How in the fuck?
How in the fuck?
Even more annoying, because there’s a bunch of software with bad localisation where we sane DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY.MM.DD users are forced to see the abomination that is MM/DD/YYY and it leads to errors.
I know this is a joke, but could help myself: you can’t always just cancel units like this.
It’s more like 0.007 m3(fuel burned) / 100,000 m(travelled)
Can’t really cancel those.
This is my biggest complaint about SI, kg being the base mass unit with a heckin’ prefix.
Bring back the grave 🥲
It’s not even mob justice, it’s vigilante justice. It just so happens in this case practically everyone is pretty happy about it having happened.
The mob never called for this CEO’s death, we’re just not sad he was killed. Even if in general most of us wouldn’t actively call for people to be killed.
If it makes CEOs afraid, then fantastic, a nice happy side-bonus.
I feel like the engineers set π = 3 meme is from like 50 years ago where you couldn’t just punch π into your calculator
Why lying with maths is so easy, the average person, even in developed countries is practically innumerate (massive hyperbole, but the fact lying with numbers is easy, still stands)
When I say strong, I mean that a trend is it dominates and defines as decade. All those things you mentioned are trends that you associate with different times, but there are far fewer things you can dress up as and people will think: ohhhh are you “from the 2000s”.
They exist, just I’d argue it’s not as strong as the 90s
People should lie about as much as possible to most companies they interact with online anyway (obviously don’t lie to your bank, or doctor, or whatever). Do always, without fail, lie randomly about your age, gender, address (if it’s not relevant) or anything else that’s not actually needed to provide the service.
I’m only just now realising fads/trends seem to be way less strong these days.
Like, there’s a 00’s vibe, sort of, 10’s vibe??? Maybe?
But nowhere near as strong as practically every decade before that.
Perhaps it’s just there’s way more variety to bandwagon now that every niche is connected around the globe.
My random thoughts for your reading.
This is honestly the biggest joke of them all.
Get ready for way, way more election interference.
This may be Australia specific, but do job postings not spell out what they want in other countries?
Like, job postings in Australia (these days) are: this is the job, here are the key selection criteria, please provide us a resume and cover letter (or just a resume, or cover letter optional, etc). Even down to maximum number of pages sometimes.
They just tell you, and part of the way they weed people out is if they fail to follow what’s written (simple way to weed out anyone paying no attention).
Do other countries just have to GUESS what the recruitment managers want at each company?
It hurts me that people don’t realise you know where the sun rises and sets (roughly), anywhere, by looking up and roughly knowing what time it is. Other than midday, then fair enough.
0_0 I take it you do the lion’s share of the finances haha
At least I hope
I can’t wait for the budget framework to come out, 1 because current lineup is expensive (well, more than I’d like to spend on a laptop. I’ll run my shitty 2018 Microsoft Surface Pro 6 into the ground), but 2 because the product will be even more polished by that time.
Can’t wait to have a laptop and then just have it for like 10 years. Especially if it’s Linux out of the box 👍👍
I wonder when we’re gonna get the Reichstag fire
I completely seriously, put forth that it’s the soul-crushing, rampant late-stage capitalism, with poor worker protections, much more than the lack of political freedom, is what is driving the low birth rates. (Now, obviously different story during one child policy).
I just think people are way to quick to overlook the economics, which is currently happening almost everywhere (the stupid house prices, real wages not keeping up with price inflation, the wealth gap between the richest and poorest of a nation getting larger, etc)
If China became a mutli-party representative democracy overnight, you can bet your ass no one is going to be having any more children than they are right now.
If you were to ask the average Chinese person if they support their government, the answer would be yes, despite what some people outside China would like to believe. (On average, of course there are still a notable number who aren’t happy at all with the government).
I can’t believe this is actually real, or the most professional looking joke I’ve seen in a while:
I like go in add spaces between the value and the unit in documents other people have prepared, when they write 50°C or something. The standard says there should be a space: 50 °C
Non-breaking spaces, even better in my opinion 😘👌
(Alt+0,1,6,0 on the numpad for all my homies using Windows at work)
Don’t get me started on people using O’s with super script to get degrees, drives me nuts. (Alt+2,4,8, or find it in the MS Word symbols menu ffs)