What does a robot vacuum have to do with a dancing exercise regimen?
Agitate! Educate! Organize!
What does a robot vacuum have to do with a dancing exercise regimen?
Don’t put down African nations like we don’t have the CIA to keep things that way.
Those who want the benefit of the social contract without adhering to it will be dominant as they have an upperhand.
Belt-and-suspendera approach? We’re barely using a drawstring to keep our pants up.
Let the greedy fend off for themselves in the desert and see how far it gets them.
Life is cruel like that.
I’m going to say “I hope we don’t get off on the wrong foot” and then they’re going to ask me to leave.
That one person that downvoted this, I hope you stub your toe. I hope the next time you get excited about something, it falls through. I hope you get thirsty and all you can drink is Dasani.
Introducing: Boating Stickerz™ by Bored Ape Yacht Club.
You leave our Margot alone!
Arguing for involving your own son in the management of your porn habits, is that really the hill you want to die on?
A member of the Industrial Workers of the World.
I wouldn’t call the possibly intentional destruction of a social media infrastructure “social media trends and events.”
They’re a Wobbly.
Social Media isn’t technology?
It’s about control. They don’t want to lose that control. They don’t deserve that control. We need to take control back.
The farming is okay. Just make sure to discourage anyone from feeling they have some sort of divine ownership over the land. Examples:
Little Johnny says “This is my land!” Knock that little bugger over and say “it’s mine now.”
If John says “God has given me this land to carry out his will!” turn that fucker into fertilizer so that he may be of use to society.
They’re gonna realize the importance of infrastructure and that a starving dog is not obedient, but desperate.
I wish I could cut grass from home.
In all seriousness, some jobs cannot be done remotely. Schools are a prime example of this. That should mean that those jobs should cover expenses for travel and have some sort of tax for offsetting their carbon footprint.
It really depends on the actor. I think we can all agree that not every actor has the same emotional maturity and therefore will not all react the same to it. For example, take a look at what Jonah Hill expects from his partners versus Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively seeming to be a healthy couple while both have had some raunchy scenes in movies featuring other people.