30 would be nice, it’s more like 50
Lol, joke’s on you! With these meager wages, paltry living conditions, and body-destroying hours and tasks, I probably won’t even survive 30 years of this! You don’t have to save or invest for retirement if you expect to be dead before then 🫠
Man, it seems if Putin dies(or goes to prosin) and Russia will say “free visas and transport to get here”, it will get tons of cheap qualified labour.
I have a wife and three cats. Being stuck in traffic is the closest thing I have to free time.
That seems… super sad.
Imagine not working from home
As a teacher, I would rather die than ever teach a class over zoom or teams ever again.
As an adult who had to sit with a first grader to make sure they stayed in their zoom classes, I couldn’t agree more. I don’t hold a grudge against her teacher, we were all doing our best. It was just impossible to keep a first grader focused on her laptop for more than 20 min at best.
You just see what would happen in class. Now imagine having 20 of them.
I wish I could cut grass from home.
In all seriousness, some jobs cannot be done remotely. Schools are a prime example of this. That should mean that those jobs should cover expenses for travel and have some sort of tax for offsetting their carbon footprint.
Working from home is so beautiful to me. I can work from my living place, and don’t need to see faces of everyone (most of the time)
As someone that used to be a blue collar worker but now is a software developer, people like us REALLY need a reality check. Working from home is a privilege that most people will never experience, and I am forever grateful for having the opportunity.
How did you get into this ? I’m currently working as a plumber and have been thinking of getting into software development or some IT job so I have more time to be home with my family. Do you have any tips ?
Where are you located? Personally I am located in Sweden and have some tips and tricks here, but my knowledge is limited outside here sadly. Personally, I applied to a coding bootcamp and worked my way up because I knew for certain that I wanted to become a developer, and didn’t want to mess with the “other stuff” that a university program implies. I had some very limited previous experience with coding. Most countries usually have something more “job specific” and shorter than a uni program, and in that case I would recommend something like that!
Most important of all: Please just DO IT. I worked as a lathe mechanic for years longer than I should have. I was just scared of change. Now, I am happy every single day to go to work, because I remember how hard my life used to be. Take my advice and don’t be afraid, if you feel like a job in IT would fit you better!
Something like 75 percent of all jobs in the US aren’t able to be done remotely, according to a study by researchers at UW.
Imagine having no good public transport
If we’re talking in terms of comfort my own car wins hands down?
Yeah these people think getting screamed at and not being able to use earbuds for fear of some maniac sitting behind you is some sort of virtuous affair that should be experienced by all.
It’s not Europe, so fuck off with that shit.
But then one day, after 30 or 40 years of hard work, you’ll realize that you’ve done a lot of hard work.
And, if you’re American, that you have to keep doing it until it kills you.
God damn I love communist propaganda art style. there used to be a subreddit for sharing it on reddit, is there anything similar on Lemmy?
Maybe? Didn’t see one here. Or on reddit. I used reddit only few times in my life.
Nah, check out:
See also this motivational blog post that happens to lie at the intersection of the two.
TL;DR: change your lifestyle to (among other things) not need a car, then use the savings to retire early.
Someone is optimistic about the future of society.
Nah, someone is optimistic about the future of capitalism. Hopefully bunker rat will die or go to prison in next 3-10 years. And his oligarchs too.
That’s why I moved less than 5 miles away from work.
What is that meme from?
Great Teacher Onizuka
Much appreciated
One of the best manga of all time
“Whew! At least that’s over!”
— Me literally every time I clock out
(hint: it’s not over)
laughs in bicycle
Shameless plug: [email protected]
Video related
I would be more upset that we have to eat for the next 30-40 years… work is just the symptom of this fact. To get food you have to either produce it or barter it for some other service.
Username checks out
Eating is a fundamental physiological need. Making money from selling food isn’t. We have the means to feed everyone but it’s nor profitable. The ecomomy is a human fabrication.
Forget the evil economy. Why would anyone producing food give it to you for free while you sit on your ass all day and they worked hard to produce it, even if they have enough?
I don’t get it. You do the same job for 40 years? Or is the issue having something to do for 40 years? I would be so bored without a job - actually I still get bored with a job and can’t imagine what I would do with even less on my plate.
I get that, I used to work with an old timer +65 and their job made them feel useful. They told me that otherwise they’d be drinking beers and cruising on demand media. I hope he’s still out there doing exactly that. Personally I’d rather be murdered than work until I’m dead.
Covid quarantines and stuff were so boring that everything I normally enjoyed became boring also. I learned that if I don’t have something to break up time between leisure activities I’ll get tired of them. I work, and it isn’t the pinnacle of existence, but what I like to do when I am not working feels better or atleast stays as good.
I don’t know, with the huge backlog that I have regarding videogames, movies, TV shows, Anime, podcasts, mangas, comics and books I think I’d be pretty busy without the need of a work, doing one activity at once is tiring ofc, no matter how fun it is but having lots of hobbies helps (and those are the “quarantine friendly hobbies”).
Yeah I really can’t do purposeless living. I would get depressed in like a week. The content of my work gives me purpose. Those are great hobbies, I enguage with many of them, but none of them would be fulfilling without a purpose beyond them.