And here I am just stealing more food than ever.
And here I am just stealing more food than ever.
What could someone say a spy for Cuba has helped with? Giving Cuba intel on how to build better factories?
Why is this man in so many modern b&W films?
I thought they made a real one of these as a one time goof.
This will really hamper my 0 visits to Wendy’s without coupons.
As a Canadian, what’s it like?
Hey, if you can’t afford groceries, steal them. The world owes you at least that. Until we can survive without eating I will judge no one for stealing food so long it’s from the corporations and not each other. And many people this day agree with me.
The ringed city is the only part of dark souls 3 I remember. It was the highlight of the game.
America has one of the strangest speakers of any country.
Those are my ancestors there 🥹
I think in legal terms it’s even called licensing.
There’d likely be a self identifying trans black woman in the comments talking about how high their murder rates are… but they’re likely busy trying to not experience violence.
Yah I don’t have porn on Plex. Not a big porn fan.
When my plex server does what Sony won’t/ can’t.
This is why we have voluntary abortion.
I didn’t even know there was an olympics this year. The olympics has done incredibly well making itself irrelevant.
If a slice of American cheese isn’t sandwiched between two sheets of plastic for enough days for the plastic flavour to leak in, it’s not American cheese 😤
Walking through the snow in the Canadian winter from your warm school hallway to the portable for that one class was always torture.
Well no. I’m Canada we keep the anlpha egg of the dozen in the egg safe. It’s not large enough for a full carton of eggs.
I’ve been waiting for him to to do something like this. It was too good to have a pope that didn’t seem evil.