I have a lot of runners up, like Amrito for Amy, or Bradinglesmirch for Briar, but I think the dumbest has to be Scott Von Scott of the Scottsdale Scotts Who Did Scott So Scottily in the Battle of Scotteen Twelve.
So I ask you, what’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever called your furry friends?
Yardstick. She only has 3 feet.
Neighbor down the street called her three legged goat Tripod.
I’ve called her that too. And Stumpy.
lol, Prolly could’ve gotten away with calling the goat stumpy too, but not because he had stump.
His limb was a clean amputation, but he liked to try to eat stumps.
When my cats Porkchop and Applesauce get in trouble, they are called by their full names, Applewood Smoked Sausage and Porkus Von Chopp Chopp.
My sister had a lot of cats. We stopped being clever naming them, they got names like “Orange Short Hair”, etc.
Except this one cat that otherwise looked like 2 others, except it had these amazing tufts of hair coming out of its ears, so we named him Ears. Then we found out he was deaf… but we had already named him Ears, so it stuck.
My dog has hair loss problems and the base of her tail is bare. There’s a big wrinkle in her skin there so she’s Wrinklebutt and my other dog by default is Fuzzybutt
I call my cat turtle-butt.
There is no reason, when anyone asks why, I just say “her butt is made of turtle.”
I call this one gigglebutt because when she gets excited she starts chattering so hard her butt can’t stand still.
Millie is sometimes Miller lite
Kitty. My cat’s name is entirely different but the little asshole, after 15 years, still responds best to “Kitty”. Fucker.
Lucy & Ethel. Originally there were two stray orange tabby kittens, but since my grandmother let them out to run around, one day only one came back home. Not knowing which was which, that cat became Lucy & Ethel, who proceeded to outlive my grandmother and one of her kids.
“The Wuh” her actual name was diamond, but my brother one day just called her “Diamond Wuh” and it stuck. After that everything we called her was also a variation of wuh
I love this one, that’s bizarrely adorable
Growing up we had a cat named Remi, I would tell people his full name was Sir Remi Remington Remingston III. My mom hated it. I miss that cat, he was great
My parents have a Remy whose full name is Rembrandt. I call him Rumball. His has two siblings called Frida and Diego but surprisingly none of them are very good painters.
Have a cat that scrunges every time you pet her head. Nicknames have evolved.
Scrungy cat, scrungy baby, scrungy butt, scrunge, scrung (hard G), scrungabutt, scring, and we’ve arrived at scringus bingus being the most ridiculous thing so far.
The heck is scrunging??
I have some kinda mutt who was abandoned by his owner (he was microchipped and we reached out saying we had him and they answered back telling us what a good dog he is and how much joy he’ll bring us 🙄)
His original name was Kobe, but neither my husband nor I are basketball fans, so I changed it to “Korbie”, as short for Korbel, my favorite cheap fake champagne.
Anyhow, he now gets referred to as “Korbie Porgie Pudding and Pie” or “Korbelicious” (Sung to the tune of “Fergielicious” of course!)
The twist is that his original owners didn’t know jack shit about basketball, but were really into a specific strain of beef
They had exquisite, and expensive taste! They drop some dollars for their steak!
I have a Dibo/Bluenose mix. We call her “Fat Fat”. She is like 85+lbs of pure love.
I’ve named my dog “in-the-way dog”. No matter what you’re trying to get done, there he is.
Open a drawer? He’s blocking it. Walking through a doorway? Step over him. Carrying a hot saucer to the sink? He’s right at your feet when you turn around.
Super rocket baby bok choy. His name is Ryu. I forgot what prompted that nickname 10+ years ago. But it stuck.