Next time an american speaks about “muh first amendment”, “USA only free speech country in the world” bullshit, show them this
Next time an american speaks about “muh first amendment”, “USA only free speech country in the world” bullshit, show them this
If any of these workers did not vote because they wanted to remain apolitical, they deserve it equally
Aka Russia will never be a superpower. Russia history motto is “and somehow, it got worse”
Not sure, but it’s very ironic coming from “the land of the free”. Every day there is an american coming out in the Internet with the classic “you don’t have freedom of speech”, and then they have to provide a driving licence for a quickie
Absolutely, but its application is not as widespread as someone not into science might think. The only thing it might actually impact the average Joe is cryptography I think
It also can solve only a limited set of problems. People is under the impression that they can suddenly game at 10k full path ray tracing if they have a quantum cpu, while in reality for 99.9% of the problem is only as fast as normal cpus
Tech is basically trying to push up the stocks one hype idea after another. Social media bubble about to burst? AI! AI about to burst? Quantum! I’m sure that when people will start realizing quantum computing is another smokescreen, a new moronic idea will start to gain steam from all those LinkedIn “luminaries”
The own supreme Court, presidency, Congress and Senate majority. Which check and which balance do you prefer?
China is as a bad faith actor if not worse than the US. And that’s saying something. Moreover, they are threatening another democracy (Taiwan) while being a dictatorship. What would be the EU stance in case of aggression? Ukraine being invaded is bad, but Taiwan is fine? That would be hypocrisy at it’s worst
Even better, South Korea
Considering this is the result of Russia influence on us election, Europe should actually double down and fuck raw Putin in the ass
Sure, the cop is shielded, and will not pay a penny. The taxpayers on the other hand…
Yes, religion is a powerful tool to justify all kind of inhumanities
They looked at Auschwitz, realized that zirkon B was too expensive, and decided that Malaria and Dysentery can do it for cheaper.
Didn’t some morons vote for trump literally because of the egg prices?
You block the DNS ups as well I think. Browsers should have more than one DNS address anyway in case one go down
I think this ship might pay itself, if you consider it’s full of oil
So as long as the genocide is far away, is completely acceptable for its employees to work there?
If you live with an abusive spouse, but the house is literally build in an island surrounded by lava, A. Maybe your bargaining position is not that good.
B. Maybe, even if it’s super shitty to live with the abusive, its still better that swim in lava, so you bite the bullet and wait the lava cool down
Property taxes on your first house should not be steep. On your other houses on the other hand…