Think of all that tobacco farmland that could be converted to food crops
You want to convert something to useful land? Get rid of golf courses.
Por que no los dos?
And cemeteries
And enough pavement that anyone can store their cars close to pretty much any destination they have in mind.
And livestock
Livestock is more useful than tobacco and golf courses
Debatable. Depending on the golf course location and management, there could be an argument for them at least providing some space for biodiversity.
Tobacco doesn’t produce as much of use, but also doesn’t come with the same methane emissions, or slurry runoff.
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Not for the same resource input it doesn’t.
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Vital eh?
I’d forgotten that I ought to be dead.
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Humans can synthesize all amino acids themselves. Any external source is optional, and outside of extreme scenarios like quickly gaining muscle mass nothing you need to think about.
If you do find yourself in the extreme scenario, you will have no problems picking from the huge range of non-meat protein sources.deleted by creator
Livestock is one of the reasons we can feed everyone…
Quite the reverse in fact! Livestock produces fewer calories and nutrients per square meter than crops.
Do we actually need more food crops though?
I thought we already produced enough food to feed the whole planet. Distribution is the real problem.
I vote just keeping the fields dormant so we can actually do crop rotation and stave off massive crop failures.
Personally I’d like to see the fields replaced with the forests that were cut down for them in the first place but that’s not likely to happen
Millennials killing the tobacco industry
The industry interference: Here have more of the stinky cancer paper tubes that don’t do anything but make you addicted then sooth the addiction.
That’s not the only thing they do. They also reduce your capacity for work… and life. I have a reason to believe that people dying from “overwork” are actually because:
- People work (and play) more when they are young and in school etc.
- Get used to their ability to work as much and subconsciously set a mental bar.
- Get into office space full of secondary smoke / start smoking
- Smoke reduces their ability
- They don’t realise their reduced ability and keep on working as much as previously set bar.
- dedz
Just a hypothesis. No scientific backing.
… other than first hand exp with reducing ability to work after long term exposure in a heavily contaminated environment.
What offices have smoke?
Overwork is still very common despite less people smoking.
Also, nicotine is a simulant and really doesn’t make you less productive. Just like coffee won’t. Actually there’s an argument it should help.
I won’t act like I know what comes out of people’s exhalation after they come into an unventilated room after smoking in the stairway just next to it (with the only door blocking anything, being always kept open), but I can say for sure that:
- Cigarettes give out much more than just nicotine vapour.
- The smokers in question have proven to be neither more competent, nor more productive. On the contrary, they sit around, asking other ppl to do their work (in the name of help) and as the other people waste their own time explaining their work as they do it, the smokers don’t even learn from what is being taught to them.
If it is a stimulant that comes out of that smoke, it’s definitely stimulating unwanted attributes of the brain.
I quit cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. Yay mood swings and anxiety! (Don’t worry, I know it’s for the best)
Worst thing about alcohol imo is that I can never do anything really productive. Like a beer or two and instead of idk, reading or making something or programming I’ll just be doing nothing. Takes my focus right out
I mean, if you’re feeling worse – is it really for the best?
Cigarettes no problem really, but the other stuff was seriously detrimental to my concentration abilities at work.
Let’s gooooo 🔥
Wish so much that I’d never started. This shit is so addictive.
Good. Now it’s oil’s turn.
Tucker Carlson cancelled by big healthcare before he could get the check from Philip Morris.
I don’t smoke in any regular capacity. Last time I smoked was new years this year. The time before that was October '22.
On new years eve I drank, and I thought I could keep the alcohol high going if I smoked. Bad idea, the next day was shot too. Completely fucked. Never again.
Every time I smoke I’m reminded why I didn’t smoke for >1 year prior.
I’ve been surprised in recent years how much more smoking has subtly popped back up in media. Most times it’s also not in a way that applies to the plot or illuminates anything you didn’t already know about a character.
Also in sports, things like Nickelodeon getting so involved with the NFL for kids with cartoon recreations of games, etc. They are propping up a new generation of sports hero role models in people like Joe Burrow. For awhile, he’d be celebrating all their victories with trashy cigar parties in the locker room, as like, a kid in his early 20s who just got slimmed by Nickelodeon a few days before?
It’s been pretty odd to see the resurgence in media in the last decade plus.
