Thank fuck I have an absolute limit on my weekly working hours.
Thank fuck I have an absolute limit on my weekly working hours.
Yinz is definitely a Scots thing
The blessing exists. I’m in my 30s and my dad who’s in his 60s has more hair than me.
Ever seen someone pick fruit out of an enteric fistula?
I genuinely assumed this was for humans…
As if dairy fat isn’t subsidised already.
That’s an excellent idea!
Exercise means more sleep, and better sleep
Best in Scotland and the Lake District
If we want humanity to have any kind of future then we need more children not raised by cunts.
Perhaps the time travellers came back as catering staff so they could polish it all off without having to engage in human interaction.
Legal doesn’t mean safe; it just means the lawmakers are too corrupt, stupid, cowardly, or weak to tighten the limit.
You sound like a donorcycle rider. One who is casual about potentially traumatising and/or injuring others.
They gonna do that for steaks as well?
Small mention for Darktable as an alternative to Lightroom.
You’re also having to place that confidence in every other person you’re sharing the road with, as well as their dealers and mechanics.
I’m going to repeat Ursula K Le Guin and Margaret Atwood because it’s hard to overstate how much of everything is in their works. Iain (M) Banks I’ll also echo, but will add China Miéville because there aren’t enough anarchists in this thread.
We took our toddler to see it and both my partner and I had multiple episodes of weeping. Lovely film.