[Disclaimer] - I am not an American and I consider myself atheist, I am Caucasian and born in a pre-dominantly Christian country.

Based on my limited knowledge of Christianity, it is all about social justice, compassion and peace.

And I was always wondering how come Republicans are perceiving themselves as devout Christians while the political party they support is openly opposing those virtues and if this doesn’t make them hypocrites?

For them the mortal enemy are the lefties who are all about social justice, helping the vulnerable and the not so fortunate and peace.

Christianity sounds to me a lot more like socialist utopia.

  • ballskicker@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    There’s a real cognitive dissonance there. Their version of Christianity takes a back seat to politics because they’ve been told all these visions of grandeur about how “Jesus is coming back” and how they are the “sheep” and all those godless liberals are the "goats. They’ve been trained to look for reasons to feel persecuted even if they don’t come directly out and say it, even if they don’t realize it themselves. There’s a real “us vs. them” mentality in a lot of those types of churches and they’ll gladly go rub one out to stuff like where Jesus said to his disciples in one of the gospels that if people aren’t for him then they’re against him. Nevermind that one of the other gospels says the opposite. A lot of Christians I’ve come across just have this persecution fetish where any slight inconvenience or call for accountability from pretty much anyone (because their church won’t take them to task over things) turns into a ‘righteous’ cry to their lord about how the godless Philistines around them are normalizing oppression and sodomy and trans rights or whatever and these holy little Christian’s are the only beacon of hope in society even though they insist on treating anyone who isn’t like them like absolute garbage. I’m not a social scientist or anything like that, hopefully people smarter than me chime in. But conservatives treat equity in a community like a zero sum game, you know? If poor people are given a hand up by the government then it’s interpreted by these (at best) middle class Christians as an affront to their hard earned money. They worked for their income but “these filthy poors just get handouts at MY expense?” You can tell by their actions that they have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus regardless of how they try to present themselves. They’re full of crap and they deserve to be treated as such.

    Source: Grew up in a very conservative farming community, did all the church stuff, then moved away and found myself.

    Also, I know I abused quotation marks but my bad on any grammar or spelling errors or general incoherence. I treated myself to vodka for dinner.

    • mr_robot@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I enjoyed your vodka-fueled walk of text. I’ve had a lot of the same observations of religious people in my state.

    • leftzero@lemmynsfw.com
      1 year ago

      they are the “sheep” and all those godless liberals are the “goats”

      How is that supposed to be a good thing…? Goats are way smarter than sheep, make better cheese, and can eat almost anything and climb trees and almost vertical surfaces!

  • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    The gambit of American Christianity is just the wildest snarled mess of hair splitting bullshit one can hope to theologically take seriously (there are actual church splits over folding chairs vs pews).

    “BROADLY” you can understand American Christianity as being one of two flavors, what you’re observing is Evangelical Christianity, which emphasizes a “born again” experience and a “personal relationship with God”, basically they all but come right out and say that they believe what’s convenient to their already existing worldviews because these are the Christians that derive from trying to preach a religion that holds the story of Exodus as a core myth to slave oligarchs and also to their slaves.

    The other flavor of American Christianity is “Mainline Christianity”, this is not to mean mainstream, Mainline refers to how these are the denominations that found the most traction along rail towns. This is the group of denominations closest to what you consider to be what Christianity is meant to be, and they’re currently having severe retention issues because the evangelicals are making the mainliners’ younger members disgusted with Christianity altogether.

    • DontRedditMyLemmy@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      This is interesting, but I don’t think it attempts to answer the question. I think there’s a correlation between people that can so passionately believe in a obvious bullshit, whether it be the Bible or Reaganomics/MAGA.

      • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        I mean if you’re looking for a nature answer you’re probably not gonna find it with me.

        I don’t trust these people, I believe they wish harm on me, but I don’t believe in the slightest that there’s a facet to them as a fact of their biology or anything else of that unchangeable nature that makes them into these zealous lunatics.

        A toxic community will begin to warp even the most innocent souls into something far more vile and ugly, and these places and churches have been incestuously reinforcing toxicity for hundreds of years now.

        • sloppy_diffuser@sh.itjust.works
          1 year ago

          Grew up in a religious household with 8 years of private school operated by a religious institution in the states.

          Never really believed and went full atheist around 13 years old.

          Good feelings about something not on the bad list (usually something sexual) they take as a message from god. In other words, if they want something that benefits them, those feelings are used to justify their shit behavior because its some divine touch making them feel that way.

          At least that’s been my experience. I wouldn’t trust them either.

  • TheOneCurly@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Abortion and the “southern strategy”.

    Abortion access has been used for 60ish years as a wedge issue to drive religious people to the right wing party.

  • splonglo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I think the question is backwards. I think Republicans market themselves as being the ‘christian’ party because they rely heavily on religious and emotional arguments to support their positions ( because they’re wrong )

    • madcaesar@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      To add to this, religious people are told from an early age to be credulous and believe in top down authority and not to question authority.

      These “values” line up perfectly with authoritarians/assholes.

