For anyone unaware - it happened at least 160 times since 2009 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-immolation_protests_by_Tibetans_in_China
For anyone unaware - it happened at least 160 times since 2009 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-immolation_protests_by_Tibetans_in_China
Did the AI diagnosed him with ligma?
Well, let me tell you that is not very smart, as they all are brilliant. And Chris Christodoulou is the goat. So, here they are, you big dummy:
https://open.spotify.com/album/10ZDr7VkJP1YyQaSgKa0pV?si=6uGVhtICSQKwHvQrGa5fhQ Risk of Rain
https://open.spotify.com/album/3eFWXLdogrCHW11f8ZQLoa?si=sGuqhkm4QO2oji9_NZ6OHA Risk of Rain 2
https://open.spotify.com/album/28U5KQSv2XuGFCKdToDqsT?si=MCAYwdKBQ7WUFIu8DcIb3Q Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void
https://open.spotify.com/album/0rlpmIIOpykorXItVS0oAf?si=9VNTurkaSnSgGVh24G0gPg Risk of Rain Returns
Let me leave you with an important quote: “A Glacier Eventually Farts (And Don’t You Listen to the Song of Life)”
Still do not understand how this wasn’t hostile takeover.
file - downloads
me: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.mozilla.firefox/files/Download or /storage/3564-3130/Android/data/org.mozilla.firefox/files/Download here I come!
It’s going to be this way every election, ain’t it? Basically two year election cycle of Trump once again running, all the fears of him winning, then he looses, and we get next 4 years of him talking shit and “raising concerns”.
All I’m saying is the amount of projecting in this comment section is staggering.
She is not a cop, she is a drawing, everything else is in your mind. Imagine arguing against Mona Lisa.
Can’t believe this game still gets updates and DLCs, how many years has it been?
I loved The Good Fight opening sequence as it’s pretty cool and they were changing and updating it often - https://youtu.be/5xWE5R6qEQQ
I can’t lift a brick off ground - proof aliens did pyramids.
He grown up to be Cormorant Snuggle or whatever his name is?
I wanted to start my comment with “As a long time fan of the company…”, but then I remembered I still use PI 2b few times a week for what feels like a decade+ and that is all I ever got (besides buying that first PI Zero for some reason also forever ago).
Texas: Im going toooooo sEeECeeEEdeEeEEe!!!.. OwO (what)
Seems like nobody went to Google to find out that the drug in question was never returned to previous price, or anywhere near.
The industry interference: Here have more of the stinky cancer paper tubes that don’t do anything but make you addicted then sooth the addiction.
I’m perfectly fine being irritable on my own terms dickhead thank you very much fucking presumptuous asshole