Here’s a really disturbing Garfield you can mix in for some variety:
Here’s a really disturbing Garfield you can mix in for some variety:
Digital Cat Buttholes. It’s not a musical controversy worth discussing if it doesn’t involve digitally animated cat buttholes.
Andrew Lloyd Webber is laughing at this lil dust up.
Don’t want to send up a flare unnecessarily, but I used to see that patterning on machines with dead logic boards.
My last 17” MBP did that shortly before the board died completely & left me s.o.l. If you’re still under warranty or AC, maybe worth getting it checked?
I am not certain if this would be an issue with M-Series machines. If anyone knows for sure, I’d appreciate any info.
“I come with the stench of pre-bottled blood of the new born on my breath, & enough peyote to last until the rapture! Now where’s that lil dude? Need somebody to light my fire!”
I don’t care if Tuesday’s fucking ugly
and Wednesday’s worse
Thursday, Friday, no remorse
Monday we’ll all fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday, realize we all smell like farts
Oh, Thursday doesn’t even start…
It’s Friday, I’m in love still fucking glad I voted
> Yet again, I sincerely hope you get the help you need.
You are the only one who can help me, please don’t go. Please don’t leave my all alone with my multitudes of football fans.
I promise I’ll read your bible & subscribe to your newsletter. I’ll even badger all my friends on Facebook to purchase your magic elixir.
Just please don’t leave me, I’m so drunk and alone without you.
“Talkin’ tough’s easy when it’s other people’s evil & you’re judging what they do & don’t believe”
I really hope you start seeing other opinions as valid & that you can stop assuming everyone’s a drunken liar.
No, I’m onto my peyote now.
I really hope you get a sliver of pine wood to eye, from a Douglas fir lance, after a horse rolls up on your shattered pelvis, as you lie there wishing you had half the medical resources available to a football player.
Then maybe. Just maybe. You’ll acknowledge you aren’t the end all of be all of this conversation.
Memory problems… you called me a liar for claiming jousting led to decapitations. I just proved myself correctly.
Seems like you’re the one sundowing here Goldie. Should we settle you down in front of Wheel of Fortune so you can vibe with your favorite bigot, Pat Sayjack?
Or maybe you prefer the feud & the hypocrite Steve Harvey.
You are the liar. Liar Liar Pants on Fire….
Look at you! Passing judgement on a stranger again!!
I don’t have a substance abuse problem. You have a stick up your patoot & crave the approval of this comments section.
Just acknowledge your opinion isn’t gospel. Just acknowledge you don’t have all the info on jousting you think you have. Just acknowledge you don’t like football & don’t think other should either.
It’s going to be a lonely mountain to stand on top of if you keep calling everyone who disagrees with you a drunken liar.
[“Despite all these safeguards it could still be lethal, as Henry found out. “Twice, in 1524 and 1536, his love of jousting brought him within inches of death - even for kings it was a dangerous sport”, remarks Thom Richardson in his book”
Henri II of France died in 1559 when a splinter of lance pierced his eye-slit and Charles IX was seriously injured in 1561, which largely contributed to the decline in jousting in France, according to Zeev Gourarier in his article “From the game of ‘catching the brass ring’ to the roundabout” (Livrustkammaren, Journal of the Royal Armoury, 1991-2).](
Never got angry about any of this, you sure do like reading other people’s intentions incorrectly.
And yes, you joined a thread talking about the efficacy of additional protection of football players & suggested that rather than embracing that protection as a step in the right direction, the sport just should just cease to exist.
Ergo… You’re calling for dissolution of multi billion dollar industry because you don’t like it.
And and… I’m not wrong about jousting. Jousting was blood sport plain & simple. No one ever tried to make jousting a safer sport. Not for the humans & not for the horses.
Now, let’s just get this next part over with quickly…
Please go ahead and call me a liar again so you can embrace smug sense of superiority & go on about your day.
Not embarrassed in the least. I’m not the one calling for dissolution of an industry I disapprove of.
Have you gotten off your high horse & stopped passing judgement on strangers who disagree with you?
Tequila & toothpaste time!!! Happy Monday.
What’s with you calling everyone liars? I’m not lying, maybe misinformed on jousting, but you calling me a liar is lying.
I fact, didn’t you report me a whole bunch of times for calling you Richard?
Maybe you should check you civility & stop with the name calling, Richard.
You don’t like football. Am I lying?
You think football is bad dangerous. Am I lying?
You argued football was more dangerous than jousting. Am I lying?
You judge people you disagree with, bait them into arguments in the comment threads, & report them when they react negatively.
Nope. I am 100% not lying about any of those statements.
But you’ll refute them nonetheless, because you’re a liar.
You throw that word “Lie” around with an unfounded authority. Me telling everyone here you’re actually Herschel Walker trying explain why you’re running for office again is a lie.
Me saying that jousting led to beheadings is not a lie. Maybe an overstatement, but not a lie. And furthermore, if you’re such a big fan of jousting, go dig up Henry VIII & lets run some comparisons of his mental state to that of a retired football player.
Once again, I’ll point out that my comment was intended to combat your stance that football was more violent than jousting.
If you’d like to uphold that stance, feel free.
Ok, ok, ok, fine. I’ll admit it. You’ve win this argument. No more football, baseball, basketball, or soccer. Sharpen the hockey sticks, get out the mace, & gas up the fuckin horses.
It’s all medieval sport from here on out America!
I compared the violence & bloodiness of jousting to the violence of football. You claim a they are comparable, I claim they are not.
Maybe I watch too many movies when it comes to jousting, but you’ve done nothing but talk down to football fans because you don’t like the sport.
So which sports do you approve of? Or are all them too demeaning & childish for your tastes?
Jousting, Gladiatorial sport, wrestling, martial arts… see the connection?
People like violence. Just because you don’t doesn’t make them wrong.
And here’s the 2024 NFL Rule book. Not a single mention of injuring, hurting, dismembering, beheading, concussions, bruises, broken bones, scabs, cuts, or scrapes. Whatdyaknow?
It’s almost like the rules were written to make the sport safer, much like I’m sure there were for jousting.
Maybe should get shitfaced. Could help you climb down off that high horse.
Every bean deserves to flicked, some beans just need a lil guidance.