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You misunderstand. It was never a mistake. It was always an unfinished project because no one gave a flying…for anything that was of zero value.
Just because you want to use a tweak that carries too little organization and don’t care for the much more efficient method they replaced it with doesn’t mean you can’t go use gorram any other desktop.
Money is literally the very incarnation of evil via the Talisman it bears.
If they trying to make money then they are, not a fiber of otherwise, Evil.
You’re decision to not recognize the blatant & obvious Talisman does not make you correct. It’s not your choice. It’s the choice of that occult chant and signature.
Well He That Remains came by just to show that everything we experience is always part of a bigger loop. You can fucking kill him and even slam the break; crash to his design of the the highest number of alternate dimensions and then some and it won’t stop the loop. 99.99% of the time he’ll be back. We only need to consciously accept the concept of no more than the notion to summon his return. Even if we were to successfully crack the time management mech and undo his manipulation, he’ll be back when we track him down to build another one.
The Loop is more nature than matter to energy combined. When everything in all of reality would expand infinitely far apart, the whole shebang goes lateral mirror again with a whole new dimension. There is no end to any aspect of reality. Anywhere it would be, turns out it’s “just” “another” Loop Mirror.
Well do catch up on SMBC if that’s actually your objective. His bits are deeper on all that than anything I’ve read without some good drugs.
Faeries are anything.
Those don’t have to be different either.
/> = Better at actually doing the creation act than we’ve ever seen God do.
You’re right. I’m a cook. To me, it means feed the whole neighborhood.
Men don’t. Boys do. All the fucking time.
There won’t be any teachers soon.
He’s wrong. Again, bisq.
Then get Monero at localmonero.co and swap it for the Snitchcoin on Bisq.network
You mean like that?
Points at the Jolly Roger
A little over a decade & a half and I find that very useful. Should have GPG in for reading signatures on software and such too. If you’d like I can contribute to GPG terminal as I’ve been using it for a good portion of that time.
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