I simply want a new original thought never before considered by all of humanity delivered daily for free presented in a humorous, creative, colorful, childish, non controversial, edgy, mature, deep, layered, way every single day, without failure or error not even once without gratitude or credit.
Is that to much to ask?
That’s censorship.
Believe it or not, straight to jail.
We have the best comics on the Internet, because of jail.
That was pain full.
The pain joke was RIGHT THERE
You don’t have to be so sour, dough.
Next panel have the american white bread loaf show up. Have the german befriendly and ask him if he is Also some sort of baguette.
American bread: What the fuck did you just call me
I think the German and French are united in dunking on that kind of “bread”.
Hello, I will explain the joke. In American pronunciation baguette sounds vaguely similar to an offensive slur for homosexual men.
an offensive slur
how tf do you make these sound similar enough for a joke?
just loafin’ around
oh no, there goes poland again
You joke but I love meta shit like this,
Keep em coming!
Say it don’t spray it
Feels like an R-rated episode of Scrubs with German JD and Baguette Turk.
I think you’re the only person on the planet that would have come to that conclusion.
Besides, if anyone was going to be german, it would be blonde doctor.
Sweet little milkmaid or evil old hausfrau, though?
Would Dr. Cox be a sourdough then, or would that be Dr. Kelso?
C’mon man. Kelso is CLEARLY a muffin man!!!
I… I can’t believe I botched it so hard. This will haunt me deeply.
I will literally answer the phone with friends/family by saying “gluten log.” Only my vegetarian friends really vibe with it.
The baguette gets all the credit, but there s French bread type that’s called ‘batard’ -bastard.
That’s all.
Missed ‘pain full’ opportunity aside, the last two panels ruin it. If you’re going to do shitty puns, do them with pride.
Would be better if it was just the second cell. The rest is unnecessary and there’s no jokes
Now listen here you little yeast…!
That is absolutely how bread would swear.
I would be fine with the third one if it ended on another bread pun. Panel four is only a detriment to the comic.
At yeast you tried.
You knead to rise up from these painful puns.
For French bread, life is pain.
Another comment pointed out, fourth panel should have been American sandwich bread walking up
German bread: “Are you a baguette like that guy?”