‘Nudify’ Apps That Use AI to ‘Undress’ Women in Photos Are Soaring in Popularity::It’s part of a worrying trend of non-consensual “deepfake” pornography being developed and distributed because of advances in artificial intelligence.
Weirdos. Back in my day, we woild cut out a nude body from playboy and glue it on a picture of Kathleen Turner, and we did uphill both ways in the snow! Darn kids and their technology!
Direct image link (instead of a Google link): https://imgur.com/qFItKA9.jpg
I remember being a dumb & horny kid and Photoshopping my crush’s face onto a porn photo. And even then I felt what I did was wrong and never did it again.
I feel like what you did and the reaction you had to what you did is common. And yet, I don’t feel like it’s harmful unless other people see it. But this conversation is about to leave men’s heads and end up in public discourse where I have no doubt it will create moral or ethical panic.
A lot of technology challenges around AI are old concerns about things that we’ve had access to for decades. It’s just easier to do this stuff now. I think it’s kind of pointless to stop or prevent this stuff from happening. We should mostly focus on the harms and how to prevent them.
I’ve seen ads for these apps on porn websites. That ain’t right.
Any moron can buy a match and a gallon of gasoline, freely and legally, and that’s a good thing. But I would hope that anyone advertising and/or selling Arson Kits™ online would be jailed. Of course this will not stop determined arsonists, but repression might deter morons, inventive psychopaths, and overly impulsive people (especially teenagers!) from actually going through with a criminal act. Not all of them. But some/most of them. And that’s already a huge win.
I mean, you’ve been able to do a cursory search and get dozens of “celeb lookalike” porn for many years now. “Scarjo goes bareback” isn’t hard to find, but that ain’t Scarjo in the video. How is this different?
Edit: To be clear, it’s scummy as all fuck, but still.
“But the brightest minds of the time were working on other things like hair loss and prolonging erections.”
So we can all have big hairy erections like God intended.
To be fair, the erection thing was a fluke. Once they found it though it was the fastest FDA approval in decades.
wait, then why am I still slowly balding?
Slowly means they succeeded
We have the technology
These are terrible but I’m honestly curious what it thinks I look like naked. Like I’m slightly overweight and my chest is larger than average but more splayed then normal. Would it just have me look like a model underneath?
Are they just like head swapping onto model bodies or does it actually approximate. I am legit curious., but I would never trust one of these apps to not keep the photos/privacy concerns.
Ethically, these apps are a fucking nightmare.
But as a swinger, they will make an amazing party game.
Ethics will probably change… I guess in the future it’ll become pretty irrelevant to have “nude” pictures of oneself somewhere, because everyone knows it could just be AI generated. In the transition period it’ll be problematic though.
Totally agreed, and 100% the world I want to live in. Transition will indeed suck tho.
I doubt it would be realistic, they just kind of take an average of their training data and blend it together to my knowledge.
That’s pretty much what all “AI” does.
If you want the best answer then you’ll have to download the app and try it on yourself. If it’s accurate then that’s pretty wild.
2 days and still no “pictures or it is a lie” comment. Thus place is different. :)
Fake nudes incoming. Everyone has a baby leg now.
I’m really curious if your DMs are now flooded with weirdos and dick pics, or if lemmy is any different from the rest of the internet.
Honestly not a single one. Much better than Reddit.
There are so many though!! Which ones? Like which ones specifically??
And people will agree to have their photographs taken, because of the implication …
Asking for a friend
Yeah, I need to know so I can stop my kids from using them. Specifically which ones?
I use an ad blocker and haven’t seen these. Perhaps a link to the best ones could be shared here for better understanding of what the article is talking about?
I don’t understand either.
Careful with asking such things, because the boundary to crime seems blurry.
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And you are sure that ‘someone’ is of legal age, of course. Not blaming you. But does everybody always know that ‘someone’ is of legal age? Just an example to start thinking.
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It’s not
Depends on where you live. Not legal in the UK for example. In the US it can even be broken down at the state level, although there’s lots of debate on whether states are able to enforce their laws. “Obscene” speech is not protected under free speech, the argument would be whether or not the naked drawings had artistic merit or not.
