I wanted to be a holy fool but I’m an atheist so fool it is.
When I grow up I’m going to bovine university; majoring in tik tok.
Holy fool?
A new job just dropped.
Quite encouraging for the political future of the country that woke moralist and bureaucrat are above holy fool 😂
I really want to know what a woke moralist is and how this poll was presented to kids such that this was a common selection.
Probably just a right wing echochamber term for someone who doesn’t like bigotry and discrimination and has the nerve to say so 🤷
As for it being included in a survey, I have a sneaking suspicion that this meme is BASED ON a true story at most 😁
This is where it most likely originated from:
I would love to be a professional AirBnB squatter. That sounds awesome.
Paid to permanently travel internationally and stay in AirBnBs for free and harass shitty landlords all over the world. That’s the life.
Ha. The kids are alright.
I mean, let’s see.
- You work from home (or anywhere with internet)
- You are your own boss (esk)
- You can possibly make more money than any of the other jobs listed below.
- You job is to have fun making content.
- All you need is a smartphone (no diploma, no certification)
- Companies give you free shit to promote on your channel and pay you as well.
Honestly, I hate it but it fucking makes sense tho.
EDIT: Also seeing the rest of the list, all other jobs are doing something ilegal or corrupt, and that os worse than TikTok IMO.
What is a woke moralist, and how can he make money?
You mean I’ve been stealing the job of a woke moralist all this time? Let this random Lemmy comment serve as my immediate ignominious resignation. I’m no blackleg, god damnit.
Good thing I didn’t quit my day job as a bureaucrat.
I’ve been woke moralizing for free, like some kind of chump. No more I say, I’ll stop doing it for free right now! I demand fair pay and equa… Damn it.
Why not all of them? Hire as an uber driver, paint wojaks of your guests (while driving, shout: Jesus, take the wheel). Film everything for tiktok, and rob them out at destination. The rest is the stuff you talk about while driving.
Edit: don’t forget to steal the keys for your new airbnb squad.
Johnny Cash turned out to be a Highwayman, he was doing alright. Way to go kids
I thought that was Willie Nelson? Cash became a starship captain
This is not a conversation I expected to see on Lemmy
Idk, perhaps he’s become a highwayman again
But what is their job?
…and dealing with Eddie Munster
These tables are how I keep my house hot!
You don’t know how to treat the customer! You don’t know how to treat the crypt keeper!
Kids dont know anything… lol
A train robber in 2023? Lol