for an insurrection and still gets the option to run for President. Every time I’ve talked about it on twitter some right-winger will bring up it was mostly peaceful and some other event that has nothing to do with anything lol.
This is an important lesson in Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Trump is very much a narcissist). Narcissists use vague and ambiguous language, usually rapid fire, in order to confuse and disorient listeners. The term is called Narcissistic Word Salad. It means that he can rile people up to commit an insurrection while at the same time be legally protected because he never directly commanded January 6ers to do what they did with clear and pointed language. All of his communication is very obviously crafted to manipulate and obfuscate, and it’s how he’s managed to keep his crime empire afloat for decades.
because at no time since this nation was founded was it considered possible for a president of this country to be under the thrall of a hostile foreign power and want to overthrow it.
I dunno. I think that impeachment probably considered this in a time when there were still many who supported the British.
Yup. They clearly thought individuals could be compromised. Their falling was in not considering the possibility that more than half the people leading the 3 branches of the federal government could all be in cahoots.
They thought the self interest of the individual states would keep them independent.
Ah yes absolutely non-violent, the guys going around with cable ties just wanted to do some cable management.
Nothing says “peaceful” like stealing a cops riot shield and using it to bash through a security window, or using bear spray on the cops trying to protect the lawmakers.
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No it’s not. There’s something else we’re supposed to do to traitors.
“You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now”
-Donald Trump, advocating for his own execution
We literally didn’t hang most of the leaders of the Confederacy after the civil war. We just gave them back their land and citizenship. Big mistake
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See modern Germany, agreed. See post WWI for the wrong way to treat the enemy afterwards
Yes but after WW2 we had the Nuremburg trials and the Nazi leaders were hanged. Show compassion to the society as a whole, but the leaders must still be held accountable in these situations.
A conservative is not capable of entering into a negotiation in good faith.
Compassion at the end of the civil war was the wrong move. A conservative will always see compassion as weakness to exploit. They truly are unable to perceive compassion as anything other than a weakness. That is just who they are at their core.
Fun fact, the last person drawing a pension from the Civil War died in 2020.
I agree and I think it’s important to review why that didn’t work, because I think it’s relevant today.
Under normal circumstances, I would agree that compassion is the best course of action. However the Confederacy largely left the union and then went to war over the ability to own people, claiming it was a “right”. There was a whole world doing away with the practice, with abolitionists saying their peace for a long time up until war broke out. And rather than change tact, and do away with the inherently immoral practice of slavery, these guys doubled-down. To me, that’s exactly the kind of situation where you must withhold compassion, because it demonstrates both a track record and a potential future willingness to break the social contract.
A lot of Americans seem to think their civil war was a long time ago. It was pretty recent, it may work out better soon.
Better late than never
We really should have hanged Bobby Lee
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Yep. Should have burned their wealth into the ground and only then let them back in.
I’m glad it’s happening. However, I am almost sure SCOTUS will not allow it no matter what and will find some spurious reason that the 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to Trump.
Also, I wish it wasn’t a state that Trump was pretty much guaranteed to lose anyway. Oh well, I guess it’s a start.
I’m not so sure. SCOTUS knows the confidence of them is at an all time low (18%). Even if Trump was re-elected I don’t think there is more he can offer them. They already have the job. They need confidence back or the states are going to start ignoring them.
Since there are zero concrete consequences for SCOTUS members from having low confidence from the public, they would need to actually care about what the “plebes” think of them for that to make any difference.
SCOTUS caused the civil war this way. You should remain vigilant.
States are going to start ignoring them
Already happening, see Hawaii ruling.
Hey, they’ve got Ethics guidelines now, so they’ve solved whatever trust issues the public may have had, so they don’t need to hear any of this malarkey anymore. It’s full steam ahead for the Christo-nationalist fascist takeover.
Not only has he nothing more to offer them, but he has promised to be a dictator from day one, if reelected. A dictator threatens the power of judges in all courts. That’s not something they should take lightly.
I hope you’re right.
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The business interest thing is definitely a big factor, but I don’t know if it will be enough.
Not to mention that if he is off of any 1 ballot and loses, he has ammunition for another Jan6. If he has a “fair shot” and loses, there is less plausibility and (hopefully) fewer followers in the repeat.
Oh I hadn’t thought of that, goodness you’re right.
States don’t have to obey the supreme court.
The supreme court is a suggestion body more than anything else.
As soon as we stop taking them seriously, they stop having power.
That’s certainly what Alabama thinks and why they won’t draw districts that aren’t racist.
The question is why you’re on their side that state law takes precedence over federal law.
Because federal law isn’t always just.
