why not both?
why not both?
Some people don’t understand the difference between a shitpost and a shit post.
Captsin_oni thinks that’s very cringe
How do they know they’re costumes?
Romanes eunt domus
What are you talking about? The fact that you can’t run D2 on Linux is the BEST feature.
(Jk of course, play any game you want the the free time you get)
There’s also bazzite.
Duel of fates starts playing
Multi-account containers + tab groups would make Firefox the perfect browser for me, and I wouldn’t be able to use anything else.
It’ll be like blaming your Network provider for allowing a user to download a movie
Which, by the way it was recently ruled in the US that ISPs can’t be punished for that. article source
Machines training machines? How perverse!
“Too big to fail” truly the dream of any capitalist.
This red light is brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends…
The cunt that started the anti-vaxx movement so he could push his own version of the vaccine, because money, of course.
So there are people out there that don’t unhinge their jaw to eat an entire sub, olive-on-a-toothpick included?
Ah yes, the “just the tip” of fascism.
People stuck in traffic for 2 hours everyday: “So much freedom!” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against someone having nice things; but the fact that this guy made half of his identity having said things (and the other half being a sadistic, misogynistic monster) makes mocking him much funnier.
Hey, if these guys do everything they can to make sure their companies’ “achievements” are considered all their own doing; let’s be fair and attribute all the fault of their failures as well.
But you’re right, billionaires ride on the shoulders of the people that do the actual hard work.
He doesn’t pay his own lawyers, why would he pay someone else’s?
Just a small reminder that jugaloo makeup beats facial recognition