We pay for 4K, but we don’t get more than 720p unless we use some proprietary shit hardware and agree to their super-invasive “privacy policy” - and they expect people to NOT set sail in the high seas? GTFO…
Maybe people would pirate less if you let them keep what they pay for.
Cracking down on account sharing has sent lots of people sailing as well, and market fragmentation.
Don’t forget ads.
I’d happily pay for anything I consume if it were convenient, private, and no ads. Since I can’t get that anymore, well, it’s the high seas for me. I pay as much for high seas related services as I would for the official streamers, but the experience is 10x better.
Netflix turning off account sharing is what sent me to the high seas. Disney+ doing the same will push me over even more.
Is there anything with pirating on Disney+?
I could pirate all of Disney+ and never watch a damn thing.
Am childless.
I’m rewatching some old stuff on there as we speak.
Burn Notice, White Collar, Lie to Me. All great shows. Loki was good too.
Have cancelled it to run my own media server from now on though.
Well streaming prices have gotten ridiculous.
It’s not just the prices, people are lazy. You can go to one place and get all the things or search 10 different places.
It’s not just the prices, people are lazy.
Or they just demand good value for their service. Netflix hugely curtailed piracy in their early days. Same with Valve’s Steam.
Put everything on 1 or 2 platforms and take cuts depending on what people are watching.
I don’t care if there are 10 platforms. Let them compete on features and customer service, but the content should be available on all. A bit like ISPs, give me the content and pay the creator a cut when n I watch.
But fuck this 10 services with fragmented content.
I stuck around with streaming for as long as I could but with the price increases, the restrictions, the lack of content as they revert back into cable bullshit has driven me back to getting the bulk of my stuff via torrents again.
Honestly, I’m pretty shocked that streaming remained decent for as long as it did but we all knew this was inevitable because we all know how this song and dance with greedy corporations go.
Paying up to 23$ a month (not including other streaming services) to watch maybe 5% of the shows and movies I’m interested in just didn’t seem like a good deal after a while.
I know a lot of people who are sailing the Seas until the streaming Market crashes. There’s way too many businesses trying to do the same exact thing which has limited the media selection available without paying multiple $12 a month subscriptions. Eventually they will either fold or merge together again
Ironically this is a double edged sword. If they merge, expect prices to rise. Won’t be long before $100/mo is expected and accepted.
This is the number one reason I won’t ever pay for a netflix subscription (or others) again. Pay for 4K but you dont get 4K if you want to watch on your laptop or android streaming box that they don’t approve of. Like how much fucking greedier could you be? Fuck them I hope they all go the way of blockbuster soon.
Those are rookie numbers! Let’s pump it up!
Bold of you to think that they even think of us at all.
I actually mean that seriously: we continue seeing, over and over, that no, quite often they do NOT expect people to NOT do that, they quite simply DGAF. They pirate us, we pirate them, it becomes just another “cost of doing business”, until they are strong enough to eventually crack down further. See ad blocking & Chrome recently, after multiple decades of internet ads pushing the limits.
It’s like a zombie nom noming your brains - after like 2 bites it’ll get bored and wander off, and it literally doesn’t even need to “eat”, it simply is so fucking DUMB that it doesn’t know what else to do with itself. It is truly horrifying b/c while your entrails may be strewn about on the floor, or in the throats of tens of zombies, they in turn… don’t even have the decency to be aware that you’ve died!?
Lower-level managers sell ideas to higher-level managers, and “logic” has little to do with those conversations, compared to the amount of emo-stroking that goes on “oh, you will become so rich, and powerful, and handsome, and brave, and precious” (from here:-P) - and so long as enough people play along, that happens!
Our world is just so fucking STUPID.
That said, what they do is on them, while what we do is on us. Find a way to live - hopefully by finding a way to contribute, if/where you can.
Us: We think about you all the time!
Corporations: Funny, because we don’t think of you ever.
(Funny b/c in this pic, corps are the ones who are dicks:-P)
Is that what my girlfriend & I were doing in her bedroom in the early 00s listening to Brand New and Death Cab?
Probably, and it was surely glorious (if you did it right)!:-P
I can easily say that the amount of my friends and family that have become interested in my Emby setup has expontentially consistently increased every round that these streaming providers have increased their rates.
The experience of launching 7 different streaming apps to find something, content constantly vanishing or moving platforms, and just an overall poor user experience coupled with doubling/tripling of each platforms costs…
The companies have almost successfully re-introduced the very problem that streaming originally solved.
It’s like this dipshits don’t want our money. I’ve always been firm that any content removed from streaming services is a message from that content company that they don’t want the money of the customers subscribed to said service and thus are okay with those people pirating it instead.
If they cared about the money, they’d had left the content there.
But realistically even if pump and dump schemes like this make the customers hate them, it might still make more as a total sum - and if so as a cooperation they’d almost have to take the shitty route (or be surpassed by someone who will).
Yay capitalism
Yay capitalism
Lol, you think greed won’t exist under socialism? Greed is why communism fails every time. People are inherently greedy in a world where scarcity exists.
Luckily, we don’t live in a world where scarcity exists, just one with a resource distribution problem.
we don’t live in a world where scarcity exists
Wrong, there’s a distinct scarcity of logic in your arguments.
“Scarcity is so fundamental to economics that scarce goods are also known as economic goods. In economics, scarce goods are those for which demand would exceed supply at a price of zero.”
Uh no? I don’t think I really implied it wouldn’t either, nor even that I’m a socialist tbh
something something manufactured scarcity changes things
I fucking wonder why. When owning isn’t owning them piracy is totally justified.
We pay for 4K, but we don’t get more than 720p unless we use some proprietary shit hardware and a
Not only that… you pay to get tv content and suddenly they remove it because of licensing or political correctness bullshit.
Also riddled with ads
Piracy has changed so much. Back when people were making the transition from p2p to torrents there was very little if any streaming sites.
Nowadays if you sneeze hard enough you’re bound to spray down some big name streaming service.
Now there are even whole front ends that allow you to stream whatever you want anytime you want even on a little, but very powerful handheld computer.
I would say that 12% is more on the low end. If you were to factor in ad blocking and the various front ends I mentioned earlier I could see that number going up much higher.
Not gonna lie, if you asked me what I would think the increase would be and I would have assumed it be a lot higher.
But then again, that could be the part of the pirate crew that doesn’t use a VPN and is easily identified upon entering the site.
don’t need to use a VPN when my country could not fucking care less about piracy. Hell, some major chain shops here run pirated windows
Hope it goes up more
I wonder what happened in those four years that gave people a lot of time to watch movies but not a lot of money to pay for them 🤔