If anyone can find more pixels for me i would appreciate it.
Thanks y’all.
You forgot “Yinz”
Yinz goin aht n abaht in dahntahn Picksburgh to watch da Stillers game?
Yinz is definitely a Scots thing
That’s actually “you’uns” and despite being from the deep south I barely ever heard it growing up. Guessing you are from the south too
Yinz is a Pittsburgh and Pennsyltucky thing
Wow, this is news to me. How does a new word get the s to change to a z like that??
I was editing an Irish comedy recently which used “yinz” and “yiz” a lot.
People where I am from call everyone “you guys” - men, women, trans, doesn’t matter, everyone is just “you guys” even when it’s a woman addressing a group of women.
The literal meaning isn’t gender neutral, but in actual practice, it 100% is.
As for “y’all” or “you all”, I don’t see how it could possibly be interpreted as offensive to any gender.
“You People” is the one to be avoided
“howdy fuckers” is the opposite as it sounds bad on paper but in practice it goes over well (except with middle aged moms)
What do you mean "you people"?
Yeah I don’t see that one going over well anywhere
Dude is also situationally gender neutral. Saying “Hey dude” to a trans woman is misgendering her but exclaiming “Yo dude check this out!” or “Duuuude no way” is perfectly acceptable.
As for “y’all” or “you all”, I don’t see how it could possibly be interpreted as offensive to any gender.
I think “we don’t take kindly to y’all” to a trans person would likely be offensive. Beyond that though, you’re probably okay.
“yall” is obviously not the problematic part of that sentence
I might as well double down while I’m here, “we don’t take kindly” was too aggressive wording.
I meant something more neutral like “I think y’all are weird”.
That way, the y’all is the problematic part. That was my point.
I mean … Thats just an all out threat with y’all acting as an exclusionary statement.
All in all agree with your point tho.
The literal meaning isn’t gender neutral, but in actual practice, it 100% is.
Unless you can ask a straight man how many guys he’s slept with, it isn’t gender neutral, no matter how resistant to this fact you are.
That’s how people use it, whether you like it or not. I did not invent the language, but that’s how people use it.
Saying “guys” on its own is also not the same thing as “you guys” in regions that do this.
You can shoot the messenger all you like but it is what it is and I have no power over how people in a region use a language, I am merely informing you of that fact.
Yall is the genderless southern hospitality greeting.
No bullshit no hate. Only yall
I’ve used y’all intentionally as a gender neutral term for years in the south.
Lately I’ve even seen “y’all means all” used as a pride slogan in the south.
Awesome! Thanks comrade.
This needs a line going up the Appalachians for the “You-uns” belt.
I mean, neither “you” nor “all” is a gendered term in any way
Y’all is the opposite of offensive for trans people. I lived in the south for a while, and I now use y’all specifically to be inclusive. I wouldn’t say “you guys” is offensive to trans women, but I would say for me and likely other trans women it briefly brings to mind being misgendered in the past, so I would call it a small kindness to ube as gender neutral as possible.
Thanks comrade
I thought y’all was just a gender neutral term combining you and all.
How would it be wrong or offensive to refer to refer to trans person as “y’all”? Genuine question.
How would it be wrong or offensive to refer to refer to trans person as “y’all”?
“Y’all not welcome in these parts”
You got me there.
I’m from “you guys” but I’ve lived in “y’all” and now I’m forever team “y’all,” regardless of where I’m living.
It’s the best export from the south, except maybe Texas brisket and pecan pie.
Y’all actually has gained particular traction in the north through the queer community. Most trans people I know use y’all even if their geographic location doesn’t indicate they should
I’m from New Jersey and have never heard anyone unironically say “youse guys”. Side note we also don’t call it “Joisey”.
I always thought youse guys was a new york city thing.
Youse guys wanna play stickball?
Yous in Scotland is great to wind up Proper English speakers. If they whinge they get a y’all
We are afraid to use common greetings now? How about we all refer to each other as “carbon units”?
How you fuckers doing, eh?
Y’all reminds me of the bible belt. I’m not transgender but I am queer and now and then it makes me uncomfortable.
Guess I’ll have to ask the person I’m addressing in the future.
Thanks comrade.
Y’all = you all, which is gender neutral.
Also that map is missing the Chicagoland y’all exclave.