There are a lot of differing opinions on what should be used, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA, etc, etc. I appreciate what inclusive acronyms try to do, but it does get very burdensome for non-queer people. I typically just use “queer”, personally, though you obviously have to be a little careful with that one depending on context and perhaps it isn’t always entirely encompassing. E.g. are intersex people “queer”? They just have abnormal sex chromosomes.
There’s also GRSM (Gender Relational and Sexual Minorities) which I find much more meaningful than LGBTQIA2S+. First it isn’t a mash-up of a load of loosely related terms and, secondly, it also includes D/s relationships or ENM (Ethical Non Monogamy) for example. Sadly it doesn’t seem to be getting much traction anywhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There are a lot of differing opinions on what should be used, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA, etc, etc. I appreciate what inclusive acronyms try to do, but it does get very burdensome for non-queer people. I typically just use “queer”, personally, though you obviously have to be a little careful with that one depending on context and perhaps it isn’t always entirely encompassing. E.g. are intersex people “queer”? They just have abnormal sex chromosomes.
-A queer
+1 for the simpler queer term.
There’s also GRSM (Gender Relational and Sexual Minorities) which I find much more meaningful than LGBTQIA2S+. First it isn’t a mash-up of a load of loosely related terms and, secondly, it also includes D/s relationships or ENM (Ethical Non Monogamy) for example. Sadly it doesn’t seem to be getting much traction anywhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dang, I hadn’t heard of that, but I like it! It’s a shame it isn’t very “catchy” I suppose lol.
Personally I’ve always liked GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities). Unfortunately that probably won’t catch on anytime soon.
GSRM sounds like a knock off of Grand Theft Auto. Where you cause chaos and crime in some Romanian cities.
I’m pretty sure GSRM wrote A Song of Ice and Fire.
I really only know a sports blogger by that name. Wait did he also write some fiction?
The 2, in this case, is about respecting Indigenous Canadians. I think it’s warranted.
Well imo, to make it easier for people… since the acronym started as LGBT, why not make it LGBT+. It is short and sweet, and less letters to remember.