This bagette doesn’t look lovely nor fresh
If it’s in that kind of bag (with little holes in it), it was definitely freshly baked that day. That kind of bag is designed to keep the bread crispy, but it can only be used on the day it was baked, or the bread will become hard as rock the next day. If a loaf is going to be kept and sold the next day, it has to be rebagged into a solid plastc bag to keep it fresh. “Lovely” is subjective. It’s a grocery store baguette.
Ok, in all fairness it may very well be freashly baked, but from a factory. This bagette is made industrially. It’s very clear from it’s appearance (even ignoring the plastic bag). This bagette does not taste good and in only few hours time it will be dry as hell.
As a proud snail slurper, I don’t trust no bagette coming in a plastic bag!
Bread doesn’t last long enough in this kind of bag for it to have been baked in a factory and shipped to the store. It’s baked fresh in the store that day. It’a baked from a “bread base” (think cake mix, but for bread), to which yeast and water are added. It’s mixed, proofed, then baked, all on-site in the bakery. Source: me! I worked in a grocery store bakery.
But, plenty of chain grocery stores do have their bread baked off-site and delivered.
I’m sorry the title joke was stolen from beard_necessities_of_life on insta. Hbomberguy video has me scared of plagiarism
You’ve done it now. I can’t wait for the 7 hour exposé on your crimes
So? It’s not like you’re gonna get banned here, lol 😂.
Who knows? That hbomberguy is relentless.
He could be here already! He might be any one of us!
Ha. I don’t think I even read the title. I didn’t even see the pun until I read your comment. So I’m glad you cited your source.
Pretty sure the baguette still works.
Personally, I tend to eat half by the time I get to the car, so I would consider this good customer service.
I’m french and I’ve never heard about breaking a baguette being “bad”. Sure, the broken tips are gonna go dry a little faster but it’s not a big deal
Never understood (or experienced) having my purchases bagged for me when I do groceries
It creates jobs.
You’re not the first one to say so, but a job that exist just to create jobs sounds like a bad excuse. Why would a store just create jobs?
To create cheap (overworked) labor to make a customer’s shopping experience better, in hopes of them coming back to spend more money.
Checkout baggers are not overworked…
As someone who works in a grocery store (but not on the front end), I like how you’re assuming baggers only bag. I guess it depends on the company, but those poor bastards tend to have to bag, clear carts from the lot, sweep the store, clean the restrooms, clean spills around the store, among other tasks. All while receiving the lowest wage in the store.
I’m not assuming that actually. None of those jobs are particularly hard. Check out baggers are not overworked.
Neither is your smooth brain, apparently.
When you have a family of three and you’re shopping for them by yourself and have to put them on the conveyor belt without help, it’s a big time saver.
The people i see who have loaded carts, usually just pop everything back into the cart and repack either when they offload into the car or before they exit the store
That’s the way!
That sounds like a great way to piss off other shoppers considering the lack of space for everyone to take the time for either of those activities in many supermarkets.
I guess we must accept that things work differently in different parts of the world. It works fine here and no one gets either pissed off or is in the way.
How much space is there inside the store for people to do that past the registers? Because here, there’s room for about two carts and no table to do it on. Then in the parking lot, if the weather isn’t terrible (it can get down to arctic temperatures and blizzarding here in the winter), you have to hope you leave enough room, if there is enough room to leave, for other cars to get by you.
The only place I have ever been to in the U.S. where bagging your own groceries was feasible was Aldi.
It’s simply a different system. The markets are adjusted to it. There is enough room and sometimes even tables for this purpose. The markets are simply using different mechanisms to speed up the process so that they can have more customers per minute. Aldi is a big player here. The cashiers are trained and drilled to be super fast. There are no baggers, but enough room to pack your stuff yourself later. Recently they added a new kind of “double line”. Now there is enough space for two trolleys right behind the cashier. Each line has their own card reader. The cashier has minimum waiting time for the next customer. Also almost zero time for customer interaction or any talk. Probably effective, but it really feels rushed out.
The only way you could add space would be to take out and move all the checkout lanes.
A lot of the time it exists to provide jobs essentially.
First world problems. I wouldn’t give a shit because I am cutting that thing up anyway.
Yeah, I was thinking this is a bit ridiculous. That sucker looks to be an easy 2 or so feet long. Unless you’re making something that’s extremely long it’s getting cut up anyway.
Squashing bread is a true crime.
Step 1) Establish dominance with the customer
Life pro tip, never eat the middle part of a baguette in France
Were you gonna expand on that?
The armpit section
I don’t know, in a world where people will pay for a jar of some egirls bath water, I’m willing to bet that someone would pay extra for a nibble on some moist armpit baguette.
Some people do what? Just to make sure, an egirl is like a vtubet right?
No. I don’t think it’s still a thing, but look up Belle Delphine if you want to know about it.
I’m afraid to do so but here goes nothing…
Edit: every day I die a little more inside
I mean, how else are you gonna make the sandwich anyway?
Wait…you mean you’re telling me you don’t deepthroat your entire baguette in one bite???
So there are people out there that don’t unhinge their jaw to eat an entire sub, olive-on-a-toothpick included?
What a loser! Wow. We should point and laugh.
My first thought when I saw this post was, “That’s not a baguette, that’s french bread.” I never connected that the gigantic long bread at the store with the stale dry crust that they label as “french bread” is supposed to be a baguette, which is French. Like they are too ashamed to actually call it a baguette because it kind of sucks but that’s definitely what it’s supposed to be.
Is french bread a regional thing in the US?
They call it stick bread (stokbrood) where I’m from, and I’ve seen it called french sticks in the UK. I guess we all just can’t accept the french having a reasonable name for something.
In the US, baguette refers to the shape, so you can get a “sourdough baguette” which is not French style bread, or “sourdough french bread” which can be either sourdough in baguette shape or a round loaf of French style sourdough or American style sourdough made with French sourdough culture and you can get “French sandwich rolls” and “Sliced French bread” which are both made with the same ingredients that French baguettes are- flour, water, yeast and salt.
Where I come from they’d tie her limbs to 3 horses and have the horses run away from each other.
As a french baguette amateur I can confirm this is how you pack a traditional industrial baguette.
Industrial baguette would break you, not the other way around
This lady sounds mad. I’d be impressed at how real that cashier is keeping it.
Nice of your grocery store to pay for someone to bag your groceries, though. Ours pretty much just throws it on the floor for us to deal with.
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Brake? Break?
Break. I was in a hurry and LOS has minimal correction
They do this with Cuban bread here all the time (they do ask). Presumably you aren’t making one yard long sandwich.
That would drive me nuts.
Honestly, It’s just I wanna be the one who breaks my bread. ☹️