Weird story, so about 9 years ago we sold our house to a family member, who rented it out. Those renters reached out to them and said that we got a package. We still live in the area so I went and got it from them.
We have no idea what this is, or who sent it. When I search that sku I can’t find much except an article about how Americans are getting sent seeds from China, the return address is from Equatorial Guinea. But even if they are seeds, what are they? Also why?
What you got Lemmy? Maybe put a sarcasm tag on your response if you have a humorous thought. But I really want to know. Google lens thinks they are bugs.
Yep, those are seeds.
Why you got them? The leading theory from a few years ago was sellers getting fake positive reviews on their products by creating alternate accounts, “buying” the product and to fulfill the shipping status just sending some random leaked address a bag of the lightest, most cheap product they could send, just so platforms like AliExpress had an actual transaction completed allowing the review to be posted.
Do not plant foreign seeds or discard them incorrectly. You have no idea what that species is, and you do not want to be the one introducing a new invasive species to your local biome.
Do not plant foreign seeds or discard them incorrectly. You have no idea what that species is, and you do not want to be the one introducing a new invasive species to your local biome
I’ve been meaning to rewatch this for a while now. Does it still hold up well?
Fucking awesome. and a while back they finally put out a directors cut with the original ending that, for the longest time, you could only see in shit quality on youtube. Just saw that version a few weeks ago actually.
It…changes things just a tad.
It does. The cast is timeless. 😱🥰✨
The image isn’t loading for me. What movie/show?
Little Shop of Horrors
Little Shop of Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise.
For the curious, here’s a really nice podcast episode on the subject:
The label is in Chinese (simplified characters common in China) and translates as “100 rainbow chrysanthemum seeds”. I have no idea whether the contents are what the label claims.
Yeah, but that’s the boring answer.
It’s just code for “dark matter from Temu”
Those little pip things on new tires, you gotta glue them on individually!
They help the tires move phlegm from the inner to the outer treads.
I just recently learned!
I prefer flagelli for my tires, personally.
I thought they were hangnails for tires
No question. You must be right.
It says 100 Rainbow Chrysanthemum Seeds
Yeah, np, OP that says these are 彩虹菊花种子.
You’re now a mod of r/Beijing
Maybe I can reverse my own ban…
100 rainbow Chrysanthemum seeds
There is a kind called “Livingstone Daisy” we just translate it to rainbow😂
Might as well plant them then!
I remember a few years ago on the other place that starts with “R”, there were a bunch of people who were randomly sent seed packets from China. Big debate on whether they should plant them and if it would start the zombie apocalypse or not. Some planted them and it grew to be wildflowers…so far.
TLDR: seeds
I just wanted to acknowledge your usage of the TLDR here. I just about could not be bothered to read your three sentences, but the alluring, quite interesting and enthralling TLDR hooked me in an instance and there I was reading your diatribe, absorbing and riding high on each and every word! It was altogether glorious, so I am extending this laurel and hearty handshake to you in appreciation!
TLDR: thanks
You all are awesome. What’s the best way to dispose of them?
Send them to someone random
Crush up and snort
Plant them
Do not plant them. You have no idea what the seeds are. The label means nothing. Could be an invasive species.
Burn them.
Feed me Seymour!
The label actually says what they are and they are benign. If you don’t speak the language, why would you say “it doesn’t say anything”?
Back when this first started several years ago a number of the seed packs were found to be mislabeled.
So while it is labeled, OP can have nearly zero confidence that it’s the correct label.
Trash should be fine. They aren’t going to enjoy the soil at the dump.
Used pencil leads.
Danger Sprinkles!
The Chinese reads that it’s a seed for some type of flower. Unfortunately, I don’t know quite enough Chinese to know what exact type of flower
Looks like rainbow chrysanthemum according to the iOS translate feature.
EDIT: and a Google search explains that “rainbow chrysanthemum” flowers don’t actually exist in a natural form, and seeds claiming to be them are usually just standard chrysanthemum seeds dyed to look different and won’t produce rainbow flowers.
Burnt Rice
Plant them in the ground so their forms mature