If you’re on All, I guess I hope you like furry porn.
This made me lol. No hate on the furry’s, but god damn I’ve never seen a community produce so much porn.
If you’re on All, I guess I hope you like furry porn.
This made me lol. No hate on the furry’s, but god damn I’ve never seen a community produce so much porn.
Careful Tenno, the warframe rabbit hole is a deep one. You may not see the light of day for a while.
1: there is, but at this point its pretty niche and scattered. Lots of its hush-hush due to like you said potential security/insurance concerns. Mostly used for cracking and getting system/diagnostics readouts and error codes, Fob cloning, etc. without forking out cash to do so through the so called “proper channels”.
2: not that I’ve seen, and from they software they do use it seems mainly in house additions.
Though im not super into the scene, and i see it growing rapidly over the next few years seeing manufacturers keep doing some scummy shit to lock down their products.
Edit: fat fingered post before i finished typing it out oops.
Twice a day normally. 1 morning, 1 after work if im dirty, sweaty or stinky.
Made a killing selling origami ninja stars in elementary school for a buck each.
I enjoy super mario world. Games primo mario action. Super mario RPG is great as well.
OOT and SM64 are great play throughs, and if you’re interested in learning some speed run tech it can expand the fun.
PS2, you gotta play some GTA vice city and San Andreas. Shadow of the colossus is great.
If they study the UFO, does that just make it a FO?
Ah fair enough, for some reason i read a different mod submitters name. Ty for the clarification!
Just use one of the 6 other DLSS bridge mods kekw.
Puredarks mods been working since day 1 for me. No issues, even with reshade.
Damn all these comments discrediting the 2, just like all the NA migrants discredit Native Americans rights.
Talk about doubling down on bigotry towards a race of people. Sheeesh, some of y’all are hypocritical.
“And my axe!”
Yea its doable. Really depends on the games anti-cheat. You’d want to check each game.
Battle Eye based anti cheat games like R6S and Tarkov gave me issues last time i tried a similar setup. That was a few years back however, and with valves proton push, much of the compatibility has improved since then.
Yep i can. 30 Male Canada. Grew up in the praries just outside a small town. All we had for fun growing up besides games was old cars and dirtbikes. Currently drive a automatic however.
I hope you still stub your toe into the foam hard enough that it hurts, and make your eyes water up.
You OP. Hope you stub your toe really hard getting out of bed in the morning.
Yep exactly what i stated, you can create local accounts. It’s dumb you have to do the work around, i agree with that.
I agree its a load of garbage. But that wasn’t the point of my statement vs. the directly quoted protion of the article i was referencing and reaponding to. The article list those issues as defaco issues, which they are solveable as i stated and was pointing out. Which occur in other OSs. Not to the extent of the garbage of windows 11.
Nothing i stated is untrue. You took the meaning and spun the context of my statement and spun it into me defending microsoft and windows11. Which i never did once.
Yep i agree. That is why i prefer using Linux distros as my general use OSs.
Was just mainly pointing out the articles fallacies in their reasoning from the section i specifically quoted.
Theres a few:
yeah, don’t buy PC parts and wow gold with those bitcoins you will mine in 2011…
watch out for the fallen tree at the bottom of the hill on the bike path, your breaks don’t work very well.
some older kid will decide to bully you, but dont let it bother you so much. Loser ends up unaliving himself via drunk driving into a wall later on.
oh also don’t take your ps1 and gamecube collection to EB games for trade in, you only get 3 xbox 360 games out of the deal and will regret it.