The Trump II cabinet so far: Tulsi Gabbard, RFK, Jr. and Elon Musk.
Can we shatter this bullshit about tech bros who struck it lucky with some early dotcom investment being geniuses?
I’m fucking tired of hearing about how these barely functional assholes who chanced into luck once are geniuses or in any way genuinely earned their wealth. They’re all fuck heads that spend most of their time trying to justify why they’re entitled to their lavish lifestyles…
In fact, can we just stop using the term genius? Some people are pretty good at some shit, but the elitism associated with that term is fucking toxic.
You support me = genius. You don’t support me = asshole, woke, liberal, loser, commie, ect. Ass kissers at their best.
Only a Batchelor degree and college drop out. Genius seems to be a broad term nowadays.
I would even say he had a good run of picking good ideas and making them work. But I think he’s too rich and crazy and out of touch now, he has lost his drive.
If Trump wins, Musk will effectively have purchased a seat in the federal government. How democratic.
Just like trump’s last cabinet where he appointed people who donated large amounts of money to him.
Pretty sure every president does that. Aren’t ambassador jobs to allied foreign governments essentially gifts to friends or donors? Of course were talking about cabinet positions but it seems to me cabinets positions usually go to who kissed the most ass instead of who’s most qualified. When’s the last time secretary of education went to some who has actually taught a class?
Having OTHER Billionaires in your Cabinet is EXACTLY how you Drain The Swamp and DEFEAT the Deep State!
Rich idiots failing upward, unite!
Another sure sign you’re not intelligent or educated: You think Musk is a genius.
Trump thinks Elon is a genuis… that speaks volumes of Trump’s own intelligence
He’s shaping up to form a truly unique cabinet…
- RFK Jr - Secretary of Brain Worms
- Tulsi Gabbard - Secretary of Bullshit
- Elon Musk - Secretary of Arrogance and Hubris
- Kari Lake - Secretary of Bootlicking
- Mike Lindell - Secretary of Shouting
- Roger Stone - Secretary of Crime
- Stephen Miller - Secretary of Child Snatching
- Donald Trump Jr - Secretary of Self-Loathing
- Eric Trump - Sturgeon General
Kristi Noem - Wildlife/DomesticAnimal Management
Head of Henry Kissinger in a jar - Secretary of Offense
No black people? Not even Kanye?
Maybe one of them will become black like Kamala.
Elon is from South Africa, I rest my case.
Exactly, Trump probably thinks… “They keep telling I need more African Americans in my employ… I know! Elon is African American!”
Oh please he doesn’t cherish geniuses. He reprimands them and has his aides fire them after they tell him that what he wants to do is fucking idiotic and against the law and then does it anyways.
He is completely against geniuses. And elon is no genius. He’s just a rich dumbass that got lucky on a few investments.
You get a cabinet position for $135 million.
So why musk then?
We can’t be cherishing our geniuses if we waste them on things like a Trump cabinet, so he’s going with Elon instead.
$135 million.
cabinet positions for sale
If musk is a genius then I have a 10 inch dick
See I can make stuff up too
I do not think musk is stupid but he is an idiot. At least behaves like one.
Whilst I do not think he has a low IQ, he certainly misses crucial points in many areas.
It’s really easy when you inherit wealth… hard part is inheriting wealth for most people though
Elon actually says he hasn’t inherited money from parents and had quite terrible relationships with them.
You think he paid for his education himself? I sure believe him when he says that he thinks that, doesn’t make it true though
yeah but cost of the studies is a fraction of what he made
Would you believe an idiot though?
I do not think musk is stupid but he is an idiot.
This is truly one of the observations of all time.
People forget emotional intelligence is also just as much if not more important than logical intelligence when attempting to change the world for the better. And both Trump and Musk rank among the lowest of low there.
It, honestly, is not. If you want to decide what is fair, what is true, what is good, you dont fucking believe the universe god flows through your emotions. Instead, you think logically, and try to analize and understand what in the human world are the concepts of liberty, good life. And also, analizing whether your emotions are dumbly guiding you in stupid directions.
You cannot solve any societal problems with emotional feeling of what is good. That is what republicans do. Empirical bullshit loosely based on their inherent emotional desires of racism, chauvinism and the rest of the assorted bag of megalomaniac insanity pills.
You seem to have misunderstood what I was saying, perhaps you are unfamiliar with the term: Because what you are describing is exactly what I was saying. High emotional intelligence is not relying blindly on your emotions like republicans do, that’s what low emotional intelligence looks like.
Relying on logic and rationalism is just intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is understanding and to some degree using peoples emotions, if you want to be very correct. You dont use emotions to define social policy, and hopefully, any social policy will be devoid of emotions, because that can only lead towards confusion, biasedness and group mentality.
If you want to define EI as ability to step away from one’s own emotions. Sure. We can agree with that. Personally I would just call that intelligence.
Every piece of legislature ever needs to deal with the emotions of it’s subjects. An unemphatic, but cold hard rational law, will be nothing less of tyrannical most of the time. Laws are for humans to follow, and humans have emotions that need to be understood for a law to be successful and supported to last into the future. A law that isn’t supported by it’s subjects eventually leads to revolution (big and small).
How logic and rational a person can be is highly dependent on their emotional intelligence. You might be able to suppress your emotions when there is no stress at all, but if you cave during a stressful situation and start lashing out, that does impact your overall intelligence. Intelligence is just the collection of behaviors and training that make you effective at doing what you want to do, and being rational and logical is definitely good, but not the end of it all.
Very telling that the Trump thinks Elon is anything approaching intelligent