I wanna see a massive dump of them. All of them. If you gonna smoke smoke weed. Fuck tobacco and anyone who thinks it’s cool. They have the freedom to choose for sure, but anyone that chooses that is 100% idiot until proven otherwise.
No ifs, ands, or buts. If you like it, you are part of the problem.
Quitters finally saw the light. People who start smoking in the 2020s are just outright stupid. It’s not all over TV anymore, it’s not the cool teenage rebellion thing. It’s not even hidden knowledge about how bad it is to start, and how hard quitting is. Wtf is making people start now?
Fuck cigarettes. Vaping is the new thing now 😎
Edit: woah, I meant it as a joke. Guess I deserve all the downvotes for not clarifying.
Fuck cigarettes AND fuck vaping. I fucking hate how many people vape at gigs and in line to places. Like fuck off, don’t bring me into your bad decisions, keep them to yourself.
I agree with you that inconsiderate vapers need to fuck off, but when used for its intended purpose, helping adults quit smoking, vaping literally saves lives.
I tried every other smoking cessation method including prescription medication for 10 out of the 18 years I smoked but it just didn’t work for me.
Then I went from cigarettes to vaping high nicotine to gradually tapering off until I was vaping nicotine free and then not at all. I haven’t smoked OR vaped for over 3 years now.
That is the best way for the transition. I clearly wouldn’t have an issue with that kind of vaper because they’re not ripping fat ones in my face and instead trying to better themselves. Like you did. You should be proud, I can’t imagine it’s that easy to get off of an addiction.
Thanks, I AM kinda proud of it, heh. Like all addiction, though, you can’t do it before you’re ready and have the exact kind of help you need.
About a month after I quit smoking with the help of vapes, I quit drinking with the help of a one week anxiety medication regimen my GP prescribed for the mental withdrawals (in spite of being a way too heavy drinker for many years, I was lucky enough to never get physical withdrawals).
With alcohol, I had tried a few different kinds of counseling, trying to force myself not to drink and even being forced to take antabus which can make you really sick if you drink on it, but all of it was either bad timing, a bad method for me or both.
Sorry if that was too much of a tangent lol, I can tend to veer verbose a bit at times 😁
Nah, it wasn’t too much. It’s where the conversation landed. And I’m glad you’re in a better place :)
If only i can say this to people who drive.
Yeah at school I see people vaping all the time. Just saw somebody on campus the other day take a huge huff of it the other day. Those things are huge. I keep thinking it might even be more dangerous than regular cigarettes probably because of its gargantuan size and the ease to just suck up a cartridge without a lighter.
I definitely think because of the ease of vaping people use it to a greater detriment than they would if they just smoked cigarettes. No matter how much better a single vape puff is compared to a cigarette puff, for some, one in every ten breaths is around their vape it seems. That, long term is going to fuck shit up, surely.
I definitely think flavored vapes should not exist. The point of e cigs and vapes were to transition tobacco cigarette smokers to quit smoking. Having flavored vapes with shiny packaging appeal to little kids a lot so they’re keeping addicts on with nicotine in another form and introducing younger generations to more dangerous habits. These things pop up in middle schools and high schools all the time, sometimes even in elementary. It’s a terrible issue for schools around my area.
You know who the VAST majority of people using flavored vapes are? Adults trying to quit smoking.
The flavor makes quitting easier for adults both by making the vape taste good AND by making cigarettes taste much worse in comparison.
When I first started vaping many years ago when the technology was in its infancy, I started with tobacco flavor. The taste being almost the same made it much more tempting to go back to cigarettes since they have additives in addition to nicotine to make them more addictive.
When doing flavored vaping though? Taking a drag on a cigarette tastes absolutely AWFUL. As bad as it tastes to someone who’s never smoked before, if not worse.
Without flavors there’s a big chance I wouldn’t have been able to quit 3 years plus change ago and I’d still be smoking today, shortening my life by decades.
Banning adult smokers from buying flavored vapes WILL kill people by making them unable to quit smoking.
And as for kids, guess what? In every country that has even CONSIDERED banning flavored vapes, it’s already illegal to sell vapes to anyone under 18. So in stead of killing a bunch of adults by taking away their best chance of quitting, you could just enforce the laws that already exist!
That’s a unique perspective. Thanks for sharing. Really changed my perspective on the flavored vapes. My perspective was that you don’t need flavored vapes, only tobacco because that’s targeting the cigarette smokers anyways