Ha, you have 14 upvotes right now, cool coincidence.
Ha, you have 14 upvotes right now, cool coincidence.
Somebody’s thirsty.
And feel so good to remove, mmm.
In cycling? Super duper important.
I use CalTopo, and can make PDFs of the exact area I want and then print custom maps as backups for hiking.
The BBC article doesn’t read as hyperbolic about the incident at all really to me. Seems pretty balanced for what occurred, which would be alarming and unsettling to anyone.
First Huberman and now this, you’re letting me down Stanford!
Where Stalin and Mao?
Can he be any more unlikeable?
He’s quite the looker.
Can someone help a pleb like me know the guy and the number reference? Edit: thanks guys!, I’ll study him :-)
Great, Slavi Ukrainian! Godspeed guys, keep it up!
Super interesting read, thank you for the share.
Yeah that blog post didn’t contain anything damning, just generic level “business could be run a little better”, and “they like AI more” than the blogger dies. Ok, so, and? Whole lotta smoke there without much fire. I still am happy with Kagi from what I read.
Holy hell
I dislike that guy so much.
I’m not usually into moths but that’s a good looking moth.
The demographic of Lemmy skews toward people who aren’t into celebrity worship, probably.