You heard right
You heard right
So does Switzerland…
Cheers! Will have a look when I have time
Oooo can you tell me more?
I have a UPS and it’s connected to and communicate with my Synology, but the NUC could also benefit from a safe shutdown in case of power outages.
I am not on a VPN and experience it with my phone, iPad and desktop sadly.
I’ve been trying to get into Searx for about a month now, but I just cannot make it work the way I want it to.
The auto-detect is constantly in the wrong country, sometimes throwing me to a random one if I search for a product e.g.
If I lock it to one country it works better, but then it excludes so much potentially useful data.
Any advice on how to set it up a bit to make it work better?
I’d say fluent in Norwegian, English and German. German because I lived there for a year and the missus is German.
I can make myself understood in Spanish.
Swedish and Danish come for free as they are so close to Norwegian. I don’t need to speak them as we understand eachother mostly.
Add:North has for their filament for several different printers.
I use their PLA profiles for Bambu and they work really well.
All in all they have really cool guides that are applicable for 3D-printer newbies in general, so I’ve been very happy with them.
Try to get as much sleep as possible.
I have a 1 year old and we’ve all been constantly sick since mid-fall.
Had the actual flu last week and still feel it.
Hoping we’re immune to as much shit as possible now.
What about you, OP?
Every NOK over 500k is now with VAT. They changed it last year.
The selection under 500k is still quite good, so I’m not gonna pretend the deal is horrible, and you only pay on the amount over, so a 600k car is still artificially cheap compared to most places.
This is true, but the batteries do not suffer any harm by being used when cold, just charging which we by now agree is not an issue as long as the car heats them up first.
They also expell heat by being used, so they are nice and toasty for when you reach you destination and can plug in.
The misinformation is that they don’t work well in the cold. Truth be told, they are fantastic in the cold. I’d argue better than ICE. That’s a different topic for a different day though.
You are, rightfully so, claiming batteries don’t like cold temperatures. What you fail to add are the mitigations companies make to solve these issues. That feels disingenous, unless you just didn’t know.
If your phone had the capacity and function to heat itself up during outdoor use, it would also work brilliantly.
So while I’m sure the scientific papers are great, without having read them, I’d guess they don’t include the whole picture either as if they would, we’d be in agreement.
I tried finding where I called you any names and failed, but if you felt attacked then I appoligize for that. I have nothing against you or think you deserve that. We are just disagreeing on this one topic.
Have a good night!
Which is why they are heated before being charged, either by the on-board heater if it’s been parked, or naturally by just driving the damn thing.
You said EVs don’t work well in the cold. That is a demonstrably false statement by the fact that Norway has over 500 000 of them rolling around all year. You can post as many misinformed links supporting it as you wish. If it had any merit, we would not be at 90%+ adoption rating.
Either you are the biggest genious in the world and we are half a million morons, or you are just wrong.
The fact that I drive mine in weather spanning from -30 C to +25 C makes me suspect the latter.
Have a good one, mate.
They work fine in the cold. This old, blatantly wrong, myth needs to die soon.
Source: we use them every damn day all year, including winter.
A Norwegian with an EV daily driver.
Does anyone know when the P-series will be affected?
Considering LAN-mode and Tailscale for remote access, but it is interesting to see if people find it viable or if other alternatives pop up from people smarter than myself.
The private tracker I use has it for PC and PS4, including patch v1 01.
Let me know if you are unable to get it and you need some help. Otherwise best of luck and have a great day!
What’s the game?
I could have a look at least…
I’d probably go for a small N100 mini-PC.
Should be plenty powerful for what you need, very low wattage and relatively trivial to get GPU pass through in Proxmox. Alternatively one of the more powerful versions.
This depends on how many cameras, resolution and frequency of course, but you should be able to see if others with similar setups have it running smoothly. You’d be limited on storage, but can set up NFS to your NAS or existing server.
I plan to use Surveillance Station in my Synology NAS.
Two PoE cameras on their own physical network. Everything is laying in the closet still as life just gets in the way, but hopefully it will be done this winter or spring.
I also have a Eufy 2k Doorbell camera with a hub for local storage.
None of it is for actual protection though, as burglaries are rare here. It’s only because I love tech and to capture interesting moments. I also plan on making time lapses because they are cool.
Yeah I’m glad I waited as long as I did and purchased the best I could out of the box.
The amount of tinkering the old Creality at work has needed over the years…
I wouldn’t have lasted long with that at home.
Super happy with our Bambu. It just prints nicely and just works every time.
Before people get mad at me for having a Bambu: I bought it before the UA changed and it’s in LAN mode with no internet. Hardware is great even though the company is a little shady these days.