LGBTQ2 - the long-awaited sequel.
Best thing since they announced pussy 2
There was a petition to offer refugee status to LGBT Americans put before the House of Commons recently, I just got an email update about it because I signed it, and apparently they accept some refugees on this basis, but it doesn’t look like many. I say open the borders and bring me your gays, America. We’ll be nicer to them than you are.
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Come stay with me. You just gotta walk my dog if I’m late from work.
Be careful with offers like that. There are several million more Americans looking to flee than you can house.
I wish I was joking
No I know. I’d honestly help people though.
My fiance and I have been looking into moving to Canada. He’s a librarian in a small town and things are not looking so great.
It’s really expensive unfortunately, but it’s a hell of a lot safer by and large.
We’re planning on lilypadding our way up through New England while we go through the citizenship process. These next few years are gonna suck major ass.
TERF Island is welcoming the whole LGBT?
Why the 2?
LGBTQ 2 has better graphics, split-screen multiplayer, a customizable interface, and hot-swappable controls. It also supports macros.
But now you have to pay for DLC maps.
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It stands for “two spirit,” which is an Indigenous term for a gender identity similar to being transgender. Canada has been making a more concerted effort to acknowledge and respect Indigenous views and traditions, so it’s added to the LGBT+ acronym in Canada
I have no idea what any of this means lol. How’s it different from the T? If they “added” it on, then where did the + go? I’m old and confused and people are just people regardless so I have no idea what is the correct term for anyone anymore, y’all are just humans to me.
There are a lot of differing opinions on what should be used, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA, etc, etc. I appreciate what inclusive acronyms try to do, but it does get very burdensome for non-queer people. I typically just use “queer”, personally, though you obviously have to be a little careful with that one depending on context and perhaps it isn’t always entirely encompassing. E.g. are intersex people “queer”? They just have abnormal sex chromosomes.
-A queer
+1 for the simpler queer term.
There’s also GRSM (Gender Relational and Sexual Minorities) which I find much more meaningful than LGBTQIA2S+. First it isn’t a mash-up of a load of loosely related terms and, secondly, it also includes D/s relationships or ENM (Ethical Non Monogamy) for example. Sadly it doesn’t seem to be getting much traction anywhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dang, I hadn’t heard of that, but I like it! It’s a shame it isn’t very “catchy” I suppose lol.
Well imo, to make it easier for people… since the acronym started as LGBT, why not make it LGBT+. It is short and sweet, and less letters to remember.
Personally I’ve always liked GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities). Unfortunately that probably won’t catch on anytime soon.
GSRM sounds like a knock off of Grand Theft Auto. Where you cause chaos and crime in some Romanian cities.
I’m pretty sure GSRM wrote A Song of Ice and Fire.
I really only know a sports blogger by that name. Wait did he also write some fiction?
The 2, in this case, is about respecting Indigenous Canadians. I think it’s warranted.
Trans generally means a man born in a woman’s body or a woman born in a man’s body. People who are trans prefer to be treated as the gender they are inside, whether or not they appear to be that gender externally, just like traditional men would take offense to being referred to as she or her. It’s fine to see people as just people but you should acknowledge that you wouldn’t want to be referred to as the wrong gender and neither do trans people.
Two-spirit appears to be more of an umbrella term for native American third genders, with no single general meaning. The third gender part appears to be important, meaning they are neither male nor female on the inside, regardless of what gender they may appear to be. Take this with a grain of salt since this is the first time I’ve heard the term and just looked it up. There appears to be some contention around the meaning, so I’m probably wrong.
I always thought it was for 2A, for asexual and ally.
Having allies be a part of the acronym is a whole other debate though.
What if you don’t believe in spirits or souls?
You get kicked out of the rainbow and have to make your own rainbow.
When did the rainbow go from “it’s OK that some people want to have sex with their own gender” to “you must believe in abstract religious concepts”
Version 2 maybe?
2nd edition. Same dice.
Advanced LGBTQ & Bad Dragons.
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What does two spirit mean?
The “2” is for two-spirited which is a traditional Native American concept and that is neat.
What’s wild about “two-spirit” is that it’s not a really definite concept (that is, it is a neologism from 1990 that does not have a universal understanding among tribal traditions) but what it does accomplish is replacing the perjorative European anthropological term
berdache, from Arabic burdaj “slave” meaning basically a young male submissive gay partner
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Ah yes, the sequel LGBTQ2: Electric Boogaloo
When Republicans call us stupid, this is the reason… Seriously, they are adding numbers now…
I’m done adding to it. Instead, I’m waiting for when sexually rigid and prude people are the minority instead, so that eventually “LGBTQ2…” becomes “regular people” and the prudes are the ones singled out as different.
We don’t want none of those *spits* cishets round these parts, now do we? You best turn right back round from where ya came, straight boy.
Damn. New version already?
OK, I can’t keep up, what’s the 2 mean? LOL
It means two-spirited and it’s part of an Indigenous concept of gender and worldview.
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You get to be in the acronym. But you’re on your own for affordable food.
this is so stupid lol
It’s a Native American term that has been in use for thousands of years longer than whatever newbie civilization your ancestors came from.
LGBTQ2: Electric Bugaloo
LGBTQ what now?
Two-Spirited. Apparently it’s a Native American term used to indicate a third gender.
I hope the new v2 update doesn’t come with a battlepass.
Where can I find the patch notes?
honest question, what’s this “two-spirit” term? I can’t find a straight forward explanation on the web
Two Spirit is a non binary identity with a specific cultural context within the history of indigenous peoples. In Canada, due to the increased focus on dealing with the reconciliation of Indigenous peoples the current Acronym is 2SLGBTQIA as it sort of symbolicly puts precedent on amplifying indigenous voices in the movement.
So nice to see public safety taken seriously. I don’t fit into the letters but also know full well that if a state is that intolerant then I won’t fare well either so I avoid said state. With the atmosphere some states are building , anyone can be caught up in their net of Others to be othered. Hell they can just make shit up as they are doing already, logic and reasoning are not a part of this whole scheme.
I can’t say I blame them.
IA was a thing for a second, there seems to be more strands of this than Covid…
goddamnit I remember joking that one day there’d be the entire alphabet stuck on the end of that acronym – remember when it was just LGB? – and now they’re adding fucken’ numbers
They’re “adding fucken’ numbers” because the 2 counts for 2-spirited, an indigenous Canadian and American concept that they are respecting. And you should fucken’ respect it too considering what has been done to those indigenous people in the last 500 years.