Trick question. Police officers aren’t trained.
The dogs probably have better training.
I refuse to belive the dogs are willing and knowing participants in this opression of the working class. they are clearly brainwashed
Takes three years to become one in Finland
Yeah, but that doesn’t have anything to do with this thread… Your reply is the same as if someone posted a joke about obesity in the US and you commented about the obesity percentage in Finland. See how that makes absolutely no sense and is really weird? It’s even more weird that you’ve somehow not understood how weird it is.
They are trained wrong, as a joke
Was this about the cop who went full schizo, did two barrel rolls and magdumped the back of his police car?
With a person hancuffed in the back seat of the vheicle he shot at.
No thank you, I don’t watch copaganda.
And the second cop pops in no idea why there’s shooting or from where, so she also starts emptying her mag into whatever she sees
That would only get more American if they started shooting “USA” while shooting.
No. This is about the new movie by M. Night Shamalan - “Deez Nuts” it’s about killer nuts trying to takeover a small Midwestern town. Apparently his kid developed nut allergies and it was his inspiration to produce this film.
The thing about that cop and the acorn is crazy tho yo.
It took me way too long to figure out what you meant. I’m like… butt allergies, what!? :-P
Butt allergies are the worst. I changed it to nut allergies to make my statement more factually correct. Don’t want to start any rumors about M. Night Shamalan’s kid having butt allergies.
All I’m gonna say is… por que no los dos? ! :-P
And his partner shooting at the front of the car.
“Trained” lmao
Came here to say this. ☺
accorns are brown… I’m sure it had a gun
Roses are red, Acorns are brown
I have no idea how to finish this rhyme and its making me look like a clown.
oof ouch owie
Fine. Take my arrow. My last one for the day by the way. But you earned it. Bravo.
“I’ve been hit” lol.
I’ve been hit by, I’ve been struck by, a smooth … acorn
Trained, in this context is such a strong word.
A corn.
[kernel panic]
I don’t get it - b/c it’s yellow?
Racist against acorns. Calling them corn. Racist.
No way - that’s not why I am racist (unlike this that is hella racist-er-est).
But okay, just solely for you, b/c
the thought of your Eldritchian username coming after me haunts my dreamsI wanted to be nice, here is an updated version:It’s a…
Oh sure, double down on your racist epithets. Haven’t acorns suffered enough from your kind?
Is this a fucking joke to you?
Acorns are the only thing standing between us and the criminal element.
Some context regarding this meme. The police officer is a war veteran, who probably has massive PTSD and reacted accordingly.
Now why the hell would the police service hire a guy who is clearly unfit for service is a major American moment.
Do you have any evidence of the “war veteran” part of this, or literally anything to indicate that he has PTSD besides your own assertion that he “probably” has it? The only thing I can find is that he was in Afghanistan but never saw any combat. Are there things in Afghanistan that could cause PTSD? Sure. Is there any evidence that he has PTSD? Not that I’ve seen.
You know who probably does have massive PTSD? The cuffed guy in the back that was almost executed by two cops because one of them was so effing stupid that he thought he’d been shot by an acorn. He did not “react accordingly.” He reacted like a trigger-happy moron. The only useful part of this is that he’s resigned.
The talibans Asymetrical warfare and the resulting Paranoya itself can give PTSD
If you spend years always expecting an ambush, always being told to expect an ambush, you will see an ambush everywhere. Even if you never were actually ambushed.
Not that i’m defending him, but asymetrical warfare can and will fuck you up.
The Taliban’s methods of warfare, in and of themselves, don’t even meet criterion A for a PTSD diagnosis. The man wouldn’t necessarily have to be in combat to meet that, but it’s a lot more likely if he did (which, by all evidence I’ve seen, he didn’t).
Being paranoid is not PTSD.
Which diagnostic standard are you using? None of the ones I have use letters.
I tend to diagnose with better tests than a physician’s desk reference, but you do you.
Apparently whatever you’re using doesn’t have letters in it, so I assume it also doesn’t have words, since those tend to be made of letters. I’m fine with this. You can do whatever the voices and crystals are telling you.
The American’s asymmetrical warfare and the resulting paranoia itself can give you PTSD.
If you spend years always expecting a drone bombing your wedding, always being told to expect a drone bombing your wedding, you will see a drone bombing your wedding everywhere.
Even if your wedding never were actually drone bombed.
Not that i’m defending him but asymmetrical warfare can and will fuck you up.
And my question is, why should I give respect to someone who is violating rights of individuals domesticly as a police officer, and has likley committed war crimes and rights violations abrod, or atleast aided and abeded said war crimes. I only see this as more meme worthy. I understand PTSD is no joke, but at some point, the position of power and betrayal of your class removes the sympathy I would otherwise have for you
Sorry if my message didn’t convey this.
I didn’t ask for sympathy for anyone on this. It’s more towards the process is absolutely fucking broken. It was obvious that something like that can happen to any person with more than 2 brain cells. And yet, the decisions we were made to put a person in a situation where he was bound to fail.
Speculation, but having seen similarly hypervigilent and jumpy people get hired locally, they were hired for office duty, promote to field work and that’s where they fucked up. But it’s just three dudes I’ve seen that happen to, I wouldn’t draw industry wide conclusions from that.
It’s hilarious that even amateurs with practically no experience are more responsible with firearms than US cops.
Because they face consequences for their actions.
Acorns take between 5 and 24 months to mature.
Police training is around 21 weeks (5.25 months)
Coincidence? 🤔
deleted by creator
No just his own car.
The fuck is a “trained” police officer?
Because European cops never do anything wrong
Not at all! But, they generally get a decent amount of training - unlike the ~6 weeks they get, here in NZ!
“I’m hit!”
He probably hit the sidewalk too hard
A chance he did not hurt anyone but himself
Acorn uses decoy black guy already detained in police car.
It’s super effective!