• littlecolt@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I worked for 12 years in a fraud control department.

    This guy’s a fraudster. Your mom is being scammed.

  • NeoNachtwaechter@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This story is so full of red flags of internet scam. Let me emphasize: Well-known red flags.

    🚩🚩🚩 He is a scammer.

    🚩🚩🚩 He is a scammer.

    🚩🚩🚩 He is a scammer.

    My suggestion is: Make her suspicious. Make her google for all these well-known schemes. She needs to read about it herself, because she won’t listen to you. Or maybe hear these stories on YouTube from the people who have fallen before.

  • Porto881@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I hate to say it but yes, your mom sounds like she’s gotten a bit too attached to this guy. Sounds like a common online scammer. Has she given him any money? Let me guess, he’s probably told her he just needs a little bit of money for a plane ticket and they can be together

    • account abandoned@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      No no no, nothing like that. He is not asking for anything himself. My mother has sent him a couple of times a few dozen dollars supposedly of her own free will, which he didn’t ask for, and he is said to be very grateful for them. He even sends her proof of purchases of what he buys with that money comparing prices and choosing the cheapest products (because the country he lives in is poor).

      • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Until you said he sent her proof of purchase, etc, i was on the side of ‘maybe not a scammer,’ but once you said that, the alarm bells started ringing again.

        Dont trust this person. His story is likely fabricated and tailored to pull at your mums heart strings. He is manipulating her. What you need is picture evidence of who this person is. Or better a video call. That will prove he is at least who he has described himself as.

  • EdibleFriend@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    A man she has never met, online interaction only, being put in the bedroom of her teenage son?

    All I can really say to that is ‘bro…’

  • psycho_driver@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I had a similar situation except I was the dude (but 30 at the time) and I banged the crap outta my version of your mom for a week straight when I went to visit her.

  • BabyWah@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    He’s grooming your mom and now your mom is ‘grooming’/readying her entire family, so he can run away from his situation in his home country and start again. The question is this: why is he running away? He has a roof over his head, he’s an adult, his aunt is forcing him to study so he can get a decent job?

    Sorry this is ridiculous, he just thinks he wants an easier life and sees your mom as a way to get it. If he gets into your home, he won’t be getting a job, he’ll be playing games all day and eating food and doing nothing. Because that’s what he wants, to be taken care of.

    I’m all for giving people opportunities, but this guy has no plan, beyond living with your mom. Also, again, he’s not a ‘kid.’ He’s an adult, let him figure things out for himself, or else he’ll always look for the easiest solutions and be a major problem for your family. Yes, he’s scamming your mom. Show her alle these responses and tell her to grow up and protect her kids lika an adult should do.

  • Contramuffin@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I would be generally concerned. There are scam operations that are almost exactly like what you described. Scams nowadays aren’t quick - some of them take months to set up, and the scammer talks to the victim (often a middle-aged lady) for weeks to months before they start asking for money. It’s unfortunate the world is like this, but sometimes you have to be callous to other people to protect yourself. I don’t know what I would do in that situation.

    • intensely_human@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Also if you have highly agreeable people in your life and you’re less agreeable, you need to step in and help protect them from being manipulated.

  • jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This can NOT happen, the risk is too big and people could get hurt. Your Mom has allowed this to escalate too far, too fast and can’t see the danger she is inviting.

    Your Mom isn’t ‘mad’ but she is definitely being reckless and while trying to help someone else that she thinks needs her, she is forgetting about her family that need her. She doesn’t know everything she needs to know to be sure this is a safe idea and she doesn’t have the resources or ability to find out. Just getting to know someone over the internet is NOT enough and it IS possible to be deceived even when you think you know the person well. That’s how online scammers work, they have to be convincing or people would not give them anything.

    Even if they are telling the truth, the amount of help they’re going to need and the long term commitment could be a disaster for you all. This person will be completely dependent on your family while in your country and they may have all kinds of complicated needs having come from a difficult home in a very different country, and with potential immigration questions. Offering to help someone with those kinds of needs is not a good thing to do if you are not truly in a position to offer that much help. Already your Mom can’t even offer them a place to stay without making promises on someone else’s behalf (yours), can she really offer what will likely be years and years of emotional, legal and financial support to a stranger without compromising her responsibilities to her family? When you speak to your mother about this, you need to remind her that YOU are her first responsibility and you are the one being put at risk most of all. You mentioned siblings, I’d be worried about them too. Are they minors? This is just such a bad idea.

