considering for how long, and how often, this one is probably the winner
You almost got me there. How old is the Old McDonald’s Farm song anyway?
My good old friend
Year of the Linux desktop.
And I’m pro FOSS.
Year of the Linux desktop.
Agreed. But it’s particularly bad this year, because
It’s finally the year of the Linux desktop! Woohoo! Booyah!
I use mint and don’t really have any problems.
The only problem (which is of my own making) I installed it on an external usb drive, so it boots super slow. Other than that, no issues. I’m going to leave it there for a year or so. Then install it on an internal drive (solid state).
Not saying others don’t have issues. Just that I don’t.
Yeah! I love to repeat the meme, but there’s a special grain of truth in it this year. There’s going to be folks fleeing Windows 11, and Mint - in particular - is now such a downright practical option.
I’m too technical myself to comment on how a Linux install goes for non-technical folks.
But it seems like many of us have quietly moved grandma to Linux in the last few years and she was happy and successful using it.
Any XKCD comic.
The letter e
Rebecca Black’s Friday.
That stupid pointing Drake meme.
The front fell off. That video , which once delighted me, is a good part of the reason I don’t miss reddit.
was daily user of reddit for 12 years, crazy i dodged that bullet
true, im OP, and OPs moms are quite popular
I know what this is. I have a folder of 256 copies on my phone, my text app allows me to send (or at least tries) all to those numbers that are like “hey, are you still picking me up from the airport” to try and start a conversation. They get hundreds of goatse pics in response. Fuck those scammers. They never reply after that, wonder why
The only objectively true answer