      This is not just a Christian / Republican problem. Throughout history, authoritarians and religion have walked hand in hand.

  • TheMurphy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Funny thing, Jesus was the biggest socialist world wide. He only lost his shit for real 2 times in the bible and both were because of capitalists.

    Pretty ironic for the good 'ol Republicans. Evil fuckers.

  • ilinamorato@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    As an American Christian who was a Republican as a stupid teenager, I will confirm that your description of Christianity (social justice, compassion and peace) is correct. There are a couple of factors that lead to it being the cudgel they’ve chosen:

    • In the early 20th century, there was a fringe Christian belief called “dispensationalism” that gained power because southerners who had been solidly defeated in the Civil War thought that their defeat and the subsequent emergence of some tiny modicum of civil rights for Black people represented the end times; and the very faithful in the South pivoted from avoiding politics into being active in politics.

    • In the 1970s and 1980s, a group of Republicans realized that they could use the Christian base in America to gain more power; so they created the myth of a “Christian nation” and set up Ronald Reagan as the “Christian candidate” against Jimmy Carter (who actually was a Christian, ironically).

    • Republicans, as nominal conservatives, are trying to capitalize on an illusion of “restoring a lost America”—one which never existed in reality, but which has a strong nostalgia factor as a result of its presence in movies and TV shows set in the 1950s. It’s very enticing for baby boomers, who were very young during that time and thus have rose-colored glasses for it. This illusion includes Christianity as a cornerstone.

    In short, Republicans warped the religion into something they could use to exert power. Something that evil people have been doing for 2,000 years (see also: the crusades).

    If you’re interested in further reading about the topic, I recommend Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez.

  • kromem@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Christianity sounds to me a lot more like socialist utopia.

    A lot of atheists end up with that impression, maybe from unfamiliarity. That Jesus was just a dope socialist who loved everyone.

    But the religion has been absolutely shitty for pretty much as soon as he was dead (at least).

    For example, the other day I saw someone cite Acts 4 as an example of how Christianity was a commune, where people pooled their assets.

    It conveniently left out the part where Peter had an older couple who didn’t pay him everything they owned who were both struck dead after meeting privately and being confronted (allegedly killed by God). Which was a reference back to the book of Joshua where a guy kept some loot for himself and was outed and killed.

    Women were told to be silent and subservient (in spite of ‘heretical’ sects and texts of Christianity where Jesus was instructing female disciples and they were acting as teachers - ironically the only extant sect that claimed Jesus was talking about Greek atomism and naturalism was one of these).

    The religion was canonized right after the emperor of Rome converted, so guess what was canonized? A bunch of shit about how patriarchal monarchy is the divine plan. The saying attributed to Jesus about how someone who succeeded in life should rule and should only hold power temporarily obviously gets excluded and eventually the collection of sayings is punishable by death for even possessing it.

    Even a lot of that stuff about “blessed is the poor” was probably from Paul who was separating fools from their money. Originally there’s sayings about how those ministering shouldn’t collect money, but this gets straight up reversed in a later edition of Luke and you can see Paul in 1 Cor 9 arguing that he is entitled to make a living off ministering and encouraging donations “for the poor in Jerusalem.” But then elsewhere we see Paul was accepting expensive fragrant offerings from people. But that’s ok, as then in the gospels you see Jesus keeps an expensive fragrant offering and yells at the people who criticize him for not selling it and giving the proceeds to the poor.

    It’s a bunch of feel good BS to con people out of their money. I don’t think it was always that from the very start, and probably even had some interesting things going on initially, but almost immediately after Jesus is out of the picture the errant early tradition gets morphed into a traditional cult where power and wealth consolidates at the top and it preaches subservience and obedience and self-hatred so you beg for the idea of salvation and trade all that you have for a promise the people you turn everything over to can’t fulfill.

    So why would a group that wants power and wealth concentrated and to destroy democracy in favor of patriarchal authoritarianism be attractive to Christians? Because they’ve been being fattened up for that slaughter going on near two thousand years at this point.

  • ghostdoggtv@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Right wing Christianity is aesthetically and morally performative and in practical terms, absolutely fascist. The term “bleeding heart” as in the politically perjorative “bleeding heart liberal” is a reference to the image of the crown of thorns on the heart of Christ.

    You’re talking about a group of people who intend to use the second amendment to destroy the first. Study the Crusades and you’ll see history repeating itself.

  • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Conservativism is not an ideology, it is narcissism wearing the skin of a stoic. They believe they are inherently virtuous, and therefore anything the conservative thinks, does, says, or wants will be righteous.

    Christianity feeds this by reinforcing the idea that the conservative is personal friends with the Almighty Creator of the Universe and Final Arbiter of Absolute Justice. They claim to speak for the divine, and therefore they are divine.

    This is all the justification a conservative requires for whatever they want to do. Bigotry? No, God is the one passing judgement. Selfishness? No, it is God’s plan for me to hoard wealth. Violence? My arm is the right arm of the Lord. And when I sin, I shall be personally forgiven by the only person who matters: myself.

