We had this kind of test, too. I guess it’s a popular way of teaching this lesson of “read the whole f*cking instructions! That’s why someone wrote them down for you!”
It seems I am out of the loop about gravity. How is it “unexplained”? Seems pretty straight forward (or “downward”) to me.
There was this dude who applied for art school. They rejected him, which basically led to WW2 later on.
It’s simply a different system. The markets are adjusted to it. There is enough room and sometimes even tables for this purpose. The markets are simply using different mechanisms to speed up the process so that they can have more customers per minute. Aldi is a big player here. The cashiers are trained and drilled to be super fast. There are no baggers, but enough room to pack your stuff yourself later. Recently they added a new kind of “double line”. Now there is enough space for two trolleys right behind the cashier. Each line has their own card reader. The cashier has minimum waiting time for the next customer. Also almost zero time for customer interaction or any talk. Probably effective, but it really feels rushed out.
That’s the way!
The description was: “a fat white man in his 70s, with crazy blonde hair, orange skin color, wearing a suit with a red tie, having small hands and squeezed eyes”
Reminds me of the situation in Germany at the moment. The federal constitutional court ruled 60 billion € Climate Credit for saving our future to be illegal. The Christian Party sued because of a dumb rule. But we just gave the military 100bn € out of the back pocket.
She can even save canada
It seems I’m not up-to-date. What’s wrong with LastPass?
Edit: nevermind. I just googled it. [https://www.notebookcheck.com/Ist-LastPass-noch-sicher-Experten-kritisieren-den-Passwortmanager.677484.0.html)(url) Here is an article about it (in German), for anyone else wondering.
Seems like I will have to find a way to move my vault to another password manager. I hope I can find a way of doing this safely without needing to do that manually… So I am grateful for any advice!
For a second I thought they where Owen Wilson and Katherine Parkinson
I still have a similar shirt. Mine was white and the logo and font was glittering. Now you can hardly read it.
How can I load the swipe library? My heliboard can’t swipe :(