Well Im sure there is an addon to do that
Spoof your user-agent in FF
This, discord saying no to Microsoft’s offer to buy them out few years back shows they know what they got.
Mull(from f-droid), you can install ublock for adblocking and you are good to go
What is better in Brave then Mull(firefox fork) or firefox ?
I switched from Bromite and Vandium to Mull and it is so much better with the addons you can install (ublock etc.)
No, (Polish and Spanish and more) watch the vid about it
Select menu on Android when you select text or link.
If you are a renter, there is a big probability you move a lot, and buying is simply not so convenient due to your current situation. But it is unfortunate that many people also can’t afford to buy a house or apartment and are only able to rent. What are you, as a landlord, supposed to do if you are living paycheck to paycheck with the mortgage you took for the apartment that you rent ?
Don’t forget to spoof your MAC address so they cant see who is making the fake accounts ;D
If you got the option buy ikea smart bulb, they work offline with a IR remote, or with zigbee, they have no bullshit software that you need to install to use them.
Have you heard about our god and savior newpipe ?
if they were that corrupt or simply on drugs.
Probably both
This is where it most likely originated from:
I feel this is a representation of 2 sides of one coin or rather that thees two have similar objective but go about trying to reach it in their own very different ways, one is violent and the other is peaceful all tough they might not necessarily agree with one or the other’s way of reaching the end goal, they agree on the goal with is saving earth and the environment.
Yes but where else is a big audience and you can get paid without your fans directly paying you ?
YouTube has unsustainable model and that is working right now, they will need to turn a profit. Same for twitter.