Morning people, in my experience at least, firmly believe that night people are just morning people with insufficient self-discipline.
Lmao, 100%. I swear most folks I know believe being a night owl is simply a lack of self control, or they have a screw loose
What’s wild is that you’ll see them get a night job, or have to stay up late on vacation a few times and they’ll be 100/10 miserable af. Never adapt to it, and still keep believing iTs aLl SeLf DiScIpLInE
Well what it ‘proves’ to them is that mankind is supposed to follow the exact same routine that works for them. My Dad was forever saying “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Died when he was 45.
To quote Yakko Warner:
Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, but socially dead
eh, all my friends go to bed at like 9pm lmao
So do I. Don’t tell anyone.
My dad is still among us, even though I grew up with his take on it, loosely translated:
Early awake, early asleep. That brings health to every weeb.
It’s possible that he already translated it from English (your dad’s saying or an unknown variation of it), and that I’ve now translated it back to English, for each translation moving a bit further away from the original meaning in order to keep it rhyming. (I wrote “weeb” to make it rhyme, my dad’s version said “boy”.)
There’s actually a genetic bias on it. It can be overridden, but you’ll always feel a bit burnt out from it. It also changes with age (teenagers are the latest, getting earlier as you age.
As a night person who has to wake up at 6am, I can absolutely confirm. I’m always tired.
Yeah no matter what time I go to bed, if I have to wake up before 8 in the morning I’ll be tired. I’m just not built for early mornings
For anyone curious about it, here are some sources.
I had to get up at 05:30 during my teenage years to get to school in time, which was horrible. If I slept in, I could easily sleep til noon or even later. Now that I’m older, I usually wake up around 08:00, even on weekends.
I used to be a night owl, then I had a job that required me to get up at 5:30. It sucked for 2 weeks and now I’m a morning person.
I had the opposite experience a few years ago, I am very much a night owl.
I did a job that required me in the office for 7am for a few months, I was noticeably less effective for the whole duration, I was just slower at everything and was basically constantly tired. Switched back to getting in for 9-10am and the difference was night and day, as basically I was back to my old levels of effectiveness after a day or two.
I just think I’m one of these people that cannot adapt, or at least if I do, it comes with a cost.
I’m a night owl and even early morning acclimatization hasn’t helped.
There were a few months that I had to do 12.5 hour shift work where I had to be at work at 5:30 AM and I was miserable the entire time. It’s hard to adjust when your natural cycle is like 10 am to 2 am.
Then there’s my fucking cunt of a housemate who lkves on the floor above me that’s the loudest mother fucker on the face of the earth and fucking stomps around until 1am every night and opens and slams close every fucking draw and door in his room, and re arrnafes his furniture every night, then gets up at 6.30 in the morning so he can stomp around some more, hack up his lungs as loudly as humanly possible and slam every door in the fucking house before leaving for work exactly when my alarm goes off, specifically so I can’t have a single good night sleep ever.
Sorry I may have some pent up anger.
Sorry I may have some pent up anger.
Nothing a good night of sleep can’t solve!
You must live below the people in the apartment next to me.
Why are people like this. Really. I want a serious, well thought out answer from people who act like this. I would be fucking appalled if I found out people had been losing sleep because of me. Or they weren’t able to concentrate when working from home, or had to get a bluetooth converter for their tv to connect headphones because otherwise they can’t even enjoy tv with all the stomping, banging, furniture moving, and door slamming. I would feel so fucking guilty and especially embarrassed for coming off as such an entitled piece of shit. I literally cannot comprehend that there are people who know they’re disturbing others, in their own homes, day and night, and they either don’t give a shit, or they get mad at the person they’re torturing for asking them nicely to keep it down. Or both. And yes I have brought it up with my landlord countless times. They could give a fuck. The next step is to contact the city and have them come in with a decibel meter or something. In my state, landlords must ensure “peaceful enjoyment” for tenants. But I’d have to prove it’s over a certain level, then deal with filing a complaint and/or civil court or whatever, so nothing ever changes.
This is one situation where I think an eye for an eye is perfectly reasonable, because after living through over a year of daily constant noise, I think my next door neighbors aren’t deserving of a single moment of peace from now on.
Everyone seems to have a story like this, which makes me think that we might actually be just as loud as the people we complain about without realizing it. Think about it. It’s not like we can actually hear what we sound like from the floor below while we are “softly walking around” upstairs.
YMMV. You have situations like the one you describe, and you have situations like mine. There’s a unit down the hall that keeps everyone on the damn floor awake. There’s a nice dude who lives there and raises his grandkids, and there’s also the kid’s father. The kids and the grandfather are great. They’re respectful, kind, and very friendly.
The kid’s father has this “fun” habit of sleeping with complete randos. You do you, yadda yadda. I try to mind my own business.
He makes it EVERYONE’S business. Every single time he gets dumped, he throws an enormous hissy fit. Screaming incoherently, banging on every door in the hallway, stomping about, etc. He doesn’t work, yet he throws a hissy fit when he has to watch his own kids because the grandfather has to work. It doesn’t matter if it’s 2am or 2pm, there’s a decent chance that that guy is pissed at something. It wasn’t uncommon to see him crying by the front doors.
