Exactly, and we wouldn’t want people with different opinions, experiences or mindsets on this website would we.
Exactly, and we wouldn’t want people with different opinions, experiences or mindsets on this website would we.
iOS settings are like mirages I swear. Whoever designed the UI should be declared criminally insane
You can turn off (specifically) Message summaries in settings > Apps > messages > Summarize Messages
I’ve seen this dude’s videos before, it’s always the same. Whine about how hard privacy is in a monotone voice.
He’s not wrong, but goddamn is it monotonous content.
We discovered the bongo technique about two years ago, I genuinely can’t remember how we gave her attention before that, for now there is only bongos.
Your comment perfectly describes itself.
Movie is Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Yep, and it’s the only skin that will be free to get.
Looks like it’s achieved by editing some .conf files. It’s mentioned in the link provided.
Bitwarden pro right? ($10 for the year, totally worth it). My mobile app can create/use them already too.
Ah yes, the Curiosity rover was famous for its short travel distances and lifespan.
Just to add to your profound insight, water is probably wet.
I was originally just posting about the tv show Tripped, then the rest came back to me and remembered how great they were. Will have to rewatch them all again.
Have you seen Timecrimes? it’s a Spanish language film but absolutely fantastic, I highly recommend it.
Tv show: Tripped a great watch, low-ish budget but very well done. Starts off as kind of a stoner comedy but gets way deeper, while still being fun. Also it’s more of a dimension travel show rather than time travel.
Movie: Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel probably my favourite time travel movie, heaps of fun and the actors & story are great.
Movie: Primer a pretty smart movie, I think the directors (who also starred) were scientists so the story is quite grounded in how time travel would (likely) work out.
Movie: Time Lapse a gripping movie about a camera that can show the future, mostly filmed in one house. A good watch.
How is blender running on Linux for you? I’m keen to swap over & use blender all the time
The space per $ is unbeatable & they are surprisingly durable and long lasting. Snazzy Labs on YouTube has a good video on the subject if interested.
Different people need different amounts of sleep to function and be healthy, but you can’t “make up for the deficit”. If your body needs 8 hours per day and you sleep for 4 hours one night and 12 the next, your body doesn’t net it out. (Just using 8 hours as an example, it could be different)
A great description. Although regarding VPN’s and public wifi, I don’t know of any banking or similar sites that aren’t using https nowadays, so man in the middle attacks aren’t such a danger. Not to say you shouldn’t use a VPN anyway, you might as well always be connected to one.
You just perfectly described “load shedding”. If you want to live your dream the good news is you could head to somewhere like South Africa right now. If you wanted to sprinkle in some drone strikes there’s also lots of other countries you could get a holiday home in to experience them too.