Blue ringed octopus. Tiny but deadly.
Set up automatic bank transfers to chop your income into % parts: 5% play money, 20% savings, bills etc. do what works for you. Get rid of unnecessary subscriptions.
Welcome to the new era of enshittification where you’ll eventually have to subscribe to access or make posts, and none of it will be searchable on any search engines.
When people find themselves in stress, they will always vote conservative to ensure their own survival. Right now, many young people can’t afford housing, they have to spend more time working than living. This is not surprising.
Happy birthday. I turned 40 this week too. Yay us.
I want complete control of my technology after I buy it. I don’t want my phone to assume things that I like based on my input. If something goes wrong, I want it to be my fault because I enabled the wrong setting. I also want physical buttons. I miss those so much.
And here, everyone, is exhibit A as to why critical thinking is going down the drain globally.
Probably doesn’t like WFH because people can clock off when their task is done and he can’t ask them to work unpaid overtime.
So, how do we engineer a situation in which the richest suffer most? End of capitalism?
There are also those who make bad decisions and are lazy but have a lot of money and power regardless. Being lazy/making terrible decisions does not equal poor; same as being hard working/making good decisions.
The system at this stage is just geared towards making the poor poorer and the rich richer. E.g. making people pay lots of money to stay healthy rather than give people equal opportunity, making good education only accessible to the rich by making it prohibitively expensive, the wage divide between an employee and a CEO, family trusts and associated taxes etc.
In my captial city, the lead city designer’s wife owns an industrial design company. All of the bollards, lights, bins, seats… everything is given to the wife’s company for manufacturing because the lead city designer only ever puts orders in to that company.
Everyone in the industry knows but doesn’t want to do anything because he’s a nice guy.
This is me.
I love watching the crested pigeons and turtle doves, and trying to understand their culture.
If you’re forced to use a car to get to and from work in the inner city, you can blame your government and lobbyists. If you’re rural, it makes sense to use private transport, though I highly doubt it’ll be a Tesla.
Private health insurance.
EVs are the biggest load of green wash ever and on par with ‘clean coal’. They still use roads and carparks which are environmental waste lands, they also need power to run and their manufacturing and distribution process is definitely not environmentally friendly.
Not to mention that their CEO actively campaigned against public transport in a bid to sell more cars…
Would you believe an idiot though?