    It is not possible to be a hypocrite, because whatever the conservative does is justified by their identity. When they do something, it is good, and when they do not adhere to their own stated ideology, it is good. When the “other” does anything, it is bad because the other is not the self and the self is good. So therefore the other is evil.

    When the other does the same thing as the self, it is bad when the other does it and good when the self does it.

    You don’t have to be religious to be a conservative, but it helps.

  • Lemmeenym@lemm.ee
    1 year ago



    You probably don’t want to read all that so here’s a what I think is the important take away as far as your question is concerned. American Christians have always been a bit different from the mainstream religion elsewhere. The largest Christian group to come to America in the early colonial period were called the Puritans. They believed that the English Reformation did not go far enough. They were staunchly anti-Catholic and were very upset that the Church of England had adopted so much theology and tradition from the Catholic Church.

    The Puritans believed that the Bible is the complete revelation of God rejecting the papacy, the concept of continuing revelations, and the related concept of the Divine Right of Kings. They believed that individuals forged their own covenant with God and that their belief and acceptance was all that in required for their salvation. That sin is so pervasive in our corrupt world that it was unavoidable, no person can be “good” or worthy of salvation and so salvation is only available through God’s mercy. They believed that it was their role as Christians to fight against the corruption of the world by spreading their theology and enforcing their concepts of sin and redemption on each other and on the greater community. The narrative is that they fled Europe to avoid religious persecution. The persecution that they faced was that they were not allowed to make laws banning things like alcohol or “revealing” clothing that they considered sinful or forcing people to go to their churches.

    They adopted most of there theology from a reformist movement called Calvinism that sought to expand the Protestant Reformation further stripping away the power of the clergy and empower believers to enforce theology. Calvinists adopted an extremely socially conservative interpretation of the Bible and supported strict adherence to their moral ideology and severe punishment for violations of their concept of morality.

    The modern Christian movements that trace themselves back to that foundation are still the largest Christian groups in the US. In the 1960’s the Republican party began the “Southern Strategy” which was shift of political focus to conservative social issues and attacking secular institutions. Republicans used this strategy to unite the philosophical descendants of the Puritans under a political ideology that is strongly focused on conservative social issues and on pushing their concepts of religion and morality into all aspects of society enforcing adherence through government.


    Prosperity theology is a newer theological concept that was popularized by Oral Roberts, has been embraced by the Republican party, and allowed the rise of the megachurch and celebrity preachers. Basically Prosperity theology gives an answer to the question of how you know that that someone is “living right” and a solution to the problem of evil. You know that someone is “living right” because God rewards their righteousness with material wealth. Evil exists as a punishment for the corruption of the secular world. Bad things primarily happens to the unholy but evil spills over to the righteous because secular corruption is so pervasive as to make sin unavoidable in our fallen world. Poverty is the primary form of punishment God visits upon the unholy.

    You say you are from a predominantly Christian country so I assume that you are sufficiently familiar with the Gospels to recognize that this is a significant departure from the teachings of Jesus as presented in the Bible. I dare say that the departure is significant enough to be called an outright rejection of the teachings of the purported source of their morality and salvation.

  • mods_are_assholes@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    They’re not, in fact the typical conservative ‘Christian’ despises what Jesus taught: Care for the poor and sick, and hospitality to the stranger in your land.

    Christianity, at its heart, is incredibly socialist and the first ‘churches’ after Jesus’s crucifixion operated a lot like communes, with shared group meals and living communally.

    I’m not entertaining any ‘no true scotsman’ replies today, that will just get you blocked.

    If you say you are vegan and eat meat, you are not vegan.

    If you say you are Christian and despise the poor, the sick, and the foreigner, you are not Christian.

  • cygon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I think the main principle behind it is what conservatives call “virtue signaling” - associating with things that make them appear pious, strong or respectable to signal to others how virtuous they themselves are.

    • Running around with “God Wins” flags and spouting bible quotes online both gives them an edge in discussion (in the “if you disagree with me you’re going against god” sense) and makes them appear pious
    • Similarly, carrying around guns and posting pictures of their guns and tacticool gear is an attempt to appear strong and dangerous
    • Same with flags or flag-themed clothes, calling themselves patriots and so on once again hits into the same notch.

    From my PoV your observation seems spot on. A good portion of Amerca’s religious community these days is just appropriating religion for the respect and authority it brings while practicing almost none of its virtues.

    I think, as a big picture view, any religion is very prone to drift. If you demand utter reverence and obedience to a god that is at the same time also the weakest possible being (one that doesn’t exist), you get a plaything that stands for everything and for nothing - aka whatever the general mood of the population wants or what those who are most adept at assuming its authority want it to be.

    Consider “Prosperity Theology,,” popular in Nigeria, for example, where an entire subculture has assumed the belief that the god from Christianity rewards the pious with material wealth, thus, the richer one is, the more faithful and holier they must be.

  • Postreader2814@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I wouldn’t call their brand of Christianity, Christian. They’re idolators, they worship Trump, money, and guns. The praying to God is just a smokescreen.