I’m not a lawyer, but I do know that people in the US have gone to prison for possessing naked images of fictional children and it’s on the books as illegal in many other countries.
Possibly a good thing. Over saturation. Fill the internet will billions on billions of ai nudes. Have a million different nudes for celebrities. Nobody knows the real naked you and nobody cares. Keep creating more ai porn than anyone can handle. It becomes boring and over the top. Ending this once and fir all
Or find the people doing this and lock em up.
The first option is much better in the long run.
Whatever works
Keep creating more ai porn than anyone can handle
overabundance is behind a lot of societal ills already
Fair enough. Do you have a better solution. I was just spit balling
what were you thinking when you thought of your first version? that sounds like a creepy scenario. what if I don’t want to see it and it’s everywhere. I could click on “I’m Not Interested” and flood social media with reports, but if there are “billions on billions” of AI nudes, then who would be able to stop them from being seen in their feed? I’d say that, while locking them up won’t change the sexist system which pushes this behavior, it is a far less creepy and weird scenario than having billions of unconsensual nudes online.
Why would you see them in social ? Depends what you look at. There are already billions of naked people on the Internet. Do you see them ?.
But are there apps that undress men?
The models they’re using are probably capable of both, they just need to change the prompt.
They would need to be trained to do that first.
… but why male models?
Same, I couldn’t find any other sources for the image I needed tho
I don’t think any of the models they’re using are trained from scratch. It would be much cheaper to take something like Stable Diffusion and finetune it or use one of the hundreds of premade porn finetunes that already exist.
Yeah, training a FM from scratch is stupid expensive. You’re talking about a team of data scientists each pulling at least 6 figures.
Only one way to find out
Pretty sure straight-men are the most likely ones to use apps like this.
You mean men envision women naked? And now there’s an app that’s just as perverted? Huh
They can go ahead, but they’ll never get that mole in the right place.
Can I pick where they put my extra finger?
I think we already know where that little guy belongs
What nude data were these models trained on?
This seems like another unhealthy thing that is going to pervert people’s sense of what a normal body looks like.
The internet is like 90% porn, what do you think they used?
Most people prefer attractive > average, so I guess that’s what these apps are going to show.
HoeHow can this be legal though?Missing a ‘w’ or a comma.
Obviously not defending this, I’m just not sure how it wouldn’t be legal. Unless you use it to make spurious legal claims.
I live in a Scandinavian country, and it is illigal to make and distributed fake (and real) nudes of people without their permission. I expect this to be the same in many other developed countries too.
I’m curious. If I was to paint you using my memory, but naked, would that still be illegal? How realistic can I paint before I trespass the law? I’m fairly sure stick figures are okay.
And do you mean that even just possessing a photo without consent is illegal? What if it was sent by someone who has consent but not to share? Is consent transitive according to the law?
AI pushes the limit of ethics and morality in ways we might not be ready to handle.
I am pretty sure that possesion is not illigal but that distribution without consent is. The idea is that someone can have sent you their nude, but you’d get charged if you share it with others.
There was a huge case here, where over 1000 teens were charged for distributing child porn, because of a video that cirvulated among them of some other teens having sex. So basically someone filmed a young couple having sex at a party i believe. That video got shared on Facebook messenger. Over 1000 teens got sued. I believe that 800 were either fined or jailed
Here’s an article you may be able to run through Google translate
In some states, distributing nude content of anyone, including one’s self, with consent, electronically is illegal. Which sounds insane because it is. It’s one of those weird legacy laws that never ever never gets enforced for obvious reasons, but I actually know a guy arrested for it, because he got in the wrong side of some police and it was just the only law they could find that he “broke”.
Haha… many other developed countries.
The same way that photo shopping someone’s face onto a pornstar’s body is.
But its not. That is not legal.
