Any animal.

    1 year ago

    A couple, both cold bird homicides. Each time the victims were one of these bastards.

    One morning I wake up to the sound of one’s infuriating chirping outside the window. It doesn’t stop. I get up and go to the window to swat it or something. Open the window, look down, and one of these awesome bastards is standing on top of a pinned noisy miner, and looks right up at me like, “You didn’t see nothin’.” I raise my hands and back away from the window, the chirping starts up again and slowly fades and stops. Turns out currawongs will often prey on smaller birds and if those smaller birds are noisy miners, I’m cool with it.

    The other time was a noisy miner picking on a crow that was trying to eat. The miner keeps swopping it until the crow catches it, gets on top, and drags it over to a puddle. Same eerie audio of a noisy miner going nuts, then suddenly silence as the crow just sticks its head underwater, stays standing on it until the thing’s lifeless, and goes back to eating.

      1 year ago

      Ah yes, just Australian wildlife things. We don’t have currawongs up here in QLD but we still have butcher birds earning their namesake.

    1 year ago

    In person or generally?

    Because the most horrifying thing I’ve seen but not in person was a deer eating human corpses on a body farm.

    A body farm is a scientific study where corpses are left out, exposed to the elements, and the decomposition is measured over time.

    If you ever read the news and saw a story about a body being recovered and the officials estimated that they died x months ago, that’s because of body farms…

    But then this happens (NSFL pictures):

    1 year ago

    Seeing two horses fighting. The sheer size of them is enough to scare me, but getting aggresive biting and kicking was something else.

    1 year ago

    Aggressive Shih-Tzu owner had stopped to chat with Cane Corso owners that kept them chained up out front while they sat on their porch, and her little bastard got bold. Corsos snapped their chains and were shaking him like a paper plate. The sound it made as they ripped into him… Then suddenly silence and grunting from the neighbors struggling to pry the Corsos off. Somehow little shithead survived.

    1 year ago

    A friend was on house arrest, staying in a guest bedroom at his uncle’s house. He had a small black cat with white paws named Psyche, but the rule was Psyche had to stay in his room.

    One day Psyche got out and ran down two flights of stairs to the basement. I went down for him to get her and bring her back up. I coaxed her toward me, then I scruffed her and was holding her scruff (also supporting under her) tightly as I walked back upstairs.

    I thought to myself “I’m being too hard on this cat” and I relaxed the grip I had on her scruff just slightly. She saw this as weakness and immediately went into battle mode. The moment I relaxed my grip slightly, she took one swipe at my other hand with her paw and then bolted when I dropped her.

    The thing that terrified me was this: her paw went through my hand like an scoop through ice cream. All the claws worked as one to just scoop a little chunk of flesh out of the pad of my hand. Like, it was a 3D wound.

    It was the first time I understood what a cat’s paw is. Those individual claws aren’t the weapon. The paw is the weapon. And when a cat’s paw is swiping, my flesh is like whipped cream in its path.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeM
    1 year ago

    Some friends provoked a massive swarm of bees near their home in response to a home invasion. I’m not complaining about the outcome, but let’s just say if we lived in the Harry Potter universe, that would’ve been the first day I could see thestrals.

      • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeM
        1 year ago

        Yes, there was a massive hive nearby, and the right impact to a hive could rile up a whole hive. However, bees cannot distinguish between suspects and bystanders or even between life forms, as they see forms of life based on the infrared life emits, which means they respond by stinging everything in sight, which is why, when you see people dare each other to beehive aggravation, everyone runs as fast as they can.

        Despite the law, me and my friends are big on booby traps, them because of really bad experiences, and I forgot how I got into it. Along comes, well, every American agency to ever exist, since they’re all worse than Romans in authoritarianism. I forget which one it was, but they set the beehive up with one of those things you ring a mechanical gong with, and they saved their kids from being taken in this manner, unless I’m confusing it with the time both SWAT and the CPS came over at the same time and just ended up fighting with each other, reminiscent of Ottoman soldiers attacking themselves.

    1 year ago

    Elk in road. No lights, no moon, no other cars headlights. Like a big furry wall just showed up in my headlights. I chose a direction to swerve and now I’m not allowed to test my luck ever again.

    1 year ago

    My Lab slipped out her collar and ran straight into traffic and without even considering risks I bolted after her. Sun just fell and we got lucky cuz incoming car saw me and/or her and stopped with hazard lights blinking that stopped both lanes. She couldn’t continue because of that and ran off the eroad into someone’s backyard that was fenced. Lucky about that too cuz idk that I could have followed her.

    We has just adopted her from Craigslist a couple days prior and she was the most nervous wreck I’ve ever seen a 7yo dog. She’s a helluva lot better a safety sense with women and wouldn’t come out of that backyard to me because she flipped on men in general. She relatively does well with me if I maintain a good manner when approaching her and she’s gain a good sense of familiarity with me since.

    My wife came to after a minute and so I walked away from the area and she came to my wife. Had to cuz I dropped her leash when I took off chasing her. Didn’t mean to but I couldn’t stop and grab it again. So I while she sat with her I went back to get it and even the house’s owner came out and asked if he could help but had to be told about the nerve wreck reference to men so he just went back inside. All this while my other lab was behaving fantastically with my wife and then back to the pick up with me.

    Yeah. We got two labs in the city. I know. They’re both really good bar whatever happened to her before. It’s difficult but she is slowly healing from whatever. This was less than two weeks ago so we’ll see how it goes. Now that we got a harness for her we are back to walks around town with them again and she loves it despite having to check on everyone every time everywhere at every moment.

    1 year ago

    The actual scariest stuff pretty much boils down to aggressive dogs being aggressive dogs.

    For example: I saw a woman lose control of her pit-mix. The dog rushed over to one of our neighbors, unprovoked, and immediately latched on to her leg and started thrashing it. The dog’s owner was freaking out screeching which seemed to agitate the dog rather than dissuade it from attacking. There was so much blood, but I think the only long term physical damage was scars. However, I only ever saw the victim once or twice after that, she stopped going out on walks after that event.

    If you’re willing to stretch the definition of scariest and seen:

    Deer are super annoying sometimes. One of their behaviors is that they make a super loud snort-whistle noise when alarmed. So if you’re outside and unaware of their presence, and especially if you’re not expecting a super loud and almost alien-like snort-whistle coming from the woods right next to you, there’s a good chance it’s going to startle the crap out of you.