Bro is going to sit in a computer for half a year to prepare for the role
Bro is going to sit in a computer for half a year to prepare for the role
*Proceeds to order 30k spare parts for “warranty replacement” to build my own car over a span of 3 years *
I want that shirt
I’m not a shill (and objectively right) but do you know how I can apply? I have these beliefs anyways, might as well get paid
That’s pretty cool, guess we may be getting better data sooner or later. I’m assuming if they shot them down with patriot, there’s logs for that which will be released at some point
Lmao the human shields thing is just not true. You’d know that if you read more than headlines.
Nope, it’s probably just you who is uninformed on these guys code of conduct. The IDF in particular puts a stop to pillage and even has a unit who’s checking social media for these kinds of behaviors.
Do you want to know more?
Not to be a downer but how credible are these numbers? Aircraft is particularly prone to overclaiming, which is why for example Russia claims they have destroyed more jets than Ukraine had to begin with.
As opposed to the Russians, the Isreali soldiers will actually get punished for looting or breaking stuff.
Probability of precipitation
Btw never do that. You’re supposed to put vinegar on it, that way the jellyfish tastes way better.
Was this about the cop who went full schizo, did two barrel rolls and magdumped the back of his police car?
I’d disagree that Dresden in particular was strategically insignificant. The bigger issue is however that Germany and Japan were engaged in Total war, meaning all production capabilities were aimed at furthering the war efforts. Considering they didn’t pull any punches when it came to killing British civilians (~100k give or take) it was more than justified to do the major firebombings.
Should you ever choose to visit Germany I’d highly recommend talking through this with some locals. Current day germans who aren’t outright nazis usually don’t resent the allies for it. Nazi Germany had to lose the war by all means necessary and personally I’m really glad we lost it.
If anything the employees getting fired and the project being shitcanned adds another layer of social commentary
You’re just underscoring my argument. If the British were about to tear down Stonehenge for building a shopping mall and out of nowhere the Black Panther’s stealth jet materialized to take the entire thing to the Wakanda national museum, I’d be absolutely fine with it.
In so many cases that exact sentiment just turned out to be true though. How many ancient artifacts have been destroyed by political/religions extremists? How many more were lost due to neglect or because people tore them apart to use them as building materials? It probably wasn’t right to take them at the time but man, am I glad they took them.
Hot take but it’s good that the British museum “stole” so much stuff. To quote everyone’s favorite archeologist: ‘This belongs in a museum.’
They could try to develop anti satellite technology like building roofs over their vehicle lots so we can’t watch them pull 60 year old tanks to the front in real time but no, another doomsday weapon it is…
There’s nothing to excuse, people die in wars. With an area this densely populated high civilian casualties are to be expected. Especially if you have combatants who are willing to hide behind the civilian population.
Also don’t even think about comparing this to Russia Ukraine. Not only did Russia kill more ukrainians, the way more important factor is the justification for the wars. Ukraine was attacked without any credible justification. You can bothsides Isreal - Gaza if you want but the mission objective of taking out hamas is infinitely more justified.
From what I understand, our chancellor has long claimed that we would need to control the missiles ourselves, which would possibly make us a belligerent. According to these leaks this isn’t the case. This will increase pressure on shipping them to Ukraine so Russia may have shot itself in the foot once again.