I dont know if it is where you live, but here (Scandinavian Country) and many other places around the World, it is illigal to create fske nudes of people without their permission
Ah didn’t know that, AFAIK it’s protected artistic speech in the US. Not to say that it’s right but that’s probably why it’s still a thing.
In principle that’s the case in Germany, too, but only if the person is of public interest (otherwise you’re not supposed to publish any pictures of them where they are the focus of the image) and, secondly, it has to serve actually discernible satire, commentary, etc. Merely saying “I’m an artist and that’s art” doesn’t fly, hire a model. Similar to how you can dish out a hell a lot of insults when you’re doing a pointed critique, but if the critique is missing and it’s only abuse that doesn’t fly.
Ha. Idea: An AfD politician as a garden gnome peeing into the Bundestag.
Appreciate how good you have it. In America, child sex abuse material is only illegal when children were abused in making it, or if it’s considered obscene by a community. If someone edits adult actors to look like children as they perform sex acts, it’s not illegal under federal law. If someone generates child nudity using ai models trained on nude adults and only clothed kids, it’s not illegal at the national level.
Fake porn of real people could be banned for being obscene, usually at a local level, but almost any porn could be banned by lawmakers this way. Harmless stuff like gay or trans porn could be banned by bigoted lawmakers, because obscenity is a fairly subjective mechanism. However, because of our near absolute freedom of speech, obscenity is basically all we have to regulate malicious porn.
child sex abuse material is only illegal when children were abused in making it
This is literally why it’s illegal though. Because children are abused, permanently traumatized, or even killed in its making. Not because it disgusts us.
There are loads of things that make me want to be sick, but unless they actively hurt someone they shouldn’t be illegal.
The way I believe it is here, is that it is illigal to distribute porn or nudes without consent, be it real or fake. I don’t know how it is with AI generated material of purely imaginary people. I don’t think that that is iligal. but if it is made to look like someone particular, then you can get sued.
I guess free speech laws protect it? You can draw a picture of someone else nude and it isn’t a violation of the law.
It was inevitable. And it tells more about those who use them.
I wonder how we’d adapt to these tools being that availiable. Especially in blackmail, revenge porn posting, voyeuristic harassment, stalking etc. Maybe, nude photoes and videos won’t be seen as a trusted source of information, they won’t be any unique worth hunting for, or being worried about.
Our perception of human bodies was long distorted by movies, porn, photoshop and subsequent ‘filter-apps’, but we still kinda trusted there was something before effects were applied. But what comes next if everything would be imaginary? Would we stop care about it in the future? Or would we grow with a stunted imagination since this stimuli to upgrade it in early years is long gone?
There’re some useless dogmas around our bodies that could be lifted in the process, or a more relaxed trend towards clothing choices can start it’s wsy. Who knows?
I see bad sides to it right now, how it can be abused, but if these LLMs are to stay, what’re the long term consequencies for us?
I think that eventually it might be a good thing, especially in the context of revenge porn, blackmail, etc. Real videos won’t have any weight since they might as well be fake, and as society gets accustomed to it, we’ll see those types of things disappear completely
Yep, once anyone can download an app on their phone and do something like this without any effort in realtime it’s going to lose its (shock) value fast. It would be like sketching a crude boobs and vagina on someones photo with MS Paint and trying to use that for blackmail or shaming. It would just seem sad and childish.
Reminds me of Arthur C Clarke’s The Light of Other Days. There’s a technology in the book that allows anyone to see anything, anywhere, which eliminates all privacy. Society collectively adjusts, e.g. people masturbate on park benches because who gives a shit, people can tune in to watch me shower anyway.
Although not to the same extreme, I wonder if this could similarly desensitize people: even if it’s fake, if you can effectively see anyone naked… what does that do to our collective beliefs and feelings about nakedness?
It could also lead to a human version of “Paris Syndrome” where people AI Undress their crush, only to be sorely disappointed when the real thing is not as good.
I’m predicting clothing lines designed to trick the AIs into thinking you’re better endowed than you really are
Back in the day, cereal boxes contain “xray glasses”. I feel like if those actually worked as intended, we would have already had this issue figured out.