It’s a great personal reminder to never start doing hard drugs. I only know that the guy does hard drugs because of the grandfather was venting to me about it. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times the cops have been called on him by other people.
Fuuuck I wish it was cheaper to move.
I think the two of you need to sit down for a little talk 😂
Its time to get a dirt cheap van, convert it out, and pay yourself the ‘rent’
I feel like I know this guy
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Leaf blowers piss me off. They are good in some circumstances but usually it’s a neighbour that just blows their shit on to the street. Use a brush and pick it up you selfish prick.
Or get the opposite; a leaf vacuum. They seem way more useful to me than the ones that blow.
I could have written this. I feel your pain.
You know the single greatest thing I starting doing in 2023?
Sleeping with my noise cancelling AirPods. Not listening to anything, just using their inherent abilities.
I sleep like a fucking rock now!
I do the same thing except I can’t stand silence so I play thunderstorms in the background so I hear the thunderstorm through the headphones instead of silence
I do the same thing except I can’t stand silence so I play ASOIAF theory livestreams. Thank you Alt Schwift X and Glidus, now I sleep much better and I also understand that Tywin Lannister is secretly the Dusky Woman (and Tyrek Lannister is a horse).
I do that in the morning sometimes but it doesn’t help when he stomps around and slams doors I shakes the fucking house like zues himself is having a temper tantrum.
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So fucking much this. They have no respect for the owls
If I wake the morning people up I’d have to spend time with them, which kind of defeats the purpose of being a night person.
I worked in the nightshitf for almost 2 years and can confirm this is so true.
This was me when my ex was asleep on the left, her when I was asleep on the right.
I tried my whole life to get up early, one day I just gave up. Started my own company, bought a house - now I live and work like nature made me. No, I wear clothes, it’s just the sleep. Btw it’s interesting when you’re hiring how many people are like that and love the hours. I can recommend that to every night person.
that sounds like a cool sitcom TV show idea about a seemingly normal company except they work at night — like a vampire version of The Office
Most of the startups I’ve worked for dont have any of their meetings until nearly lunch time to account for the fact that most programmers stay up late
Shut up and take my money.
There’s a sleep disorder, diurnal, common for people with adhd. Their brains don’t wake up, start functioning til 6pm, wide awake all night.
I’m so careful, courteous at night, super quiet, walking softly… then 6am, morning people wake, stomping, slamming, music blasting. So not fair.
It’s not a disorder, humans are meant to have conflicting sleep schedules. Someone’s got to stay up all night and tend to the fire / keep a lookout.
Shit man. I don’t feel fully awake until 9pm and then it’s almost time to go to bed. On weekdays I get around 4 hours of sleep.
Do you know if stimulants that are prescribed for ADHD help with that?
Been on Ritalin for a decade. Helps a lot. Used to be WAY disorganized.
Literlly my roomate. He sometimes even goes through the house with a horn.
Those are the moments I wish for not living with him together.
Fuckin’ A
My partner, 6am without fail.
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Tell me you’ve never lived above a bar without saying you’ve never lived above a bar
That’s almost as bad as the geniuses that build luxury properties right next to race tracks, then petition to have the race tracks shut down for lowering property values.
Unless the bar somehow snuck up on you?
Bars and churches often do sneak up on neighborhoods.
I guess I am used to churches being hundreds of years old.
The old ones are usually not loud either. The loud ones tend to open and close often.
Might be a regional thing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a new church built in my lifetime. The only churches I see closing down are the ones in small towns that don’t have the population to maintain it anymore.
I’m curious, do you see a trend in the denomination of these pop-up churches?
I imagine it’s “regional” by the meaning that entire countries have them behaving in a similar way, but it’s different from one country to another.
Anyway, I live in a 60 years-old city, so there are no centenary churches here :) yet they are still mostly older than the average for my country. There are entirely pop-up denominations that appear, annoy the hell out of friends and relatives that I have in other cities, then close down and disappear so that nobody remember their names anymore.
I owned one and conveniently had an apartment above it in the past.
With that perspective I tried keeping it not too noisy. Speakers facing in a way to prevent noise pollution to the outside, less bass on everything too. Central speakers also get to be louder while speakers close to the windows are not as loud. It’s not ideal but it’s much better than being entirely careless.
The customers at least tend to not be noisy unless it’s karaoke night. They have some common decency where I live.
i lived above three. The intersection is pee.
This post is more about housemate habits than it is about accurately mapping town volume level by time of day.
If you deviate from the norm, don’t expect the majority to tip-toe around your sensibilities.
When I had housemates in the past, I respected this until 9AM, at that point, unless you actually have a reason to stay up past 1AM (for an 8hr sleep), then I’m afraid then it sucks to be you and I’ll just be normal amounts of quiet.
You’ve not worked night shifts clearly!
He did mention if you had a reason you had to stay up past 1AM
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