    You should speak to your father and find out if he is really okay with this like your Mom says? It sounds possible that like you, he didn’t think it would do any harm for your mother to comfort this person online and now it’s getting out of control and he doesn’t want to upset her or doesn’t know what she’s promised them. If he really doesn’t have any objections, then maybe there’s other family members you can talk to? Most people outside this situation will think your Mom is making a bad decision and maybe you have an Aunt or Uncle that can talk to her. YOU are her first responsibility, because you are her child and family, this person online is not. It would be nice if it was possible for her to take care of the whole world, but it isn’t, and if she tries to do that she might find herself unable to care for you and your family either because she gets scammed and loses your family’s money, or because the person invited in to your home turns out to be more dangerous than expected or just requires more care than any of you can offer. It’s not that they don’t deserve care or help, it’s that it’s not help your family can reasonably and safely provide.

    I hoped I would have good advice on how your mother could still help this person without the risk of being scammed or without going way too far like inviting them to live in your home but unfortunately I don’t know any way that can be done. Though tragic, there is sadly a line where your personal responsibility for others ends. When caring for strangers involves risks to your own children that line has been crossed. Help offered to people in bad home situations, or in dangerous countries or in this case both, is complicated and difficult and full of risks even for professional organisations that try their best to do this, to take on this responsibility personally is very reckless and dangerous for your Mom, for you, for the rest of her family and even for her internet friend. Once he stays with you guys, what then? Can he work in your country? Can he legally immigrate there? What’s his family going to do if they find out about you guys? How long can you support him? If he stays for some time and it doesn’t work for any reason, where could they go? They’d be be alone in a foreign country with no where to stay? This isn’t a real plan, it’s a big, kind, but thoughtless gesture that needs to be reconsidered.

    • FollyDolly@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I second finding other adults and asking them for help. As well as your father. Do you have family friends or family memebers who would be willing to hear you out and back you up? It may be possible to convince your mother this is a bad idea, but I suspect she will be more receptive to opinions from her peers as opposed to her children.

  • intensely_human@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Then she told me that I’m the only one causing problems about this, and my siblings and father have no objections.

    Maybe suggest that one of those without a problem should be volunteered to support this guy and invite him into their bedroom.

    Otherwise I don’t know what to tell you. Trying to help people is extremely hard, extremely draining. You absolutely have to have boundaries when you’re helping people.

    So the right thing here, while you have that healthy sense of the wrongness of this arrangement, is to stick to your guns.

    Your mother should not be volunteering you for charity. Nobody has the right to volunteer anyone else’s resources for charity. So if you don’t like the guy or feel personally inclined to help him, don’t.

    That kind of help only helps when it’s genuine. People volunteering others for this kind of thing leads to burnout.

    It’s okay to give. Just not when it feels wrong to you. That means there’s some resource of your own that, even if you aren’t consciously aware of, will get depleted by doing the help.

  • HollowNaught@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I honestly do feel for this guy (assuming they’re being completely truthful), but I think getting them to move countries and share a room with your kid is too much of an ask for your kid

    Assuming they’re telling the truth

    This sounds like it could be a possible scam, but I don’t know enough to be sure

  • illi@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I’d say be vigilant for him asking for money to get out of his country and try to stop it. As a precaution, try to google him - his discord name or if he gave you his real name. If he is scammer (which is not unlikely) he’s probably done this to others already. It is possible you find something on him specifically if he is a scammer (which sounds like he is). Try to find as much as possible. You can also try to use some of his messages to use in the google search if you can.

    I was in a similar situation and I’ve found some messages the scammer sent which were identical to those received by my close one (they would use templates they sent out to multiple people). This was the only proof that managed to plant seeds of doubt and I then managed to make other cracks from there. Your mom sounds to be pretty deep so dig as deep as you possibly can for as much info you can is my personal advice.

    Good news is there probably isn’t any kid that plans to move to your room - bad news is there is risk of your mom losing her money and possibly get in debt as well. Sadly if this is true, your job is to prevent it. If you have other relatives you and she trust and will see this as an issue, ask them for help - since you already treated the scammer negatively in her eyes, she is less likely to trust you alone.

    Good luck. It’s not easy but can be done.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeM
    1 year ago

    Not mad but possibly premature. In fact, you probably don’t have anything to worry about, the odds aren’t great. There is a reason most authoritarian places have communication restricted.