Probability of precipitation
Chance of downfall
Odds of deluge
Danger of Drizzle
Maybe Monsoon
Wager of Wetness
I recognize this rain! It was formerly known as purple
2d ROR > 3d ROR
okay but if you only fight along a line it seems like this’ll be quick
And then it rained
Con lentitud poderosa
I have no funny joke but I really love Lacrimosum
Well, let me tell you that is not very smart, as they all are brilliant. And Chris Christodoulou is the goat. So, here they are, you big dummy: Risk of Rain Risk of Rain 2 Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void Risk of Rain Returns
Let me leave you with an important quote: “A Glacier Eventually Farts (And Don’t You Listen to the Song of Life)”