I can’t believe you’ve done this
I can’t believe you’ve done this
Edit: I apologize, I misread the question and the original post. You’re right this credit is coming out of thin air and makes no sense
If the people themselves pay for the manufacture directly rather than pay for the product then you can reduce the cost to the fundamental value of the product and ignore the price increase due to the demand
If a private company pays for the manufacture and the people pay for the product there will always be a cut the middleman has to take, and they will sell at the highest price someone is willing to pay. This is the cost that people can’t pay
Everyone can afford the construction costs of a home, but can’t afford the competitive price
Imagine developing fully in the womb, smallheaded nerds
Hmmm you’re right, maybe Carlos isn’t who he says he is…
CEOs stay home for safety, communicate through big computer screens… my god it all makes sense
Jet engine burner can
I still struggle to see how that sudden reaction can create so much pressure, a regular explosive is creating heavy byproducts and is expanding the gases already present in the explosive, but the sudden heating of a small uranium core and the air around it can create a bigger explosion than a bomb thousands of times heavier? Boggles my mind
tried that too, I get an invalid magic number error for protontricks, tried the fixes in here github.com/Matoking/protontricks/issues/304
I tried to install d3dcompiler_47 on another game in another drive and got the same error, I can’t seem to add dlls through protontricks
Wow how is it so fast
I guess that’s why it has to be enriched so much
It’s DCS and it seems to be issues with shaders specifically, I have not tried GE, I will give it a try
Get well soon
Can you recommend a good one? I have a game that wont run on proton and my only answer is to dual boot
Yeah why not let the UNHCR handle it? Why does there have to be a special, specific UN body handling Gaza rather than the usual refugee support body?
That’s pretty bad and undeniable. Does this account for all nuclear funding though?
Got any proof of big nuclear meddling
We are the simulation and everywhere we’ve evolved to using trains of some form, with a few very notable exceptions
GTA 5 is the most high quality game ever made I think, story graphics gameplay it’s truly number 1
Space station 13 is peak gameplay though, completely organic with amazing depth
On Authority by Engels, question answered almost 200 years ago