Look at the war on drugs.
Unjust federal laws means that the South should be allowed to be as racist as they want to be? Really? Plessy vs. Ferguson can just be ignored?
Try looking at things on a case-by-case basis then life will start to make more sense.
After that, look into the concepts of “civil disobedience” and the “social contract.”
Come back when you’ve educated yourself more on the subject matter.
Who decides which SCOTUS cases can be ignored? Because right now, Alabama is ignoring a SCOTUS ruling to stop their racist gerrymandering. No one is able to stop them from doing it. Insulting me will not change the fact that ignoring a SCOTUS ruling is, right now, allowing official state racism to stand. And there has been no civil disobedience enough to stop it.
So, without insulting me- how do you ensure the South doesn’t just ignore Plessy vs. Ferguson?
Federal law has never controlled state elections.
Why do u think scotus has any power over how state elections are run here? Plessy v Ferguson doesn’t even apply here.
Why don’t you just make your own thread to talk about your specific case instead of trying to hijack my comments?
You clearly can’t understand the words being put in front of you, so why would I continue this discussion?
Lol, someone skipped basic civics class
Hoo boy. January 6th-21st 2025 is going to be harrowing in DC should Trump win.
I suspect it will be harrowing when he loses too. It was last time.
At least this time he is not in charge, so it should be a lot harder to try pushing people around to subvert democracy
Hopefully harder to push around government types, I agree. But at the same time, easier to summon and unleash his mob without restraint. At that point, what else can he possibly lose?
All his supporters are gonna get killed, just like last time these dumb fucks started a civil war.
Nazis and fascists need to be eradicated every few decades.
Gonna be the least of your worries unless you live in DC. Look forward to armed take overs at every state capital and military deployments across the country (with help from our great friends in the Russian military), and murdered Democrats on every street corner should Trump win.
It will be worse than that probably
If you truly believe this you should be training with firearms. Go far enough left and you get your guns back
The military owes allegiance to the constitution not the president.
In theory a lot of things should be true.
But you’re talking about a career criminal who committed crimes as president and half the country is going to vote for him to be president again… so tell me you honestly don’t think that it’s going to happen
The military may have its problems but if you talk to anyone in a serious leadership position in the military they’re very clearly tell you that they will support whoever is the person that is freely elected and if that is subverted it is their duty to fix it
There’s some hope, but I suggest we expect the worst and prepare for it. Not because I’m some crazy tinfoil idiot … because of the long trail of “That will never happen”'s that have happened.
I legitimately think your average soldier is generally a higher educated and better critical thinker than the fifty percent of America below the average …
Shipmates I’ve talked to in the Navy, at least, would not obey any such unlawful orders. As an active duty submariner, in accordance with my oath and creed, neither would I.
You think that will only be the case if he wins?
He’s not doing s as well as hoped in primaries. If his base is taking notice, he has little chance with the general populace.
a lot of cry babies we have in America yup no doubt! like Dump
My boy’s getting absolutely SWAMPED with legal action
I think he’s at like $470,000 now for his fraud case
*edit LOL my b dudes $470 MILLION
Do you really want him to be your boy?
Nahh honestly not looking to be bros with someone constantly asking for handouts (or is into NFT’s)
Good, just in time for it to not matter. Glad they’re being so quick about it. Great judicial system.
‘Insurrectionist ban’, also know as the law and order this jackass bloviates about.
When someone still didn’t read what he actually tweeted. I hate this timeline.
One of the reasons SCOTUS won’t let this stand is they don’t want the fracturing of ballots state by state. But that’s actually kind of an interesting proposal to fix Presidential systems.
Parliamentary systems can be better because the power is in the People’s House, you can’t have a Jan 6th in the UK because the Prime Minister is not their own branch of government they are the leader of Parliament.
If there’s a patchwork of ballots, it makes it more likely nobody can get to 270 and it goes to Congress to decide who gets elected. Pretty big change in power structures in Washington if that became the regular way we elect a president.
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“Man, if we just ignore the nazis they are sure to go away.”
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It doesn’t fucking matter, the Supreme Court is going to make all this go away for him.
Demoralized people will try to demoralize others so they feel more confident in their own opinions. Don’t listen to people like this.
Educate, Organize, Act.
I agree with you in general, but education, organization and action will not change the current makeup or ideology of the Supreme Court.
That’s fine. Organizing to vote in November does matter.
Whooping and hollering when a meaningless, soon to be overturned legal decision occurs is false hope and a distraction.
Civil disobedience is making a comeback, thanks in no small part to this illegitimate supreme court.
They don’t have any power, anyways. States do not have to obey supreme court rulings.